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Old 05-04-2011, 10:17 PM   #1
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Default air jordan prom heels The 7 Golden Keys to Affilia

Today, I am going to share with you the golden keys to success in this affiliate marketing business. These keys are also applicable not only to affiliate marketing but also to any type of marketing be it online or offline.
1. Get Focused
To achieve any meaningful success, the power of focus can not be underestimated.
When I was in the junior classes, I got amazed why a piece of paper placed under a lens in intense sunlight gets burnt in the process.
In higher classes of physics, I learned all rays converge at the principal focus. I could visualize the reason now. Since all sun's energy are concentrated at the principal focus, the magnitude is intense enough to burn the piece of paper.
This is also applicable in normal life situations. Have you ever seen a specialist in a particular field that is unsuccessful? I bet you, they must be few if they exist.
My point in essence is that if you concentrate all your efforts, energies and focus towards achieving a particular goal, you will definitely succeed. It does not matter if it is affiliate marketing or shoe marketing. Pick a product or 2 and focus on them until your are profitable. You can then duplicate the process.
2. Plan
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. A good plan acts as a road map to guide towards achieving the success you desire. Life gives you not what you DESIRE but what you DECIDE.
3. Set Achievable targets
4. Longevity
this is a key point that differentiates a smart affiliate and an ordinary affiliate. Smart affiliates understand the principles of building a business and not just jumping on opportunities.
To be honest with you air jordan prom heels, there are some many get rich quick schemes all around the internet community. Let me put is straight to you. Most of these ideas DO NOT WORK even those written by supposedly reputable marketers. You need to see your affiliate marketing as a business. This is because the profit is in the long run. If you stay long, you earn more.
Another importance of longevity is that you will be recognized in your niche and given an expert status. This will boost sales and increase conversion. If I offer a N500 product that will guarantee you making $200/day and Gbeminyi Oluwabusola offers the same product for N1000, whom will you patronize?
5. List Building
it a common saying that the money is in the list but I will prefer to say that te money is a RESPONSIVE list. You will agree with me that a list of 100 subscribers with 70% conversion is better than a list of 1000 subscribers that are non-responsive.
6. Follow up and follow through
The National Sales Executive Association conducted a survey that showed that the number of sales a person made depended upon how many times the prospect was contacted.
The statistic shows that most sales are made between the 5th and the
12th contact.
Here's the data the NSEA Cheat sheet
2% of sales are made on the 1st contact
3% of sales are made on the 2nd contact
5% of sales are made on the 3rd contact
10% of sales are made on the 4th contact
80% of sales are made on the 5th - 12th contact
If you're simply driving traffic to your site and you have no follow-up
mechanism, you're losing 98% of your sales. This the main reason why a lot of affiliates don't make money.
7. The profit is in the back end
The technique I like best is choosing a low priced lead product with a good payout. The lead product is the first product you will be introducing to your potential customers. This is to lure them into your sales funnel, build up a relation ship and offer back end products. It is easier to make a sale to a customer than to a new person.
The interesting thing about this technique is that you can rinse and repeat. That is, you can duplicate the process. This is why you need to see affiliate marketing as a business and not as a money making venture because the profit is in the back end.
Once you have created a Marketable Image, and you have written Quality Songs, your next step is to begin building a Fan Base.Fan Base Building a Fan Base can be a daunting task, but it is an absolute necessity if you hope for any record label to take you seriously. One piece of advice I will give you is to seek out any help you can find in completing this requirement, because building a Fan Base will likely take some assistance.One key person to enlist is a Manager. Managers often have many connections in the industry including club owners, promoters air jordan dress shoes, other artists, and even record label executives. Of course, you will have to do a lot of marketing on your own, but the help of a qualified Manager can be the difference between your success and failure.
In the early stages of your career you may not be able to find a qualified manager to take you on as their client. If this is the case air jordan dress shoes, don't be afraid to allow a close friend or family member, who is HIGHLY motivated, assist you for the time being. If someone close to you sees your potential and is willing to help you get started, they can be even more helpful than a Manager who puts you on the back burner for his more established clients.At this point you should be marketing yourself through every avenue possible. This means getting your music in the hands... and ears... of as many people as possible. Artists have taken many different approaches to this over the years as technology continues to evolve.
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