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2126806 2010 年 11 月 30 日 16:15 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary early diabetes background information Wang Zhi Li Diabetes Foundation of China Medical Foundation, chairman of the Beijing Chaoyang Diabetes Hospital, returned to academics, Royal College of Medicine, PhD, Fellow of the British Royal Society of Medicine, received a number of important scientific research, first discovered in the world and prove that the five endocrine regulation of endogenous peptides on the regulation of pancreatic islet cells, dozens of published papers . (Left) soup Navy General Hospital of thousands of cadres, a former director of one ward, chief physician, chairman of People's Liberation Army Navy Geriatrics Society, specializes in diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, acute and chronic diseases such as nephritis and the diagnosis and treatment failure, so that health care in old age has a wealth of clinical experience, published 12 papers, won awards and military technological achievements and progress a number of medical achievement awards. (Right) Q: What should patients with diabetes should mind? A: 1,belstaff outlet, the strategic emphasis 2, action, active 3, confidence first established in his correct understanding of diabetes, without the right knowledge and understanding, he can not tell you with active treatment, it must first have a correct understanding. Through long-term examination,belstaff jackets outlet, understand their overall situation,belstaff uk, in close coordination with the doctor to develop an effective treatment for him. The pursuit of diabetes six characters, one life, the second quality of life is not affected, so long as control is good, should be achievable. Q: What are the evaluation indicators of diabetic condition? A: 1, illness or confirmed time 2, etiology and classification 3, blood glucose values 4, islet cell function 5, if there are complications Q: Why are you going to understand the causes of diabetes, meaning what? A: Because understanding the cause, the next step there is a very important role in treatment, the cause can be divided into genetic causes, this is the disorders caused by autoimmune damage, the second relationship with environmental factors,belstaff online, external environmental factors can cause diabetes induced, our country is concerned, the reform and opening up, living standards improve, so relatively speaking, the incidence of diabetes increased, it shows the importance of environmental factors. In addition to obesity, coupled with other factors, such as infection, and so a number of external factors that can cause diabetes. There are tensions over the long term, will increase the body's raw sugar and hormones. Q: how do blood glucose levels in the end is accurate, is conducive to treatment? A: blood glucose levels seems very simple question, in fact, is very particular about the first here. Let countries now many grass-roots units, the degree of attention to this problem is not enough, the general routine medical examinations to make a fasting blood glucose, normal fasting blood glucose if the person, then, that this people do not have diabetes, this is a big misunderstanding, and now we find only from a simple fasting blood glucose testing, there will be 60% of people with diabetes will be missed because some people are postprandial hyperglycemia type, so the leak investigation. Should do a glucose tolerance test, and postprandial blood glucose testing. Q: how to determine islet function, what is the meaning of this? A: islet function in the past only as scientific research, carries it recently only a few units as an indicator of diabetes is very important examination, but in fact is concerned, because now, with the development of medicine, of islet cell function more and more attention, islet cell function test is to determine the patient's condition is an important basis for guiding treatment, such as the diabetes was in several categories, some patients are insulin resistance, as well as the patient is insulin function significantly reduced the secretion, if the patient's condition significantly reduced insulin secretion, you give him with a variety of oral medication, the first is invalid, the second delay timing of treatment, and the third will bring unnecessary liver and kidney complications of pancreatic islet function examination is very necessary. Q: how to deal with the complications of diabetes? A: The main complication is the early detection of patients to the future you want to conduct a comprehensive inspection, because diabetes is mainly macrovascular complications, microvascular complications for a large The most common complications of vascular, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, such as eyes, heart, kidney, all microvascular complications, so that complications can affect the quality of life of patients and even life. Q: early diabetes, you should take what kind of treatment is correct? A: diabetes blood sugar changes, has exceeded normal standards, except to consider beyond the control diet, to the appropriate treatment, the other as I type, it must timely treatment, found that high blood sugar, and that your body is not the correct state, so this time there should not be one-sided idea. Based on the patient's specific circumstances, the time of onset, duration, body weight index also glucose tolerance, as well as inspection of islet function, complications of the inspection, on the basis of these indicators, targeted individual treatment programs, this is very important , we must put an end to thousands of party errors, targeted individualized treatment plan. Why do I have to make early treatment, because many people do not think that was on the complications can be cured, diabetes can not be cured, but it is possible to cure complications if treated early, it is possible to cure. Q: There are many diabetic patients pin their hopes on the above diet and exercise, and even pinned on top of diet and exercise, do you? A: Diet and exercise can serve as an integral part of the treatment of diabetes, but diabetes does not mean that the whole process, so there are some patients, through the campaign Ye Hao, Ye Hao through diet control , for the control of diabetes and help, but had to cope with the treatment of diabetes, can not simply rely on diet and exercise, to be with drugs, this treatment will be better. Here there is a new concept in the past, patients with diabetes to eat the sugar depends on the number of unit weight, and now changed, called glucose glycemic index, meaning that a certain amount of food you eat after a certain period of time, blood glucose formation rate, which is very important. Q: how do so that the slow rise in blood sugar? A: High-glycemic index foods: bread, sticky rice, white bread, brown rice, rice, pancakes, corn flakes, sweet potato, fried dough sticks. low glycemic index food: polenta, pasta, rye porridge, black rice, oats. high glycemic index fruit: watermelon, pineapple, mango, bananas, kiwi fruit, tangerines. lower glycemic index fruit: green apples, peaches, pears, strawberries. high glycemic index vegetables: potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, beets. low glycemic index vegetables, soy products: spinach,belstaff jacket, celery, cucumber, eggplant, cabbage, radish, tomato, beans, tofu, green peppers. Q: And what problems in sports should be noted that cause diabetes? A: The movement there is a relatively common misunderstanding, many people like morning exercise, morning exercise for healthy people, not suitable for people with diabetes, as morning exercise is fasting, and fasting blood sugar is low when time, a time of low blood sugar for morning exercise, the first prone to hypoglycemia, low blood sugar after the second will produce a high glycemic response, relatively high blood sugar will, there is relatively Morning back fatigue, appetite back to eat the first one better, eat more, and the second to rest, rest after a meal, just have low blood sugar when your morning exercise, rest, when blood sugar is high, resulting in a cycle even heavier burden of islet cells, so that the benefits of exercise not only failed, but increased islet cell burden. Q: Recommended to people with diabetes should exercise what way? A: It should be appropriate activities for half an hour after the meal, there is a definition of the so-called meal is to eat food that counting the first half an hour, just half an hour postprandial blood glucose rise, this time through the activities of fat cells with muscle cells increased insulin sensitivity, so that the glucose is beneficial. for those patients with complications because of diabetes microvascular disease is the main body, and may also macrovascular disease, prone to blood vessel wall plaque, this comparison worse, it will fall off, if the carotid artery plaque, it will cause cerebral embolism, lower body enough to cause necrosis, diabetic patients must avoid strenuous exercise, especially in patients with plaque, but you'd better choose to stick with it exercise, walking is very good, both mild and can persist for a long time. Q: How do people with diabetes use insulin? A: The treatment of diabetes, insulin use from several stages, previously thought to insulin only in late, with serious complications, it can be used, and then to the patient to the complications can be acute phase can be used, now to the early stage of diabetes can be used, because the sooner the more there is the possibility of islet cell repair, let it be possible to repair resting islet cells, so insulin injections for patients with the islet cell repair opportunity. Expert Tip: diabetes \ 1, early check 2, early diagnosis 3,belstaff sale, early prevention 4, early treatment |
警察:知道为什么逮你吗? 胡文海:知道,杀了点人。 警察:杀了一点?你杀了十四个! 胡文海:不止十四个吧? 警察:那你说多少? 胡文海:我记着是十七个。 警察:死了十四个! 胡文海;我不记的还有活的,我都拨拉过,看谁象没死的,就再给两枪。――那就是没杀净。 警察:你知道后果吗? 胡文海:(对警察满脸媚笑)知道、知道,我得给人家抵命。 警察:后悔不后悔? 胡文海:咋不后悔?有个娃娃不该杀人家,你们一说,才知道人家是串门的。再就是,belstaff blouson,该杀的没杀净。 警察:你还想杀谁? 胡文海:就那几家的男人。 警察:你为啥杀人家? 胡文海:他们当村支书和村主任时,三年挥霍贪污了至少五百万。三个煤矿让他们卖了两个。我到镇上告状没人管 。他们就恨的我不行,就想整死我。99年6月19号,我到地里浇水,xxx兄弟(其中一个满门被杀)借口和 我吵架,往我头上劈了三铁锹,我缝了几十针。要不是头硬,早让他们劈死了。xxx(村支书)派人找我,要出 钱私了,我不干。从那时起,我就起了杀心,本来准备今年三十晚上下手,那时都看春节晚会,能杀干净。6月1 9号,我把xxx(支书)和村会计叫来,让他们写贪污了多少,outlet belstaff,他们不干,这时外面有警笛声(路过的警车),xx(会计)就气粗了,指着自己的脑门说:“文海,有本事朝 这里打。”我就给他脑门上一枪,把他打死了,belstaff sale。他还以为我不敢。没有办法,只能提前动手。…… 后来,belstaff panther jacket,当记者再问他后悔不后悔时,他理直气壮的回答:“不后悔,一点不后悔!就是遗憾,没有把该杀的都杀了。” 遗憾、没有死净的话,胡文海在不同场合多次提到。据分析,他是担心给他父母妻儿留下后患。 记者问他为什么连孩子一起杀时,他蛮有道理的讲:“不把他们也杀了,他们长大要欺负我家娃娃… …” 法院审判胡文海时,他站的笔直,捧着自辩书大声朗读,就象农村劳模发言。共同受审的还有一个帮他杀人的 朋友,胡答辩时说,他朋友没有杀人,跟着他是一直劝他不要杀。这时,控方指出,一个受害者(装死躲过)指证 他朋友拿斧子砍过他。胡答辩,我一枪打的他趴在地上,他就再没回头看过,是我捡起斧子砍他的。控方又指出, 他朋友拿钳子夹受害者。胡文海当即辩道:是我拿枪逼他干的,他不夹受害者,我就****打他,belstaff jacken。明目张胆的大包大揽。 判胡文海死刑后,退庭时,胡逮着一个审过他的干警就握手,边握边说:“先走一步,先走一步 ,belstaff leather jacket。”那么些警察,躲也躲不及他,实是滑稽。 2001年的12 月25日,也是西方人的圣诞节。那天,山西晋中法院依法公开审理了特大枪杀14人案的3名被告人。最后,有 2人判处死刑、1人判处无期徒刑。第一被告人胡文海依法定程序在最后陈述中说到:“我生在新社会,长在红旗 下……,我希望自己成为一个正直善良的人,为此,我不断的去努力实现自己的理想,自己从小的性格就是仗义执 言,敢做敢为。村里的那些无权无势的善良的村民和我和睦相处,有时,我就成了他们利益的代言人。然而,近年 来,历任村干部贪污行贿,欺压百姓,村里的小煤矿(村民冒着生命危险)等企业上交的 400余万元被他们瓜分。4年来,我多次和村民向有关部门检举反映都石沉大海,公安、纪检、检察、省、市、 区的官老爷们给尽了我们冷漠与白眼……。可是,我们到那里去说理呢?谁又为我们做主呢?我去公安机关报案, 那些只挣着工资的人民的公务员开着30多万元买的小车耀武扬威,根本顾不上办案,甚至和村干部相互勾结欺压 老百姓……。我只有以暴制暴了,我只能自己来维护老百姓的利益了……。实际上,我每年的收入都有4、5万元 ,我完全可以不管这些事!但是,我不能!我的良心告诉我不能这样做,我不能对此置之度外。官逼民反,我不能 让这些蛀虫们再欺压人了……。我知道我将死去,如果我的死能够引起官老爷们的注意,能够查办了那些贪官污吏 ,我将死而无憾,否则我将变成厉鬼也不放过他们……”听众席上爆发出一阵掌声,审判长急忙制止 …… 如果你是中国人!如果你是山西人!如果你是有良知的人!请转载到你的空间,或复制到空间,不为什么,就是想 让公道长存!!!! |
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