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Old 04-02-2011, 01:29 PM   #2
Sergeant Major
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Posts: 236
huang1234 is on a distinguished road

The server encountered security problems, suspected of SQL Server databases, click reinstall the decision, the previous version is sql server 2000 standard edition, the Thunder down from a 4-One version, but the installation process there were some errors And, to conclude:
1, Error: Setup has a previous installation created pending file on the computer operation.
restart after a normal installation, but can be a more simple way: in the registry find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Session Manager, delete the PendingFileRenameOperations, OK.
2, error message: Invalid serial number.
searched all available from the online serial number (2 Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition 4, tried many times to restart several times, the SQL Server installation directory and delete all registry entries, still can not solve.) later before installing the standard version, went so far as this error (before the installation does not enter the serial number)
therefore not the reason the software, but the system setup problem.
right solution:
open the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Session Manager, the key will SafeDLLSearchMode the DWORD to 0, if not the type to create the DWORD key.
then be able to continue the installation.
with: SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition installation of Simplified Chinese serial number
3, when the installer to install to:
Setup is installing ms data access components
, the screen error message appears:
command line option syntax error, type command /? for help
then OK to continue, the results to:
Setup is installing HTML Help
, the screen appeared the title html help 1.32 update error warning dialog box prompts:
command line option syntax error, type command /? for help
Then I point
OK to continue, the installation program begins copying files, files are copied and then an error message:
dynamic link library can not find the specified path sqlunirl.dll
point is determined to stop running the installer, so view the installation log
cause this problem is, SQLServer installation files on the Chinese directory.
the SQLServer installation file, copying the English directory, the installation OK
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