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Old 04-04-2011, 08:01 AM   #1
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Default Office Enterprise 2007 WSDOT - 2009 News - WSDOT N

Our Android and iPhone apps consist of statewide potential customers cameras,Office 2010 Key, travel alerts, mountain pass reports, ferry schedules and alerts,Office Enterprise 2007, northbound Canadian border wait around instances and more. AndroidLarger picture iPhoneLarger picture Date: Thursday, February 19, 2009 Contact: Eric Johnson, Airport Construction Project Manager, Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Aviation is now accepting applications from airport sponsors for a new round of Local Airport Aid grants. This will be WSDOT's first round of airport grants offered during the 2009-2011 biennium. Airport sponsors must submit applications no later than May 15,Office Professional 2007, 2009. To apply, airport sponsors can use the online grant application form,Windows 7, which allows applicants to fill in their information electronically. Since a signature is required, sponsors will still have to print, sign and mail the form with supporting documentation. WSDOT will also continue to accept handwritten applications. In order to expedite the process, WSDOT requests that sponsors encompass the following with their completed airport aid application forms: Statement of support from appropriate elected official Adopted resolution stating matching funds are available and authorized Preliminary plans and specifications Detailed project schedule Property appraisals (land acquisition) Detailed estimated costs and spending schedule Consultant selection process documentation (for engineering and planning projects) As a condition for grant eligibility airport sponsors are asked to update their information annually on the Airport Information System database. Airport sponsors must first login to the system in order to view and update information. Airports can request their User ID by emailing with the following information: Sponsor name, address, phone number and email Password of your choice WSDOT Aviation also reminds airport sponsors with existing open grants that the close out date is June 30, 2009. Sponsors should be making significant progress on their projects in order to meet this deadline. Each year, WSDOT provides crucial financial assistance to many of the state's 138 public airports through its Local Airport Aid Grant Program. WSDOT accepts applications from any municipality or federally recognized tribe that owns an open, public use airport in Washington State. The maximum amount WSDOT can award to an airport sponsor for a single grant is $250,000. While the exact amount of grant funds available in this round has yet to be determined, WSDOT anticipates that as much as $1 million will be available for eligible airport projects. This is pending the Governor’s approval of WSDOT’s budget for the 2009 – 2011 biennium. Since WSDOT places a high priority on pavement maintenance, it targets 65 to 75 percent of funding toward pavement projects. WSDOT anticipates announcing the grant awards no later than July 2, 2009. Airports are encouraged to contact WSDOT Airport Construction Project Manager, Eric Johnson,Office 2010 Professional Plus, at (360) 651-6303 to discuss proposed projects and receive assistance with applications. Find your designated airport contact at: www.wsdot.wa.govaviationNeedGrantAssistance.htm. Significantly more information on the Local Airport Aid Grant Program is available at: www.wsdot.wa.govaviationgrantsdefault.htm. < Go Back
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