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Old 03-16-2011, 10:47 PM   #1
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jyotish and dharm
Over the ages there developed a keen search of spritual significance that who is the Almighty and the relation between Aatma and Parmatma.Our ancestors worked on this topic,thus we got the Vedas, Puranas,Upnishads among these one is Jyotish,columbia sportswear sale, which includes practice of planets nature, relation and effect of planetary energy on living and non- living objects and various other aspects such as Remedial Mantra, Yantra and Tantra. The ancient rishis and maharishis when in the condition of self hypnosis, i.e meditation- a very deep spritual concentration at a point where's ones energy is purely attending a feeling of Devineness,Back To School_158,heared the vibrations of mantras.That vibrating mantra when practiced by yogis then attended a form of instrumental spritual shape of that devine energy it means that perticular design of perticular mantra is called as yantra.Yantras are visual forms of mantric energy. Yantra literally means "loom",asics ultimate 81, "instrument or machine". It is an interlocking matrix of geometric figures, floral patterns,supras for cheap Watch Nfl Football on Your Computer – Live Nfl Games Online_11, circles, triangles, that form fractal patters of elegence and beauty.Now, the mantra one who practices is not merely affecting or energizing ones body its direct relation is with the sole, the sole can can only transfer, create, develop or communicate with the charging energy of mantra.In vedas there is very deep discription of the purity of the soul and not much on the purity of body.So one who continuosly chants or meditates mantras with faith and worships that perticular diety ruling that mantra soon that person becomes capable for viewing the yantra of that perticular diety representing the mantra and then finally the application of mantra and yantra both forms the wide and vast occult science of Tantra.There is pure white tantra i.e Daksheenmarge and the other is Vammargee tantra as explained by punit vora a occultism practitioner from india. he says that the creator of tantra is lord SHIVA.
?????????????????????????????? We all know that we have a great litterature with us.We all are aware with the stories of ramayana, mahabharat,panchtantra and many more mythological and historical kathas, studies of these stories gives us an idea of our past period civilization that time the yogis, devs, danavs, yakshas, some of them were capable to represent themselves at many places at a time.They were termed as Mayavis, i.e literate of magic or maya.also they can dissappeare from one's eyesight, they can form an army within a fraction of time all this proves that they were more strong and capable than our present generation example- ravana, meghnada, hanumana, ghatothkacch, hiranyakashyapa etc. etc. So does anybody has thought about this thing? Can such a phenomenon can take place in ones life,tory burch sophie! actuallywhat was that which we are unable to understand at present. The answer of this question is that all supernatural powers and other capabilities were with them because they knew the principle and application of fourth dimention, they were capable to travel and express themselves in the 4th dimention which cannot be recognized and detected easily by normal human beings,cheap timberland boots Getting in Shape- the First, which remains hidden behind every dimention of 3D structure. Einstien's theory of relativity created a hope for the search of 4th dimention, but till now nobody has got sucess in search of this dimention with the help of modern or classic physics theories or by sprituality by so called dharmic gurus of present generation.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???? The 4th dimention always terminates between space-time curvature also the unit, quantum, and nature of this dimention is not known by our scientists. When we will suceed in search of this dimention we will also be capable to perform such activities which our ancestors has practiced thousands of years back.

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