Microsoft Office 2010 vente Windows7 SP1 Beta leak
excellent article recommends: Windows7 SP1 RTM version of two days in 11 months to complete Windows7 been in business before the launch of SP1 widely deployed Windows7 external testing planned SP1 coming more news, please click>> Beijing April 14 news recently, a number of BT web site appears in Windows7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Service Pack leaked version. These Windows7 SP1 seed information is marked as According to several file-sharing website information is consistent, Microsoft Office 2010 Professional, since April 7 appears, has been copied thousands of downloads. March of this year, Microsoft confirmed that Windows7 will be released, and Windows Server 2008 R2 service, Office 2010 Professional 32bit, but refused to disclose the upgrade date. At that time, Microsoft Office 2010 vente, the company said the service pack will mainly be The latter: the latest design collaboration with RemoteFX upgrade remote desktop client, set the new remote access platform will be a SP1 Windows Server 2008 R2 appearance. BT site lists the SP1 download size is 1.26GB. Windows7 updates downloaded and installed the user that they have successfully updated their Windows7 copy. > We found that Microsoft's software, before the release of every regularly appear in the file-sharing sites. In fact, Microsoft's October 1, 2008 to the developers a few hours after the show Windows7, Office Pro Plus 2010 X86, BT have released the site. The company has repeatedly referenced data, including the Microsoft-sponsored research firm IDC's 2006 report, Office 2010 Professional Plus X86, to illustrate the malicious software was pirated software. The spokesman added that Microsoft is not prepared to reveal the release date of SP1. January 2010, according to a survey, Windows7 SP1 importance of the operating system may be different from the past. Dimensional Research three after a survey of 900 companies found that 46% of people said they would not wait for SP1 before deploying Windows 7. analyst at research firm Gartner said, enterprises do not have to wait for SP1, organizations began to deploy its Windows7. <!--