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Old 04-30-2011, 12:15 PM   #1
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Default tods mens shoestods outlettods outlethequestio

The arrival of the gifted subject of these remarks put an abrupttermination to Mr Crummles’s eulogium. Almost immediately afterwards, Master Percy Crummles entered with a letter,tods outlet, whichhad arrived by the General Post, and was directed to his graciousmother; at sight of the superscription whereof, Mrs Crummle######claimed, ‘From Henrietta Petowker,tods mens shoes, I do declare!’ and instantlybecame absorbed in the contents.
  ‘Is it—?’ inquired Mr Crummles, hesitating.
  ‘Oh, yes, it’s all right,’ replied Mrs Crummles,tods shoes, anticipating thequestion. ‘What an excellent thing for her, to be sure!’
  ‘It’s the best thing altogether, that I ever heard of, I think,’ saidMr Crummles; and then Mr Crummles, Mrs Crummles, andMaster Percy Crummles, all fell to laughing violently. Nicholas leftthem to enjoy their mirth together, and walked to his lodgings;wondering very much what mystery connected with MissPetowker could provoke such merriment, and pondering stillmore on the extreme surprise with which that lady would regardhis sudden enlistment in a profession of which she was such adistinguished and brilliant ornament.
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