Thread: naruto cosplay
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Old 05-11-2011, 07:45 AM   #1
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Default naruto cosplay

This episode brings some light on cosplay accessories Ohana’s uncle as he brings in an outside consultant to inspire some innobetion in marketing and advertising on the inn (I should have a review of Moshidora up soon). This consists of making the waiting staff dress up in revealing outfits. When their china dresses do not go over well with the young family members visiting the inn, Ohana tries to convince her grandmother that the cause is simply because the slits weren’t long enough. Fortunately, the manager understands what the customers want better than Ohana.cosplay costumes
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The development of Ohana’s uncle was good— I was questioning what he did on the inn, and kind of felt bad for him for staying there at his age. a lowest of he nevertheless has dreams for improvement. His friend from college was annoying, but fortunately she did not stick around for long. We also see that the grandmother experienced comparable ideas for improvements when she was young. I’m guessing they will not genuinely get into the romantic relationship between the grandmother and Ohana’s mother until the next half, but when they do we should be in for a treat.naruto cosplay
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We have switched though from the excellent drama in the original few episodes into cute girls acting cute / fanservice mode. Not to say the creators aren’t doing well at having cute girls acting cute: the show is doing a great job at this. But I personally favor the drama. I’m guessing they’ll probably get back to it eventually.cosplay accessories
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