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Old 05-05-2011, 01:26 PM   #1
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Default Office Home And Student 2010 Battery News Windows

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WindowsVista one of the shortcomings could be the problems of keeping the notebook’s battery consumption. Windows7 Although improved through the repair process efficiency, but for the battery does not seem to pay attention to it. Recently, a growing number of reported serious Windows7 battery life shortened. Microsoft officials have said the current investigation from the problem.
Here are some in the material Windows7 battery problem: January 12 Windows7 with the battery case against Microsoft, issued a statement, and the investigation. Prior to this, Windows7RTM released in October, the problem of declining battery life has emerged.
In this year’s Jan. 1 began to have friends in response to this problem TechNet forum,Office Home And Student 2010, in which a user (Domain Name dabruton) said he bought himself a 2007 HP laptop from WindowsVista upgraded to Windows7, but the battery life time is into a mere two hours from half an hour, while Microsoft is repeatedly promote the new system can greatly extend the battery life time. The user said the energy report powercfg Windows7 fully charged capacity falls below 40% with the normal full capacity.
It is reported that the root from the problem Windows7 added a new battery testing tool that can determine whether the battery needs to be replaced and inform the user, but in some cases, although the battery business as usual, the system will determine the error, that the battery has run down, and suggested immediate replacement from the user, and sometimes directly shut down the system. No choice but to reflect a user, said he saw prompted indeed replace the old battery, but the new battery, or continue to receive the same warning.
 Some say this issue as early as Windows7Beta testing phase to exist, but some say that RTM only appeared in the official version. One particular user posted said: “Before installing the RTM version of Windows7 my battery life has been normal, in my installation of Beta and RC version of all where can persist for nearly three hours. Now, only about twenty minutes after a Windows7 put my notebook to shut. This was when I turned from the RC occur when RTM. Needless to say,Windows 7 64 Bit, I and everyone else is unhappy. ”
 Microsoft said in a statement that the problem has been known and noted and Windows7 read the way the system firmware in many different models of notebook manufacturers are present. Microsoft said: “We are working with hardware partners to investigate this issue. Windows7 with firmware information to determine whether the battery needs to be replaced. We are working with partners to find the root of the problem,Office 2010 Professional, then obtain the necessary information and guidance will be in (TechNet) Forum update. ”
 Microsoft also claimed that sometimes the new tool is working correctly,Office Home And Student 2010 Key, in other words if it prompts you to replace the battery,Buy Office 2007, your battery may really have to hang up, but obviously the probability of false positives is too high. Surrounding this issue we can only hold the attitude, what will cause hardware damage will lead the software, is still not clear.
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