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Old 05-04-2011, 12:46 PM   #1
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Default Buy Oakley Sunglasses Walking the "Brilliance

5. Stop listening to and reading about doom and gloom - yesterday I was at a talk and even though I pretty much have stopped listening to the media, who are in the main selling misery to the masses, the speaker reminded all the business people present that it wasn't helping any of us in our business to listen to the merchants of doom and gloom, in fact it's possibly making it worse! And of course they are getting paid for bombarding us with such soul destroying negativity! They are painting a picture far worse than it really is and even if it's as bad as they say its still best to focus and celebrate and be grateful for all the great things in our lives and in this world of ours. Make a choice today in your life to stop "buying into" the misery and buy into what makes you feel good!Remember the greatest failures are often steps to the greatest successes. And the fact that you are alive and have a life means you're already a success. And that's the place to begin again!
oYou may inherit the image of your specific skill area. Thus, a computer expert may be limiting (in sense of promotion), rather than flattering, categorization, or a packaging expert may be a foreign type to top management, or a research analyst may be thought to be exclusively a figure man, etc. To avoid the image of your skill group, you must rely on personality and outside interests. Try to read the personality of the management group you want to join, and don't permit yourself to engage in intellectual games with these individuals - even if you hold the intellectual cards. Instead, seek a common denominator.
The most basic principle of positive thinking is - "whatever we think about expands", so if we're constantly thinking about "doom and gloom" we will get more of it. Having everyone be aware of "doom and gloom" has not made it go away. What will make it go away is a change in focus and taking positive action accordingly. And that change in focus begins with each of us as individuals. Even if you do have to listen to the merchants of doom and gloom at least keep it to a minimum!Here's a wonderful quote on courage by Mary Anne Radmacher, to finish this article (please use it and share with those who simply need some inspiration during the current challenges we face):"Courage does not always roar, Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow"
oYou may complicate things for management if they have to find a replacement for you. Thus, you may get salary increases but not promotion. The answer is to train the people under you to run their own show - and let management see that you are a coordinator, and an administrator of your people - not the egg-head expert (even though you may well be proud of this role).
Rule #2. Vigorous decision making is to be avoided upon reaching the top levels. This subtlety is devilishly tough to learn for many successful middle-management individuals who work up to the fringes of the top circle. The very ability to clear the desk rapidly (which is so esteemed in the specialty skills areas) often becomes something to be tempered to be in empathy with the top group.
However, the very fact of brilliance in specialty areas usually dictates that these specialists are narrow in their exposure to broad management thinking. In fact, to stay abreast of developments in their respective departments, they must concentrate more and more of their time on the vast flow of information in their specialty areas. Thus, in hours available to them, they are physically restricted in their time allocations - largely devoting themselves to brilliance in a narrow segment of company need - and working with precise and tangible information.
It is fair to say that most of these managments are often not truly able to understand the details of the technical areas in which many of their brilliant managers function. This lack of understanding of technical skills very often means the top executive cannot identify personally with these brilliant specialists, a dangerous situation inasmuch as the chief executives logically want to perpetuate their policies or philosophies in people like themselves.
Suggestion: In working directly with members of the top management group, study their tempo of decision making. Your decisions may in fact be reached as rapidly - but they should be presented in an aura or judgment and elapsed time that matches the established tempo of top management decisions in your company. The individuals whose shoes you are hoping to fill, or the directors to whom you are the new president will not understand any other posture.
Rule #1. Technical brilliance in a narrow skill area of middle management is often self-defeating in the matter of selection for the top spots. If you have become indispensable to management in a narrow skill area, you may lose in three ways:
Here, then, are two rules for avoiding the brilliance vs. balance pitfall in top executive selection.
Keep your ear to the ground and your eyes wide open for results you'll like.
oYou may be so busy in your specific skill development that you are not in touch with other areas in your company, and hence don't know what's going on - or why. To avoid this problem, mix socially (at lunch or after hours or during hours) with other departments - and learn their problems and interests. Let them think of you as an individual, as distinct from the specialist who heads up competitive intelligence.
In this age of scientific management, there is a significant increase in concern for the credentials of middle-management executives. Many successful companies, when hiring middle-management people Buy Oakley Sunglasses, desire a Masters degree for the man hired for general administrative roles, and often a Ph.D. for specialty areas such as economic analysis, management development, long-range planning, or science-related functions (even though relatively routine and removed from research and development.
Simultaneously, the top managements of most companies are usually engaged in broad areas of decision making, using approximate information on outside events that influence their decisions - and relying heavily on intangible judgment and intuition.
All of this reflects the growing tendency for middle-management levels to specialize in fragmented activities which themselves are becoming progressively more complex. Examples include technical production areas, technical communications areas, technical data processing areas, technical legal and financial areas, technical research and development areas ######## Oakley Golden Retriever Puppies Adoption - Yo, technical purchasing and distribution methods.
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