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Old 04-30-2011, 12:47 AM   #1
Second Lieutenant
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 408
2vt8c2p4 is on a distinguished road
Default   自闭症也称孤单症

  今天是4月2日,Casque beats,有良多纪念日都“凑集”在这一天,比方说丹麦童话大王安徒生的生日同时也是国际儿童图书日,casque beats
  自闭症也称孤单症,是一种重大的精力发育阻碍,dre beats,其概念由美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学专家莱奥·坎纳于1943年首次提出。
  自闭症的症状个别在3岁以前就会表示出来,重要特点是疏忽感情、谢绝交换、语言发育迟滞、行动反复刻板 以及运动跟兴致范畴的明显局限性等。
  被诊断为自闭症患儿的数目,将超过被诊断患有糖尿病、癌症和艾滋病儿童的总和。目前,寰球已有6700 万名自闭症患者,其中男孩患自闭症的比例是女孩的四倍。
  直到今天,至今,自闭症的病因在医学界尚无定论,目前主要有神经体系伤害、脑的特定部位功效低下、遗传 、病毒沾染和免疫缺点等10余种观点和假说。古代医学手腕还不能从基本上治愈自闭症,但特别教导练习是改良 自闭症儿童发育障碍的有效道路已成为共鸣。此外,专家还以为,tods,两岁至6岁是医治自闭症的最佳机会,早期诊断和治疗能够在语言和智商等方面获得显著功效。
  结合国之所以设破这一国际日,目标是为了提高各国对自闭症的关注,呐喊人们对自闭症患者给予支撑和关心 。
  正如联合国秘书长在世界提高自闭症意识日的致辞中特殊提出,要尊敬自闭症患者等残疾人的权利。他请求国 际社会,一方面要鼎力发展对自闭症的研讨,Polo Ralph Lauren,另一方面要打消对自闭症患者等残疾人的轻视和成见,独特发明一个公平、仁爱的社会,给予所有人真正的尊严 和权力,beats by dre
  多一份尊重和关怀少一份歧视与不公,协调共处,共创美妙! 上一篇:漫说“拍马屁”     下一篇:诗歌——我的精神家园



early in the 20th century

The driver clambered into his seat, clicked his tongue, and we went downhill. The brake squeaked horribly from time to time. At the foot he eased off the noisy mechanism and said, turning half round on his box--
"We shall see some more of them by-and-by."
"More idiots? How many of them are there, then?" I asked.
"There's four of them--children of a farmer near Ploumar here. . . . The parents are dead now," he added, after a while. "The grandmother lives on the farm. In the daytime they knock about on this road, and they come home at dusk along with the cattle. . . . It's a good farm."
We saw the other two: a boy and a girl, as the driver said. They were dressed exactly alike, in shapeless garments with petticoat-like skirts. The imperfect thing that lived within them moved those beings to howl at us from the top of the bank, where they sprawled amongst the tough stalks of furze. Their cropped black heads stuck out from the bright yellow wall of countless small blossoms. The faces were purple with the strain of yelling; the voices sounded blank and cracked like a mechanical imitation of old people's voices; and suddenly ceased when we turned into a lane.
I saw them many times in my wandering about the country. They lived on that road, drifting along its length here and there, according to the inexplicable impulses of their monstrous darkness. They were an offence to the sunshine, a reproach to empty heaven, a blight on the concentrated and purposeful vigour of the wild landscape. In time the story of their parents shaped itself before me out of the listless answers to my questions, out of the indifferent words heard in wayside inns or on the very road those idiots haunted. Some of it was told by an emaciated and sceptical old fellow with a tremendous whip, while we trudged together over the sands by the side of a two-wheeled cart loaded with dripping seaweed. Then at other times other people confirmed and completed the story: till it stood at last before me, a tale formidable and simple, as they always are, those disclosures of obscure trials endured by ignorant hearts.
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