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Old 04-28-2011, 10:54 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2011
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shishang82 is on a distinguished road
Default Office 2010 Pro Plus Rookie school a few dynamic

dynamic proxy is essentially the core of Java technologies model, AOP model were implemented. Now we use the Spring EJB3 Hibernate, and most have a dynamic proxy framework through which, but expression isn't obvious when in use.
JDK dynamic proxy by itself provide the API, although not prominent because of overall performance or performance, so these frameworks is to specialized byte code library Code Generation Library, Code Generation Library, at present there are actually CGLib (determined by ASM) and Javassist.
efficiency now than ever prior to JDK 6.0 version of 1.4 has greatly improved,Office 2007 Enterprise, I recently used this post Why do you think CGLib proxies are faster than JDK Proxies? The check code are on the JDK and CGLib Javassist 3 dynamic agent properties had been examined and found wonderful outcomes,Office Pro Plus 2010, to not say that specific database overall performance bytecode quicker than the JDK, at least Javassist slow.
JDK and CGLib test code inside the TSS write-up, I check to Javassist, and JDK are:
public class ProxyPerformanceComparison2 {
public static void main (String [] args) throws Exception {
Callable jdkProxy = (Callable)
Proxy.newProxyInstance (ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader (), new Class []
new JdkHandler (new Counter ()));
ProxyFactory f = new ProxyFactory ();
f.setInterfaces (new Class [] Callable.class);
Class c = f.createClass ();
Callable cglibProxy = (Callable) c.newInstance ();
((ProxyObject) cglibProxy). setHandler
(new JavaAssitInterceptor (new Counter ()));
for (int i2 = 0; i2
public Object invoke
(Object self, Method m, Method move forward, Object [] args) throws Throwable
return m.invoke (delegate, args);

static course Counter implements Callable {
int count = 0;
public Integer call () throws Exception
return count + +;

check The outcomes are as follows:
JDK 6 and CGLib cglib-nodep-2.two.jar comparative results:
JDK Proxy: one,049,937 calls / s
CGLIB: 2,820,Office 2010 Pro Plus,130 calls / s
If you're using prior versions of cglib, quicker efficiency:
JDK Proxy: one,037,575 calls / s
CGLIB: 3,112,Office Enterprise 2007,727 calls / s
the JDK 6 and JavaAssit three.eleven Check results are as follows:
JDK Proxy: one,037,575 calls / s
JAVAASSIST: 626,695 calls / s
JAVAASSIST even slower than JDK 6, astounding.
worse is, Hibernate 3.3 or later to make use of JavaAssit, mainly because the 2 are JBoss,Windows 7 Keygen, because of it,
Tapstry5 also use JAVAASSIST, Javassist vs. Each Other Bytecode Library Available
optimize performance of each and every step, little accumulation, will type a huge impact.
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