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Old 04-23-2011, 05:57 AM   #2
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Although both dads worked hard Best Headphones, I noticed that one dad had a habit of putting his brain to sleep when it came to money matters marlboro cigarette coupon, and the other had a habit of exercising his brain. The long-term result was that one dad grew stronger financially and the other grew weaker. It is not much different from a person who goes to the gym to exercise on a regular basis versus someone who sits on the couch watching television. Proper physical exercise increases your chances for health true religion jeans sale, and proper mental exercise increases your chances for wealth. Laziness decreases both health and wealth.
My two dads had opposing attitudes in thought. One dad thought that the rich should pay more in taxes to take care of those less fortunate. The other said newport cigarettes wholesale, "Taxes punish those who produce and reward those who don't produce."
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