tools390 |
03-23-2011 10:50 AM |
office 2010 Home And Business keygen stephenbrooks
› The Archive› Forum› Games› Images› Miscellaneous› Work-Related Things› ScreensaversHere you can use your own PC's idle time to simulate and design parts of a particle accelerator. Simply extract the (full version) archive below to a folder on your disk, create a user.txt file with your name in it and put a shortcut to muon1_background.exe in your Startup folder if required. - - - [Download] - - - Patch to 4.44d from 4.42+ (.7z file, 152KB; Zip file, 232KB). How to use...Use 7-Zip to open .7z files, WinZip files (less compression) provided for compatibility. Version 4.44dMuon1 for Windows (.7z file, office 2010 x86, 2277KB; Zip file, windows 7 activation, 2781KB). 66`564488simulations 23152`412227`000068particle-timesteps Also includes instructions: Background information......and UKNF websiteFind out more about the project, includes internet links. Project discussion forum...Discuss things, report bugs, ask questions etc. Statistics for user results... ...and team statisticsThe progress Muon1 users have made so far. Version history...Modifications made and previous versions of the program. Current lattice files......and some graphsLists tasks the network is currently optimising. Technical reports...Successive writeups and presentations of the research. FTP servers status...Multiple FTP servers share the bandwidth. Utilities Muon1Bench - Monitors results.dat size and logs the increase in Mpts and rate over time. How to use... Results2CSV - Commandline tool to convert result files into CSV format for analysis in other programs. Muon Results Viewer and its successor Muon Cockpit by [SG]Herb - A flexible Windows tool for manipulating and sorting Muon1 results. MuonPlayer - Plays back animation files recorded by Muon1, if they are renamed to 'using.anim' and put in the same directory. Sample Results Files 100-result sample file for optimisation Linac900Ext7tc2 (text file, 90KB; binary file, office 2010 Home And Business keygen, 18KB). Updated 2011-Mar-17, 12:48 UTC. How to use... 100-result sample file for optimisation Linac900Ext10d2 (text file, office 2010 pro keygen, 114KB; binary file, microsoft office Professional 2010 activation key, 22KB). Updated 2011-Mar-17, 12:44 UTC. - - - [Screenshots] - - - Above: The Muon1 main simulation. Below: The results histogram from muon1viewresults.exe.