Office Professional 2010 64bit blog productfair2
Yesterday, Kenji wrote in regards to the Microsoft Product Fair held final week out on our primary campus soccer fields in Redmond. I just want to put a quick shout out to all the employees who stopped by our booth, Microsoft Office 2010 Aktivierung, drank our beer , and endured the recruiting paparazzi. A few lucky employees even won their very own "I am the empire" tee. To check out all our View<myWorld>-styled employee pictures from the honest, Office Professional 2010 64bit, check out the View<ourWorld> album on the Workin' it @ MSFT page on Facebook. And if you are already rockin' the empire as an employee, feel free to upload your own pictures to your page. Want more pictures? Ok: My teammate Melody & me workin' it at the Microsoft Staffing (that's what we call "recruiting" internally) Booth. We attended the fair to share our recruiting websites, blogs, videos, collateral, and give-aways with employees. It was funny .... even though the fair was "employee-only," a few employees saw we were the recruiting team and shuffled by our booth quickly, mumbling, "I already have a job." This was almost as funny to me as the time I attended the Server & Tools Halloween party wearing a Google t-shirt (with devil horns and a tail, of course ;-) and convinced several employees that I was a Google recruiter who infiltrated the party. Our beer cups. Employees, Office 2010 Key, for more info on how to spread the love, Microsoft Office Home And Business 2010 cl��, go to, Microsoft Office Pro 2010 Product Key, well, The laptop stickers we gave away ... "Rockin' the Empire" and "Will Code for Free Soda." If you work at the 'soft and didn't get one of these, feel free to email me and I'll send 'em your way! gretchen