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Old 03-17-2011, 09:01 PM   #1
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zhongpingai is on a distinguished road
Default low belstaff Catfish Culture in Nigeria- Progress

Oresegun, A.; O.A. Ayinla; G.R. Akande, M. Ndem and J. Simpa (1996): Feeds and

condense as fishmeal substitute in practical diets as black catfish, C. gariepinus (Burchell 1822): growth, feed utilization and digestibility. J. applied Aquac.. 16 (1).

nourishment on the reproductive performance of ?C. gariepinus (Burchell 1822). 162p.

Fagbenro,ghd precious, et al. (2003)
Catfish Culture in Nigeria: Progress, Prospects and Problems
Brackish water catfish (Chrysicthys nigrodigitatus)??????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ?????1,515

??????????? catfish, C. gariepinus ?(Burchell). Ife J. Sci. 7(1): 63-70.
impact assessment of hybrid catfish (Heteroclarias) in Nigeria. Technical Report of National Agricultural Research Project (NARP). NIOMR , Victoria Island, Lagos. P 27.

??????????? 90p.

The Federal/State governments’ public/private partnership initiative programmes and the various personal cares establishing standard hatcheries are gradually yielding results to solve the problem of seed scarcity. However, to generate good quality seed, aquaculture needs to explore the latent of genetics. As at today, most instructing traditions do no have well equipped genetic laboratories where research tin be carried out on the production of genetically improved catfish species (Omitoyin, 2007).
In the review of Oresegun et al (2007), it was stated that early fish farmers in Nigeria raised their fish in burrow pits, forsook minefields and in earthen ponds on widespread production system. The presentation of cement tanks allows for adjustable pond size and revision of the environment through a water flow-through system and supplementary feeding thus granting for higher fish yield. The advent of the indoor water re-circulatory system (WRS) has ushered in a new prospect for aquaculture. The introduction of WRS has established a rotating point in the production of catfish in Nigeria.?

??? Fish species

Olukunle & Falaye (1998)

??????????? (Burchell 1822). Unpublished Ph. D Thesis, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. 433p.
Fagbenro (1992)
Adewumi A.A. (2005): The effects of the heating time of soybean for the broodstock

Solomon et al. (1996); Eyo & Adelowo (1990)

Eyo A.A. and E. Adelowo (1990): The rejoinder of mudfish fingerlings to differ levels of groundnut cake and soybean meal. In: NIFFR Annual Report. Pp 104-109.
Conventional Plant feedstuffs
substitution for farmed fish in Nigeria. In: National workshop on fish feed development and feeding practices in aquaculture. Organized by FISON,asics outlet, NIFFR and FAO-NSPFS. Ed Eyo A. A.. Pp 60-72.
Total????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????30,776
The success of the industries for outlet catfish, rainbow trout and the salmonids in the America is due primarily to the availability of pelleted diets formulated based on the results won from the nutritional studies of fishes over many annuals. There is urgent need for co-ordination of such research work and the feed manufacturers’ way to the relevant data for quality and relatively cheap feed production.
C. gariepinus
?? Fish species

Ayinla O.A. (1988): Nutritive and Reproductive Performance of Clarias gariepinus
Sarotherodon galilaeus, S. melanopleura, T. zilli, T. guinensis ??????????????????????????????????????????3,025??? ?????
replacing fishmeal with soybean meal,nike air max 87, groundnut cake and bloodmeal at varied proportion on growth and edible utilization of the Clarias anguillaris fingerlings fed in outdoor hapas. In: Proceedings of the 13th Annual meeting of the fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON), New Bussa, 3rd-8th Nov. 1996. Ed A.A. Eyo. Pp 144-150.?

FAO (1993): Yearbook of fishery Statistics. Catches and Landings. FAO of the United

C. anguillaris

Despite the popularity of the African catfish and its large mall potentials, the production is still basically by subsistence class ?deserving majorly to inadequate availability of seed for stocking and feed problems. In Europe, almost 75% of Clarias fingerling claims are supplied by a few producers. In Nigeria however, the fingerlings supplied from both the administration and privately owned hatcheries are insufficient to meet the catfish farmers’ fingerling claims.
Table 2: Aquaculture Production in Nigeria

Omitoyin, B.O. (2007): Introduction to fish farming in Nigeria. University of Ibadan Press.


Mud catfishes (Clarias gariepinus, C. anguillaris, C.isheriensis)???????????????????????????????????? ???? 6,553

Soybean cake;
HYBRIDIZATION OF Clarias gariepinus x Heterobranchus longifilis

Snakehead (Parachanna obscrura)?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????297

The yearnings of farmers and scientists to have a farmed catfish that combines the quickly growth traits of Heterobranchus spp and early maturing peculiarities of C. gariepinus led to the development of a hybrid ‘Heteroclarias’ spp. The technology was widely accepted as it gave 58% interior rate of return (IRR) on investment (Adeogun et al, 1999).
?Nigeria. Nig. J. Fisheries. 4(1):27-52.


fishmeal in diets for catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822). Appl. Trop. Agric. 3(2): 86-91.

A number of problems confront the product of catfish. Prominent in these are: meager management skills, rarity of nice quality seed, lack of capital, lofty price of fared, incorrect file accumulation, lack of environmental impact attention and marketing of productions.? Many people who are currently engaged in catfish ploughing lack management skill. Although there has been a lot of research work on the making of catfish fared and feeding, the use of cheap feedstuffs apt replace or substitute fishmeal catfish peasants still depend on the pricey, mostly imported pelleted floating feed.
Groundnut cake
Fagbenro, O.A. and S.J. Davis (2003): Use of high percentages soybean protein

??????????? Nations, Rome. Vol. 72, 643p.

processed soybean meals in diets for the African muck catfish, C. gariepinus. J. Appl. Trop. Agriculture. 1:5-11.


Catfishes of the family Claridae involve the maximum commonly cultivated fishes in Nigeria. The growth of aquaculture in Nigeria now is largely creature thrust by a steady mushroom in catfish civilization. Since the culture of Clarias gariepinus through hypophysation was initiated in Western Nigeria in 1973, the procedure has been warmhearted practiced throughout Nigeria thus leading to amplify of farm-raised catfishes from the 80’s at present. The favoured catfish species in Nigeria aquaculture include: Clarias gariepinus, Heterobranchus bidorsalis, Clarias X Heterobranchus hybrid (Heteroclarias) and Clarias nigrodigitatus. Heterobranchus sp is the more commonly cultured fish in the South Eastern parts of Nigeria.
Olukunle A.O. and Falaye A.E. (1998): Use of sesame seed cake as replacement for
feeding train of fish farmers in Lagos state. NIOMR Technical paper No. 19. P 11.
???????????? References

?Artificial propagation of C. gariepinus is now carried out in hatcheries with hormonal induction. Farmers have found the homoplastic pituitary gland suspension cheaper, practical and extra highly reliable than the imported synthetic hormonal analogues. The C. gariepinus broodstock heaviness used for artificial breeding ranges between 0.3kg and 2kg (Olaleye,cheap belstaff, 2005). Despite the discovery with use of hormone in induced spawning; fry survival namely still siege with a digit of biotic and abiotic factors. The biotic factors contain cannibalism, massive predation along frogs/aquatic insects and the abiotic factors include water temperature, dissolved oxygen (>4.5mg/L-1), levels of ammonia. During the first week afterward stocking, the most fussy factor for the successful nursing of the catfish larvae is the availability of zooplankton. Feeds and feeding of the larvae, fry and fingerlings of the catfishes have been most studied and shown to influence the growth and survival of the fish. Studies have revealed that live zooplankton is the preferred larval food. Many smallholdings barely rear larvae to fingerling size in organically fertilized ponds at a density of between 30-1000 larvae/m2 (Olaleye, 2005). Fingerlings are stocked into rearing ponds at a rate of 50-75 fish/m3 under good management.

Considerable effort had been devoted to the study and production of Clarias and Heterobranchuis spp in Nigeria. Catfish agriculture has proceeded to fascinate personal sector initiative likened to earlier public or government-sponsored programmes. If the related problems of production, primarily the dual publish of feed production and fingerling afford are tackled, Nigeria will presently transform a world exporter of catfish.?
Tilapias, (Oreochromis niloticus), O. niloticus x O. Aureus hybrid)??????????????????????????????????? 11,363
Heterotis (Heterotis niloticus)??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????654
C. anguillaris
Sesame seed
Other fishes???????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? 2,921
of fingerling C. gariepinus (Burchell) fed raw and cooked soybean diets. Aquaculture, 76:119-126.
Because of the cannibalistic nature of Clarias gariepinus, multiple sorting is essential. For outdoor fry/fingerlings rearing, screening of the tanks with mosquito nets is recommended to discourage dragonfly and other predatory insects from breeding in the ponds. Poly-culture of Clarias gariepinus and Tilapia species is practiced. A poly-culture of Clarias gariepinus and Oreochromis niloticus, integrated with fowl with some supplementary feeding had been shown to be viable.
Table 1: Some Plant Residues Used for Clariidae Culture in Nigeria.

Eyo et al. (2001); Fagbenro & Davis (2003)

The story of aquaculture in Nigeria is essentially the fable of catfish culture and the hope of fish supply in Nigeria hangs on its development and culture. Recent trends all overthe world, point to a ebb in landing from arrest fisheries, one indicator that fish stocks have reached or even exceeded the point of maximum sustainable yield. Aquaculture therefore remains the only viable option for increasing fish production in order to meet the protein need of the people. It was inspected that of the over 30,000MT of assorted freshwater and brackish water fish species caught in the year 2000, catfishes were more luxuriant next to Tilapines (Table 2). FAO (1993) reported that 27,488MT of catfishes produced in 1990 were consumed locally. This implies that there is still great need for higher production for both regional and international markets.
????????????? References

Non-Conventional Plant feedstuffs
Extruded/non extruded

Solomon, S. G.; A. A. Eyo and F.D. Sikoki (1996): An inquiry of the efficacy of

C. gariepinus

Adeogun, O.A.; O. A. Ayinla; A.M. Ajana and E.A. Ajao (1999): Economic

Fagbenro, O.A.; Adeparusi E.O. and Fapounda O.O. (2003): Feedstuffs and dietary
Species??????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? Tonnes
Fashakin E.A and A. M. Balogun (1996): Replacement of groundnut cake with

Dehulled solvent extracted; Soybean flour;

Olaleye V.F. (2005): A review of forgery and gamete management in the African
soybean meals in the diet of genetically cultivated mudfish, H. longifilis juveniles. Book of Abstracts of the 16th Annual Conference of Fisheries Society of Nigeria, Baga, 4-9th Nov., p35.

Cocoa pod husk

Eyo, A.A.; B.A. Falayi and T.C. Ajayi (2001): Comparison of extruded and non-extruded
Heterobranchus bidorsalis,ghds cilia straighteners How To Write A Murder Mystery_2067, H. longifilis, Heterobranchus x Clarias Hybrids??????????????????????? 2,832????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????

Fagbenro O.A. (1992): Utilization of cocoa pod husk in low-cost diets by the clariid

??????????? catfish, C. isheriensis Syndeham. Aquac. And Fish. Manag. 23:175-182.

C. gariepinus

Balogun A.M. and A. D. Ologhobo (1989): Growth extravaganza and nutrient utilization
H. longifilis
Mullets (Mugil cephalus, Liza falcipinnis)?????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? 336

Solomon et al. (1996); Balogun & Ologhobo (1989); Fashakin & Balogun (1996); Adewumi (2005)
C. isheriensiss

Oresegun, A.; O. R. Oguntade and O. A. Ayinla (2007): A review of catfish culture in
Feed and feeding of catfishes in grow outs reservoirs are perhaps the most documented in literature. Various efforts have been made to build the raw protein and amino sour requirement of C. gariepinus. Ayinla (1988) recommended 35% and 40% crude protein (Cp) for raising chart size and brood stock respectively. Of the 10 necessary amino acids (EAA) necessitated by warm water fish species,Asics Olympos Shoes, only 3 EAAs studied have been documented and these are arginnie, methionine and lysine. In mandate to formulate and compound aqua feeds namely ambition meet the nutrient requirements of the catfish at affordable cost, several conventional and non-conventional beast by-products and plant remnants have been tested to substitute or replace fishmeal (Table 1). Feeding development has migrated from the use of single ingredient,isaybid is Awesome for Christmas Gifts_8238, broadcasting un-pelleted meal to pelleting and in truth the use of pelleted movable feed which has made a big inconsistency to aquaculture evolution in Nigeria as C. gariepinus is being raised to manhood among 6 months.

Full fat/defatted;

Carp (Common carp, Cyprinus carpio, Indian carps; goldfish Carrasus sp.)????????????????????? 1,280????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????
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