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Old 03-31-2011, 04:51 AM   #1
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Reprinted from 109130 at 07:54 on November 17th, 2010 Read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: hand-woven
five needle knitting: -
1, five-needle, beginning 20-pin, four needles each 5-pin -
2, (2 needle flat needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 dose) 4 times. 2-pin flat-pin is under the -
3, (2 under the needle, 2 pin, 3 pin, the 2 pins) 4 -
4, (2 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 3 pin, the plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 3 pin, the plus 1 pin) 4 -
5, (2 under the needle, 3 pin, 5 pin, the 3 pins) 4 -
6, (2 under the needle, plus a needle, 5 under the needle, plus a needle, a needle, the plus 1 pin, 5 pin, the plus 1 pin) 4 -
7, (2 under the needle, 4-pin, 7 pin, the 4 pin on) 4 -
8, (2 under the needle, add a pin, 7 pin, the plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, add a pin, 7 pin, the plus 1 pin) 4 -
9, (2 under the needle, 5 pin, 9-pin, 5 pins) 4 -
10, (2 under the needle, add a pin, a 9-pin, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, add a pin, a 9-pin, plus 1 pin) 4 -
11, (2 under the needle, 6 pins, 11 under the needle, 6 pins) 4 -
12, (2 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 11 needles, the plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 11 needles below) 4 -
13, (2-pin, the 7 pin, 13 pin, the 7-pin on) 4 -
14, (2 under the needle, add a pin, 7 pin, be appropriated to receive a pin, a 9-pin and a pin, 7 pin, the plus 1 pin) 4 line 14 to the allocation of income is by needle tilt left and right needle is tilted -
15, (2-pin, the 8-pin, 11 pin, the 8 pin on) 4 -
16, (2 under the needle, add a pin, 8-pin, be appropriated to receive a pin, 7 under the needle, and a pin, 8-pin, the plus 1 pin) 4 -
17, (2 under the needle, 9 pin, 9-pin, 9-pin on) 4 -
18, (2 under the needle, add a pin, 9-pin, be appropriated to receive a needle, 5 under the needle and a needle, a 9-pin, plus 1 pin) 4 -
19, (2-pin, the 10-pin, 7 pin, the 10 pin on) 4 -
20, (2 under the needle, add a pin, 10 pin, be appropriated to receive a needle, 3 under the needle and a needle, 10 stitches, the plus 1 pin) 4 -
21, (2 under the needle, 11 pin, 5 pin, the 11 pins) 4 -
22, (2 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 11 needles, the dial up 1 pin, 1 under the needle and a needle, 11 needles, the plus 1 pin) 4 -
23, (2 under the needle, 12-pin, 3 pin, the 12 pins) 4 -
24, (2 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 12 needles, the 3 and 1,12 under the needle, plus 1 pin) 4 -
25, (2-pin, the pin on the 27) 4 -
four-dimensional leaves half of the weaves, and following the reduction medicine. The second set of leaves has begun. -
26, [2 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, (plus 1 needle, dial up 1 pin) 6, 1 under the needle, (and a needle, plus 1 pin) 6, 1 under the needle , plus a needle] 4 -
27, (2-pin, the 3 pin, 23 pin, the pin on the 3) 4 -
now woven leaves and mesh -
28, [2 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle (plus 1 needle, dial up 1 pin) 5 times, plus a needle, 3-pin and a pin, plus a needle (and a needle, plus 1 pin) 5, 1 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 stitches] 4 -
29, (2 under the needle, 2 pin, 3 pin, the 2 pin, 21 under the needle, 2 pin, 3 pin, the 2 pins) 4 -
30, [2 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 3 pin, the plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 3-pin, the (plus 1 needle, dial up 1 pin) 5, 1 under the needle , (2 and 1, plus 1 dose) 5 times, 3 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 3 pin, the plus 1 stitches] 4 -
31, (2 under the needle, 3 pin, 5 pin, the 3 pin, 19 pins, the 3 pin, 5 pin, the 3 pins) 4 -
32, [2 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 5 pin, the plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 5 pin, the (plus 1 needle, dial up 1 pin) 4 times, plus 1 pin , 3-pin and a pin, plus a needle (and a needle, plus 1 pin) 4, 5 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 5 pin, the plus 1 stitches] 4 -
33, (2 under the needle, 4-pin, 7 pin, the 4 pin, 17-pin, the 4 pin, 7 pin, the 4 pin on) 4 -
34, [2 under the needle, add a pin, 7 pin, the plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, add a pin, 7 pin next (plus 1 needle, dial up 1 pin) 4 times, 1 under the needle, (and a needle, plus 1 pin) 4, 7 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, add a pin, 7 pin, the plus 1 stitches] 4 -
35, (2 under the needle, 5 pin, 9-pin, 5 pin, 15 pin, the 5 pin, 9-pin, 5 pins) 4 -
36, [2 under the needle, add a pin, a 9-pin, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, add a pin, a 9-pin (plus 1 needle, dial up 1 pin) 3 times,武汉十大神兽 - Qzone日志, plus a needle, 3 and 1 plus 1 needle, (and a needle, plus 1 needle) 3 times, 9-pin, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, add a pin, a 9-pin, plus 1 stitches] 4 - p>
37, (2 under the needle, 6 pin, 11-pin, the 6 pin, 13 under the needle, 6 pins, 11 under the needle, 6 pins) 4 -
38,After Fantasy - Qzone log, [2 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 11 needles, the plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 11 needles, the (plus 1 needle, dial up 1 pin) 3 times, 1 under the needle , (and a needle, plus a needle) 3 times, 11 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 11 needles, the plus 1 stitches] 4 -
39, (2 under the needle, 7 pin, 13 under the needle, 7 pin, 11-pin, the 7 pin, 13 under the needle, needle 7) 4 -
The second set of leaves by
needles -
40, [2 under the needle, add a pin, 7 pin, be appropriated to receive a pin, a 9-pin and a pin, 7 pin, the (plus 1 needle, dial up 1 pin) 2 times, plus 1 needle, 3 and 1, plus 1 needle, (and a needle, plus a needle) 2 times, 7 pin, be appropriated to receive a pin, a 9-pin and a pin, 7 pin, the plus 1 stitches] 4 - ;
41, (2 under the needle, 8-pin, 11-pin, the 8-pin, 9-pin, 8-pin, 11-pin, the 8 pin on) 4 -
42, [2 under the needle, add a pin, 8-pin, be appropriated to receive a pin, 7 under the needle and a needle, 8 under the needle (plus 1 needle, dial up 1 pin) 2 times, 1 under the needle , (and a needle, plus a needle) 2 times, 8-pin, be appropriated to receive a pin, 7 under the needle, and a pin, 8-pin, the plus 1 stitches] 4 -
43, (2 under the needle, 9 pin, 9-pin, 9 pin, 7 pin, the 9 pin, 9-pin, 9-pin on) 4 -
44, (2 under the needle, add a pin,Beautiful woman to live his life - Qzone log, 9-pin, be appropriated to receive a needle, 5 under the needle and a needle, a 9-pin, plus a needle, dial up 1 pin, plus 1 needle, 3 and 1 pin, plus a needle, and a needle, plus 1 pin, 9-pin, the dial up 1 pin, 5 under the needle and a needle, a 9-pin, plus 1 pin) 4 -
45, (2 under the needle, 10 pin, 7 pin, the 10-pin, 5 pin, the 10-pin, 7 pin, the 10 pins) 4 -
46, (2 under the needle, add a pin, 10 pin, be appropriated to receive a needle, 3 under the needle and a needle, 10 stitches, the plus 1 needle, dial up 1 pin, 1 under the needle, and 1 needles, plus 1 needle, 10 stitches, the call received 1 dose, 3 under the needle and a needle, 10 stitches, the plus 1 pin) 4 -
47, (2 under the needle, 11 pin, 5 pin, the 11 pin, 3 pin, the 11 pin, 5 pin, the 11 pins) 4 -
48, (2 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 11 needles, the dial up 1 pin, 1 under the needle and a needle, 11 needles, the plus 1 needle, 3 and 1 needle, plus 1 needle, 11 needles , the dial up 1 pin, 1 under the needle and a needle, 11 needles below) 4 -
49, (2 under the needle, 12-pin, 3 pin, the 12-pin, 1 pin, the 12-pin, 3 pin, the 12 pins) 4 -
50, (2 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 12 needles, the 3 and 1,25 under the needle, 3 and 1,12 under the needle, plus 1 pin) 4 -
51, (2-pin, the 53 pin,) 4 -
around 220 needles, leaves begin the third group. -
52, (2 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 51 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 pin) 4 -
53, (2 under the needle, all the Needle - 57 针) -
54, (2 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 53 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 pin) 4 -
55, (2 under the needle, 2 pin, 3 pin, the 53 pin, 3 pin, the 2 pins) 4 -
56, (2 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 3 pin, the plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 55 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 3 pin, the plus 1 pin) 4 -
57, (2 under the needle, 3 pin, 5 pin, the 53 pin, 5 pin, the 3 pins) 4 -
58, (2 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 5 pin, the plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 57 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 5 pin, the plus 1 pin) 4 -
59, (2 under the needle, 4-pin, 7 pin, the 53 pin, 7 pin, the 4 pin on) 4 -
60, (2 under the needle, add a pin, 7 pin, the plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 59 sts, the plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, add a pin, 7 pin, the plus 1 pin) 4 61 (2 under the needle, 5 pin, 9-pin, 53 pin, 9-pin, 5 pin on) 4 -
62, (2 under the needle, add a pin, a 9-pin, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 61 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, add a pin, a 9-pin, plus 1 pin) 4 -
63, (2 under the needle, 6 pin, 11-pin, the 53 pin, 11 under the needle, 6 pins) 4 -
64, (2 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 11 needles, the plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 63 under the needle, plus 1 pin, 1 under the needle, plus 1 needle, 11 needles below) 4 -
65, (2 under the needle, 7 pin, 13 under the needle, 53 needle, 13 under the needle, needle 7) 4 -
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