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139263 2010 年 05 月 29 日 22:34 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary (a) of the chest 1. barbell bench press A. Key training areas: the pectoralis major, deltoids and triceps. Most champion bodybuilders elected as the Yang holding the best upper body exercise movements. B. Start position: Sit on flat bench press bench, feet flat on floor. Two hands hold the bars up,国家部门举报电话大全!!!【以备急用】 - Qzone日志, shoulder to shoulder with both hands slightly wider spacing of these, his arms straight barbell at chest support the upper part of living. C. Action process: the two-arm open to both sides, his arms slowly flexion, vertical bar down until the bars come into contact with the chest (approximately close to the nipple line side). Then push up until the opening position, repeat. D. Training Points: Do not arch the back and buttocks, or hold your breath, it would be out of control muscles is dangerous. 2. dumbbell bench press A. Key training areas: the pectoralis major, deltoids and triceps. B. Start position: Sit on flat bench press bench, feet flat on floor. Two hands holding the dumbbells straight up. C. Action process: the two-arm open to both sides, his arms slowly flexion, dumbbell vertical drop, down to the lowest, that is promoting for cook, when pushed breath. Then push up until the opening position, repeat. D . Training Points: Do not arch the back and buttocks, or hold your breath, it would be out of control muscles is dangerous. 3. Parallel Bar Dip A, key training areas: mainly the lower pectoralis major muscle, followed by the triceps and deltoid. B, beginning: Two best rod spacing wider than shoulder width, two-hand bar support into the straight arm, chest , abdomen, legs straight and close together like relaxation was sagging. C, action process: breath, elbow bent arm, the body down until your arms bent down to the lowest position, cited the head should be forward, elbows outreach, so that the full stretch pectoralis major stretch. Then inhale to a sudden contraction of the pectoralis major Supporter arms, the body up until arms are fully extended; when the lever arm than horizontal position, the hips slightly backward reduction, body was Arms straight, the pectoralis major is fully tightened state. Repeat the exercise. D, Training Points: action should be carried out slowly, not by the body help to complete the action runout; hold up when the faster, chest, looked up, abdomen , do not shrug; to increase the training intensity in the waist weight-bearing exercises. 4. barbell on the inclined bench press A. Key training areas: the upper part of pectoralis major muscle, followed by the deltoid and triceps before the beam. B. Start position: Sit in the oblique angle of 35-45 degrees for the bench press bench . C. Action Process: shoulder to shoulder with both hands slightly wider spacing of these, his arms straight and shoulder support to live at the top of the bar. Down to the upper chest (near the collarbone Office) when the suction . When the bars of a contact with the chest, that is promoting for cook, when pushed breath. D. Training Points: The grip is generally adopted by a wide margin,coach purses, at the bars down in the clavicle, this method makes the chest muscles need them power. 5. inclined dumbbell bench press on the A. Key training areas: the upper part of pectoralis major muscle, followed by the deltoid and triceps before the beam. B. Start position: Sit in the oblique angle of 35-45 degrees for the bench press bench . C. Action process: arms straight holding dumbbells at the top of the shoulder. Down to the upper chest (near the collarbone Office) when the suction. Down to the lowest, that is to promote as a cook, when pushed breath. D. Essential Training: exercise process will mainly concentrate on the pectoralis major, so that the chest is always in a state of tension. The triceps as a secondary supplementary power. 6. supine dumbbell birds A. Key training areas: the pectoralis major and deltoid. B. Start position: Sit on flat bench press bench, holding dumbbells each hand, palm relative, pushing until the arms straight, support in the upper chest. C. Action process: the two sides holding dumbbells parallel to the fall, a slight elbow flexion, dumbbells down to the sides of the chest muscles are fully stretched sensations in the arm below the shoulder level down. When the dumbbell down, make a deep breath. Who lifted back into place when the bell Xunyuan Lu breath. D. Essential Training: If you fall when the dumbbell to the side, his arms were stretched state, such as the chest muscles would be difficult to get the feeling of stretching and muscle contraction. 7. standing arms and chest side of the drop-down folder A, key training areas: the Main Body of pectoralis major and deltoid. The position of touching the handle high, fit is the upper chest; grip in the middle or lower position, fit and is in the chest or lower chest muscles . B, Start Position: feet open, shoulder width, the body below the chest standing, his arms on the lift side, elbow slightly bent, his hands were holding the chest down to the heart of each end of the handle. The focus should be on the downward direction of 45 degrees. (Not less than 30 degrees). C, action process: breathing, upper body slightly forward, his arms from the folder on the hard slash to the chest down to submit $ & * state, until the two chest touching the handle. Pause 2-4 seconds, then exhale slowly restored. Repeat the exercise. D, Training Points: always keep the upper body slightly forward, back and forth are not allowed to help; to fully stretch muscle, slow and rhythmic movements to be carried out; completion of a balanced force action arms, to prevent sudden yank or restore the action. 8. sitting bent clip chest A, key training areas: the pectoralis major muscle and the shoulder deltoid muscle groups B, the starting position: sitting in a fixed chair butterfly trainer, abdomen, chest, tight waist, upper body upright, two-arm resistance on the device pad on the arm, forearm perpendicular to the ground, the upper arm parallel to the ground. C, action process: breathing, his arms at the same time force the folder to the middle of the chest, so that the resistance of separating the two devices with touch as much as possible, pause 2-3 seconds, then exhale slowly restored. D, Training Points: Note that action is completed to be smooth, calm, fierce clip to prevent sudden movements. 9. Dumbbell climbing birds A. Key training areas: the upper chest and deltoid. B. Start position: Sit on the bench inclined bench, holding dumbbells each hand, palm relative, pushing until the arms straight. C. Action process: the two sides holding dumbbells parallel to the fall, a slight elbow flexion, dumbbells down to the sides of the chest muscles are fully stretched feeling. When the dumbbell down, make a deep breath. Who lifted back into place when the bell Xunyuan Lu breath. D. Essential Training: If dumbbells to the sides fell, his arms were stretched state, such as the chest muscles would be difficult to get the feeling of stretching and muscle contraction. (b) of the triceps 1. supine exercise after the support A. key areas: the biceps, pectoralis major, deltoid and teres major and so on. B. start position: supine body, hands slightly behind the support in the stool, feet on the lower bench, body parts hanging. C. Action process: breath, shoulders relaxed, arms slowly elbow, the body sank as much as possible (in particular, Shen hip), pause 2-3 seconds, then inhale, stretch his arms propped up force Restore the body. Repeat. D. Essential Training: Arm flexion and extension in the steady speed, the body should be straight, elbows to the arm within the folder. Height or weight-bearing foot elevation can increase the difficulty of training, increase the load stimulus. 2. supine bent arm pull A. Key training areas: the pectoralis major, triceps, serratus anterior and latissimus dorsi. B. Start position: Sit on a bench, chair-side exposed to the head , back of the head on the stool in the face, feet touch the ground support. Hold the bars with both hands the central, hands shoulder to shoulder with the narrower spacing of the two hand-held bell behind your head on the ground, so the lower back slightly to straighten. C. Action process: slightly bent arm holding the bell, pull on the barbell to upper chest. Then, bent down to the bar Xunyuan Lu slightly off the ground after the first (the bar does not touch the ground.) Lahti on the force since then. Repeat. D. Training Points: You can pull a larger weight to do bent arm, straight arm pull and do a comparison, so that the training will receive a larger effect. 3. standing back of the neck arm flexion and extension exercises A. key areas: the major bodybuilding triceps. B. start position: the body upright, his hands grip or reverse grip barbell is, the upper arm fixed to the sides of the head flexion. C. Action process: inspiration, to the elbow axis, force the forearm and straight on the move, pause 2-3 seconds. Then inhale, slowly bent down to restore to the back of the neck, repeat the exercise. D. Training points: the upper arm must be close to the ears and elbows clamping, upper arm perpendicular to the ground to maintain shape, the two tip of elbow vertically upward, not to move forward after the leveraging. 4. narrow grip elected A. Key training areas: the medial part of pectoralis major, deltoid and triceps before the beam. B. start position: prone on a bench, feet flat on floor, in order to maintain body balance. Hold the bars with both hands the middle distance 4-6 inches, his arms held straight above the bell support on the shoulders. C. Action Process: flexion of arms slowly down to the bars reach the chest. Then push up until the start position, repeat the exercise. D. Training Points: Wide grip bench press exercise is mainly pectoralis major, from inside to outside development. 5. sitting arm neck flexion and extension arm A. Key training areas: triceps. B. Start position: sitting on bench, feet flat on floor, right hand holding the bell, palms forward, straight in the overhead bin. Left, left hand on the left waist. C. Action process: the right upper arm close to the right side of the ear, are not allowed to move. Bell Park held a half above the arc down to the left shoulder, holding the bell falling as low as possible. Then, the contraction of the right arm triceps, holding up the lift to restore the bell. Repeat. Left and right hand alternately doing, to accomplish the same number of times. D. Training Highlights: support to the head after the bell down diagonally down to the rear than the direct effect of better training. 6. overlooking the Legislative arm flexion and extension A. Key training areas: triceps. B. start position: Natural stand on stools at one end, the upper body flexion to the back and parallel to the ground, his left to palm support on the bench, right hand holding dumbbell, elbow, right arm close to parallel with the back side of the body, forearm drooping. C. Action process: hand bell,coach outlet online, upper arm close, fixed elbow position, holding the bell above the lift to the arm straight back, then slowly down to restore. Only the forearm up and down activity. D. Essential Training: Using 7. standing under the arms and chest, elbow pressure A, key training areas: the triceps and elbow muscles. B, the starting position: the face of arm strength training machines standing feet apart, chest and abdomen showed a tight waist and body shape, bent and his hands clasped resistance at both ends of the handle bars, hands less than shoulder width distance. Elbow close to the side of the body, C, action process: breathing, support the resistance arm forced down the pressure bar, the arm straight, pause 2 to 3 seconds. Then exhale, slowly restored. Repeat the exercise. D, Training Points: Note moves to stretch, when the joints close to the side of the body, to prevent pressure to the middle of fierce pressure or for failure to complete successfully. Leveraging the body do not reach their heads off. *** shoulder, back muscles exercises *** 1. neck wide grip chin-up A, key training areas: the latissimus dorsi and shoulder muscles. B, the starting position: arms hanging in the single-pole, two-handed grip from the wide forehand grip rails, making back the following location to relax, latissimus dorsi full stretch, lift both legs bent. C, action process: breathing, concentration of latissimus dorsi muscle contraction force, bent on the chin to the back of the neck opening so close to or touching the horizontal bar, pause 2-3 seconds. Then exhale to control the latissimus dorsi muscle contraction force, to restore the body to decline slowly. Repeat the exercise. D, Training Points: Do not move the body back and forth during the use of inertia to give help; body sagging, the scapular to relax. The latissimus dorsi full elongation. 2. barbell rowing A. overlooking the legislature exercises focus areas: the main is to exercise the largest muscles on the back - latissimus dorsi, followed by the trapezius, infraspinatus muscle, straight spine, after the beam deltoid, biceps and forearm effective. B. Start Position: feet shoulder width to open the upper body parallel to the ground before the song, knees slightly, driven by a sense of back muscles do not tighten. Two palm inward, spaced shoulder width , arms hanging straight and hold the bell. C. Action process: the upper arm toward the two sides filed bars close, until the bars touch down on the abdomen and then slowly restored, repeat. D: Essential Training : Most of the athletes in the training of the action, using a wide grip range, which makes the muscles are stimulated in different parts. In mentioning the bell, it should use the back muscles are contractile force, not just to move up weight only . 3. Prone to stand A. Key training areas: the Main Body to the Ministry of the sacral spinal muscle and other muscles. B. start position: prone on the mat or the pommel horse, upper body flexion, two feet fixed, your head or shoulder the barbell with both hands. C. Action process: inspiration, full of upper body bent forward, and then to low back muscle strength, to come forward to restore, then restore the natural breathing. Repeat the exercise. D. Essential Training: in the action process, the lower back must remain straight and not allowed to loose waist Hanxiong arched; upper body flexion, try to slow down and avoid sudden rapid pike, to prevent lower back muscle strain. 4. standing weight-bearing exercise bent bent A. key areas: the Main Body to the Ministry of the sacral spinal muscle and other muscles. B. Start Position: feet shoulder holding the bell placed in back of the neck, chest, abdomen, tight waist, his hands Hold firmly to the bar, the body upright. C. Action process: inspiration, full of upper body bent forward, parallel to the ground until the lower back, then hips should be moved back, and the body center of gravity in a rear heel, pause 3-4 seconds. Then back muscle strength, to come forward to stand reduction, and then restore the natural breathing. Repeat the exercise. D. Essential Training: in the action process, the lower back must remain straight and not allowed to loose waist Hanxiong arched; upper body flexion, try to slow down and avoid sudden rapid pike, to prevent lower back muscle strain. 5. sitting back of the neck down A. Key training areas: the beam after deltoid, trapezius, upper back muscles and arm muscles B. Start position: sitting in the back pull exercise machine fixed seat , his hands were holding the top ends of the handle bars. C. Action process: inspiration, from the ground above the location of the vertical bars to the back of the neck and shoulders down flat, pause 2-3 seconds. Then exhale, slowly restored along the same route. Repeat. D. Training Points: Note completion of a balanced force action arms, or no control to prevent the tug suddenly restored. Away from the grip with wide grip handle. Anterior pull -down can also be used to practice the method, that is pulled down to the chest when the bars before. 6. sitting down A. anterior part of key exercise: Toe deltoid, trapezius, upper back muscles and arm muscles B. Start position: sitting in the back pull exercise machine fixed seat, his hands were holding the top ends of the handle bars. C. Action process: inspiration, from the beginning position of the vertical drop-down bars to the top of the chest, pause 2-3 seconds. Then exhale, slowly restored along the same route. Repeat. D. Training Points: Note completion of a balanced force action arms, or no control to prevent the tug suddenly restored. Away from the grip with wide grip handle. Can also be used to practice the methods neck down. 7. look down at attention grip pull A, key training areas: the upper part of the latissimus dorsi muscle. B, the starting position: feet apart standing in the C, action process : breath, with the latissimus dorsi muscle contraction force, the Then exhale, holding the bar down slowly restored. D, training points: pulling To the arms hanging down, the two shoulder blades should be relaxed so that the latissimus dorsi full stretch, but the Do not move the body up and down the process of leveraging. 8. anterior wide-grip chin-up A, key training areas: the latissimus dorsi and shoulder muscles. B, the starting position: arms hanging in the single-pole, two-handed grip from the wide forehand grip rails, making back the following location to relax, latissimus dorsi full stretch, lift both legs bent. C, action process: breathing, concentration of latissimus dorsi muscle contraction force, bent arm pull-up to the anterior clavicle place, so close to or touching the horizontal bar, pause 2-3 seconds. Then exhale to control the latissimus dorsi muscle contraction force, to restore the body to decline slowly. Repeat the exercise. D, Training Points: Do not move the body back and forth during the use of inertia to give help; body sagging, the scapular to relax. The latissimus dorsi full elongation. *** biceps group *** 1. stoop sitting curl A. Key training areas: the start of the biceps B.: sitting or prone set, the upper body slightly forward, a hand inside the dumbbell hanging in a leg side, the other arm naturally elbow to elbow resting on the palm or the side of the thigh. C. Action process: holding up the bell slowly bent elbow to the chest, upper arm are not allowed to move, close to the inner thighs . D. Training Points: When the hold when the bell bent, lower back do not relax. When held to the chest when the bell bent so as to tighten the biceps and keep the rest for 3 seconds. Then, slowly down . Can also be standing for. 2. barbell curl A. Key training areas: mainly the biceps, followed by the forearm muscles. B. start position: Natural stand, palms forward, hands shoulder width distance, in the whole action process , the two upper arm is always affixed to the side of the body, sagging in the leg before the bar. C. Action process: the elbow as the fulcrum, the forearm from the front leg bent up into a semi-circular shape with shoulder-length before. Then, slowly down to the legs before Xunyuan Lu. D Training Points: When the barbell bent, the upper arm are not allowed to move, lift the barbell at the same time, so that the trunk looked up and will be back a little, some more effectively. Bent to the full contraction, then Xunyuan Lu put down the barbell. Action to slow down, when the barbell down to restore, the forearm should be hanging straight. Each quote must be fully extended and complete contraction. 3. sitting oblique anti-trust arm curl A. grip exercises focus areas: the major muscle bodybuilding biceps and other elbow B. starting position: the body sitting in a fixed chair ride, the upper body slightly forward, his arms resting on the inclined board straight, so that axillary card in the oblique plate along, fist forward, anti-grip dumbbell with both hands shoulder width. C. Action process: inspiration, his arms to the elbow axis force curl $ & * move to the bell near the collarbone, pause 2-3 seconds, then exhale, relax arms reduction, repeat the exercise. D. Training Points: bent on the move when the upper arm to remain intact , slow and when outriggers fully extended. When doing this, due to ramp constraints,coach handbags, can not borrow the strength of other parts of the body, so the training biceps significant effect. But for people who fit the early training started not to do this, to reach the level of initial training level of initial training or those who have to do this exercise. 4. standing dumbbell hammer curls A. Key training areas: the major bodybuilding biceps brachii muscle and the muscles. B. start position: upright or sitting position, the two arms drooping naturally straight, holding dumbbells , tiger's mouth forward. C. Action process: the two upper arm by the side of the body axis in both elbows bent with a dumbbell, the forearm forced to tighten, pause 2-3 seconds, then exhale, holding the bell restored to the side of the body slow down, repeat the exercise. D. Training Points: The grip curl, the two upper arm stationary, straight grip wrist bells, not swinging with the inertial upper body strength. 5. standing chest-arm anti-grip curl A. Key training areas: the major bodybuilding biceps and brachial muscles B. start position: Natural stand, feet shoulder width distance and, chest and abdomen tight waist. Placed in the right arm straight down the side of the body, palms forward grip handle at one end. C. Action process: breathing, chest pull slowly upward elbow right hand near the right shoulder home department, pause 2 - 3 seconds, then exhale slowly restore, repeat. D. Training Points: pull, the upper body should remain straight, the elbow should not rock back and forth. 6. seated alternate dumbbell curl A. Key training areas: the start of the biceps B.: one end is sitting bench, holding dumbbells each hand, the next pituitary side. C. Action process: the one hand, a shoulder-length curled before the bell. and then slowly down, while another hand-held bell bent. hands alternately to do curls. D: Training Points: Some bodybuilding champion like palm down at the beginning, when bent, the wrist, shoulder and go out before. Restore back down again when they think that training more effective. *** deltoid *** 1. Rissho elected A. Key training areas: the main deltoid and triceps, followed by the pectoralis major, trapezius and back. B. Start position: hands hold the bars, spacing, shoulder width, lift the barbell to the shoulders, palms up. C, action process: the cheek to push up the bar until your arms straight above his head. Then, slowly Xunyuan Lu down to the shoulders. Then repeat. D , Training Points: pushed, the upper body should not backwards. It is best on the beam waist on the waist belt to practice weightlifting. Also do not choose when Biezhu gas. 2. dumbbells elected A. Key training areas: the upper torso of this action is to exercise the large muscle groups. For example: deltoid, trapezius, on the chest, triceps, and upper back muscles. B. start position: hands holding the bell grip on the process side of the head C. Action: push the dumbbell vertically with both hands until the arms straight. And then slowly down to the starting position. D . Essential Training: Dumbbell grip over the bar with a great degree of freedom. 3. overlooking the Legislative Lateral Raise A. Key training areas: the deltoid and upper back muscles after the beam. B. Start position: Stand with feet shoulder width apart, holding dumbbells two relatively palm, upper body bent forward in parallel with the ground to the body, legs slightly bent, lower back does not make sense of tension. C. Action process: two hand-held bell to both sides of the lift until the upper arm and back parallel to (or slightly over), pause, then lower the dumbbell restore. Repeat. D. Training Points: If you hold when held up to both sides of the bell, so that a little elbow and wrist flexion,远逝的风筝,远逝的梦, you will feel the deltoid muscle group can be to a better contraction. Throughout the course of action, thought to be concentrated in the contraction of the muscle groups. 4. Lateral Raise A. Key training areas: the lateral deltoid area in the beam. B. Start position: Natural standing, holding dumbbells each hand before the pituitary, the two little flexion of the elbow , fist eyes forward. C. Action process: two hand-held bells at the same time to both sides of the lift until the lift to the head-high position. Then, slowly Xunyuan Lu fall back into place, and then repeat. D. Training Highlights: support the bell raised and lowered in the process, so that is always a little elbow and wrist flexion, contraction of the deltoid muscle is more effective. When the dumbbell to bring both sides at the same time to turn up until the wrist slightly higher than the thumb, until brought to the highest position. Dumbbell fell, and then back to the wrist. 5. Rissho boating A. Key training areas: the deltoid and trapezius muscles, followed by biceps and forearms. B. Start position: Natural stand, hold the bars to move the middle back of the hand ,002 - Qzone log, spacing 6 London, his arms drooping before the legs. C. Course of action: to hold a bell next to the skin slowly raised, elbows tucked up always shake hands at the top. Pull to close to anterior until the horizontal position, pause. Then, Xunyuan Lu slowly close down to the legs before sagging. Repeat. D. Training Points: Every time down the bar will be slower than when on to mention when they slow down, so training would be more effective. 6. Key training areas: the upper chest and deltoid toe. B. Start position, the natural stand, his hands holding each holding sub-bell or barbell before hanging the legs. C. Action process : the top of the dumbbell or barbell lift forward (elbows slightly bent) until the line of sight parallel to the height. Then,coach outlet, slowly lower reduction, repeat. D. Training Points: If you use dumbbells when the boxing eyes forward , holding the bell in front of body on the move. This method is a single focused beam before deltoid exercise. 7. shrugging A. Key training areas: the shoulder side of the trapezius muscle, neck muscle and upper back muscles. B. start position: Natural stand,coach wallet, two back of the hand forward, holding the barbell or dumbbell, drooping before the legs. C. Action Process: shoulders arched upward at the same time, the shoulder hit the ear as far as possible, and then in the vertex position, slowly turn the shoulders back, then slowly go to his arms hanging down from the post-in situ. Repeat. In shrug process, do not toggle. D: Essential Training: If you make the wrist slightly bent, and make two 肘尖 outward, the shrinkage of the shoulder and side effects of trapezius something more effective. 8. rope overlooking Lateral Raise A. Li Key training areas: the deltoid and upper back muscles after the beam. B. Start position: Stand with feet shoulder width apart, holding the chest relative to the two palm handle, upper body bent forward in parallel with the ground to the body, legs slightly bent, lower back does not make sense of tension. C. Action process: the two sides holding the handle to lift, upper arm and back up to parallel (or slightly over),coach women shoes, pause, then lower the handle restored. Repeat. D. Training points: the resistance due to chest there is always the process in action, so the deltoid muscle stimulation is obvious. 9. rope Lateral Raise A. Key training areas: the lateral deltoid area in the beam. B. Start position: Natural stand, one hand under the handle pituitary ago, two little flexion of the elbow , fist eyes forward. C. Action process: the two sides held the same time to lift the handle until the lift to the head-high position. Then, slowly Xunyuan Lu fall back into place, and then repeat. D. Training points: the resistance due to chest there is always the process in action, so the deltoid muscle stimulation is obvious. *** legs *** 1. neck squat A. Key training areas: this is the best training movements, because it will benefit the whole body large muscle groups. Mainly squat exercise thigh muscles, the gluteus maximus, hamstrings and lower back muscles, but also can exercise the abdomen, upper back, legs and shoulders. B. start position: place the barbell behind the neck shoulder, both hands holding the ends of bars, so that the focus of both sides of the balance bar. Spacing of 15-20 inches or so feet apart, toes slightly outward apart. C. Action process: her eyes always look to the front. Flexion of the knees and then slowly, until the squat to full squat position. From the squat and power in the process, so that the trunk straight, keeping the back straight, head slightly raised (always look at the point.) When the thigh when standing over the horizontal position, that is slowly straighten to return to the original position. Feet always flat on floor. D: Essential Training: If you relax the ankle or heel off the ground, you will feel very difficult to grasp during squat body weight balance. You can stand on two feet 2 × 4 inch skids up training. 2. recumbency leg weight-bearing exercise held A. key areas: the quadriceps and gluteus maximus group, landscaping Tuntui curve. B. start position: the body reclined in the C. Action |
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2555575 2008 年 10 月 26 日 22:23 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary 1 , the English really integrate into the daily life! Do not learn English, but to live them in English! 2, the hard words, hard sentences made into posters, posted the most conspicuous place in the home, knew the master! 3, do not read English to uncomfortable! Do not read English on the \To read in English to become \ 4, the first thing that opened my eyes, \Shouted one of the dynamic and brilliant! Call for full and successful day! 5, be sure to yell in English before going to sleep for ten minutes! Make English into the subconscious, dreams are to learn English. 6, \Reflections on life before meals read English, read English to help digestion after a meal! This is a great habit! I want to spread the habit in the country! 7, running shouting in English! Only exercise the body muscles, and exercise the muscles of the mouth! Who developed the two muscles are definitely \Specifically: the go for a run before copying some English in your pocket. 8, saw the park, ran into shouted in English. The full enjoyment of beauty, full breath of fresh air! 9, \In this way, my English is that it will be authentic, nice! 10, usually English, English training time must be especially full of vowels! This can train your own extraordinary temperament. 11, free to practice consonant. To speak fluent English, you must be: full of sweet vowels,ecco women shoes, consonants accurately and clearly. For example, I used to get a piece of paper on the mouth in front of train hard plosive: newspaper, popular, possible. I often biting his lips, and worked hard [v] This sounds exaggerated to read drive, vegetable, five other words. 12, listen as often as possible! This is the most effective and least expensive way to learn! Hear more, the better sense of the phrase! And the more pleasant your English pronunciation. 13, see, hear, are trying to translate into English, anytime, anywhere training for his \ 14, planned a day of training their own \The highest goal is to learn English: Free Conversion in English! This is also the ability of society most in need, of course, this is the best value for your ability to create their own! This ability is difficult to obtain, we must practice every day! The first accurate translation of the word, then the sentence, followed by the essay. 15, always carry the word of this, collecting good words, good sentences, good article! Especially the famous aphorism! 16, collection of good articles, all to his heart read the article again,ecco shoes womens, it is best to blurt out! Because only the recitation of the English text is the ultimate solution to conquer the road! 17, out the door, immediately create a small card or small piece of paper, carry, often recite! This is the most effective way to learn! 18, to develop a great habit: good use of a large number of the day, was ignored, is wasted on a minute, two minutes! Once you have this great habit, your day will be another two days, or even three days! 19, to cultivate the habit of carrying English books! I am in the window, kitchen, living room, and even toilets are put English books, fancy a minute or two fast enough! What are afraid to do every day, afraid to insist on anything! 20, to cultivate the habit of love for shame! Hell say anything bad, just crazy to say! The only way to getting more and more good! You must enjoy losing face! 21, forget about modesty, show off the more memory the more firmly! 22, madly in love \Remember: There is no hard words in this world, not only repeat the words! Do not believe to try: qualified,ecco shoes, qualified, a qualified accountant, a qualified accountant. compliment, praise, Thank you for your compliment. Thank you for your praise. 23, crazy collection and control idioms. One difficulty is the English idiom, also known as idioms. Now send you a: get on one's nerves, which means \You blurt out this sentence: That noise gets on my nerves. (The noise gets on my nerves.) 24, the first sentence can not be blurted out, determined not to learn the second sentence! This is a great habit. Initially, progress may be slow,ecco shoes sale, but must adhere, as this would lay a solid foundation for their own! 25, to read English every day as a way of training their own willpower. This training double benefit: not only allow yourself to become more will, and by the way spoke fluent English! 26, for help a day, interested in English, or motivate a start practicing English! To do this, you must set an example yourself first! And they have to achieve certain results in order to convince others! 27, every day, praised his memory, his ability to imitate the language, your talent,ecco outlet! Do not leave yourself any room for negative thoughts! Starting today this a habit! 28, whenever they want to give up the time to think about the brilliant success of the time to think about their parents pay raise we grew up hard to think about simple things their own language can not conquer the stigma You will be re-filled with fighting spirit! 29, always remember: Repeat is power! We learn English, do not have to repeat the work of reason is not enough! In order to train their English skill and patience, every month you do such a thing: read the article three times a day, each three times, for a month! A miracle will happen! Your pronunciation, language sense, your memory, comprehension will be enhanced! 30, if you are a middle school student, wanted to test scores, you must cultivate the following habits: through a daily study of reading comprehension; weekly recitation of a cloze, and an essay every week to listen to Black and blurted out a hearing problem |
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139263 2010 年 05 月 29 日 22:34 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary (a) of the chest 1. barbell bench press A. Key training areas: the pectoralis major, deltoids and triceps. Most champion bodybuilders elected as the Yang holding the best upper body exercise movements. B. Start position: Sit on flat bench press bench, feet flat on floor. Two hands hold the bars up,国家部门举报电话大全!!!【以备急用】 - Qzone日志, shoulder to shoulder with both hands slightly wider spacing of these, his arms straight barbell at chest support the upper part of living. C. Action process: the two-arm open to both sides, his arms slowly flexion, vertical bar down until the bars come into contact with the chest (approximately close to the nipple line side). Then push up until the opening position, repeat. D. Training Points: Do not arch the back and buttocks, or hold your breath, it would be out of control muscles is dangerous. 2. dumbbell bench press A. Key training areas: the pectoralis major, deltoids and triceps. B. Start position: Sit on flat bench press bench, feet flat on floor. Two hands holding the dumbbells straight up. C. Action process: the two-arm open to both sides, his arms slowly flexion, dumbbell vertical drop, down to the lowest, that is promoting for cook, when pushed breath. Then push up until the opening position, repeat. D . Training Points: Do not arch the back and buttocks, or hold your breath, it would be out of control muscles is dangerous. 3. Parallel Bar Dip A, key training areas: mainly the lower pectoralis major muscle, followed by the triceps and deltoid. B, beginning: Two best rod spacing wider than shoulder width, two-hand bar support into the straight arm, chest , abdomen, legs straight and close together like relaxation was sagging. C, action process: breath, elbow bent arm, the body down until your arms bent down to the lowest position, cited the head should be forward, elbows outreach, so that the full stretch pectoralis major stretch. Then inhale to a sudden contraction of the pectoralis major Supporter arms, the body up until arms are fully extended; when the lever arm than horizontal position, the hips slightly backward reduction, body was Arms straight, the pectoralis major is fully tightened state. Repeat the exercise. D, Training Points: action should be carried out slowly, not by the body help to complete the action runout; hold up when the faster, chest, looked up, abdomen , do not shrug; to increase the training intensity in the waist weight-bearing exercises. 4. barbell on the inclined bench press A. Key training areas: the upper part of pectoralis major muscle, followed by the deltoid and triceps before the beam. B. Start position: Sit in the oblique angle of 35-45 degrees for the bench press bench . C. Action Process: shoulder to shoulder with both hands slightly wider spacing of these, his arms straight and shoulder support to live at the top of the bar. Down to the upper chest (near the collarbone Office) when the suction . When the bars of a contact with the chest, that is promoting for cook, when pushed breath. D. Training Points: The grip is generally adopted by a wide margin,coach purses, at the bars down in the clavicle, this method makes the chest muscles need them power. 5. inclined dumbbell bench press on the A. Key training areas: the upper part of pectoralis major muscle, followed by the deltoid and triceps before the beam. B. Start position: Sit in the oblique angle of 35-45 degrees for the bench press bench . C. Action process: arms straight holding dumbbells at the top of the shoulder. Down to the upper chest (near the collarbone Office) when the suction. Down to the lowest, that is to promote as a cook, when pushed breath. D. Essential Training: exercise process will mainly concentrate on the pectoralis major, so that the chest is always in a state of tension. The triceps as a secondary supplementary power. 6. supine dumbbell birds A. Key training areas: the pectoralis major and deltoid. B. Start position: Sit on flat bench press bench, holding dumbbells each hand, palm relative, pushing until the arms straight, support in the upper chest. C. Action process: the two sides holding dumbbells parallel to the fall, a slight elbow flexion, dumbbells down to the sides of the chest muscles are fully stretched sensations in the arm below the shoulder level down. When the dumbbell down, make a deep breath. Who lifted back into place when the bell Xunyuan Lu breath. D. Essential Training: If you fall when the dumbbell to the side, his arms were stretched state, such as the chest muscles would be difficult to get the feeling of stretching and muscle contraction. 7. standing arms and chest side of the drop-down folder A, key training areas: the Main Body of pectoralis major and deltoid. The position of touching the handle high, fit is the upper chest; grip in the middle or lower position, fit and is in the chest or lower chest muscles . B, Start Position: feet open, shoulder width, the body below the chest standing, his arms on the lift side, elbow slightly bent, his hands were holding the chest down to the heart of each end of the handle. The focus should be on the downward direction of 45 degrees. (Not less than 30 degrees). C, action process: breathing, upper body slightly forward, his arms from the folder on the hard slash to the chest down to submit $ & * state, until the two chest touching the handle. Pause 2-4 seconds, then exhale slowly restored. Repeat the exercise. D, Training Points: always keep the upper body slightly forward, back and forth are not allowed to help; to fully stretch muscle, slow and rhythmic movements to be carried out; completion of a balanced force action arms, to prevent sudden yank or restore the action. 8. sitting bent clip chest A, key training areas: the pectoralis major muscle and the shoulder deltoid muscle groups B, the starting position: sitting in a fixed chair butterfly trainer, abdomen, chest, tight waist, upper body upright, two-arm resistance on the device pad on the arm, forearm perpendicular to the ground, the upper arm parallel to the ground. C, action process: breathing, his arms at the same time force the folder to the middle of the chest, so that the resistance of separating the two devices with touch as much as possible, pause 2-3 seconds, then exhale slowly restored. D, Training Points: Note that action is completed to be smooth, calm, fierce clip to prevent sudden movements. 9. Dumbbell climbing birds A. Key training areas: the upper chest and deltoid. B. Start position: Sit on the bench inclined bench, holding dumbbells each hand, palm relative, pushing until the arms straight. C. Action process: the two sides holding dumbbells parallel to the fall, a slight elbow flexion, dumbbells down to the sides of the chest muscles are fully stretched feeling. When the dumbbell down, make a deep breath. Who lifted back into place when the bell Xunyuan Lu breath. D. Essential Training: If dumbbells to the sides fell, his arms were stretched state, such as the chest muscles would be difficult to get the feeling of stretching and muscle contraction. (b) of the triceps 1. supine exercise after the support A. key areas: the biceps, pectoralis major, deltoid and teres major and so on. B. start position: supine body, hands slightly behind the support in the stool, feet on the lower bench, body parts hanging. C. Action process: breath, shoulders relaxed, arms slowly elbow, the body sank as much as possible (in particular, Shen hip), pause 2-3 seconds, then inhale, stretch his arms propped up force Restore the body. Repeat. D. Essential Training: Arm flexion and extension in the steady speed, the body should be straight, elbows to the arm within the folder. Height or weight-bearing foot elevation can increase the difficulty of training, increase the load stimulus. 2. supine bent arm pull A. Key training areas: the pectoralis major, triceps, serratus anterior and latissimus dorsi. B. Start position: Sit on a bench, chair-side exposed to the head , back of the head on the stool in the face, feet touch the ground support. Hold the bars with both hands the central, hands shoulder to shoulder with the narrower spacing of the two hand-held bell behind your head on the ground, so the lower back slightly to straighten. C. Action process: slightly bent arm holding the bell, pull on the barbell to upper chest. Then, bent down to the bar Xunyuan Lu slightly off the ground after the first (the bar does not touch the ground.) Lahti on the force since then. Repeat. D. Training Points: You can pull a larger weight to do bent arm, straight arm pull and do a comparison, so that the training will receive a larger effect. 3. standing back of the neck arm flexion and extension exercises A. key areas: the major bodybuilding triceps. B. start position: the body upright, his hands grip or reverse grip barbell is, the upper arm fixed to the sides of the head flexion. C. Action process: inspiration, to the elbow axis, force the forearm and straight on the move, pause 2-3 seconds. Then inhale, slowly bent down to restore to the back of the neck, repeat the exercise. D. Training points: the upper arm must be close to the ears and elbows clamping, upper arm perpendicular to the ground to maintain shape, the two tip of elbow vertically upward, not to move forward after the leveraging. 4. narrow grip elected A. Key training areas: the medial part of pectoralis major, deltoid and triceps before the beam. B. start position: prone on a bench, feet flat on floor, in order to maintain body balance. Hold the bars with both hands the middle distance 4-6 inches, his arms held straight above the bell support on the shoulders. C. Action Process: flexion of arms slowly down to the bars reach the chest. Then push up until the start position, repeat the exercise. D. Training Points: Wide grip bench press exercise is mainly pectoralis major, from inside to outside development. 5. sitting arm neck flexion and extension arm A. Key training areas: triceps. B. Start position: sitting on bench, feet flat on floor, right hand holding the bell, palms forward, straight in the overhead bin. Left, left hand on the left waist. C. Action process: the right upper arm close to the right side of the ear, are not allowed to move. Bell Park held a half above the arc down to the left shoulder, holding the bell falling as low as possible. Then, the contraction of the right arm triceps, holding up the lift to restore the bell. Repeat. Left and right hand alternately doing, to accomplish the same number of times. D. Training Highlights: support to the head after the bell down diagonally down to the rear than the direct effect of better training. 6. overlooking the Legislative arm flexion and extension A. Key training areas: triceps. B. start position: Natural stand on stools at one end, the upper body flexion to the back and parallel to the ground, his left to palm support on the bench, right hand holding dumbbell, elbow, right arm close to parallel with the back side of the body, forearm drooping. C. Action process: hand bell,coach outlet online, upper arm close, fixed elbow position, holding the bell above the lift to the arm straight back, then slowly down to restore. Only the forearm up and down activity. D. Essential Training: Using 7. standing under the arms and chest, elbow pressure A, key training areas: the triceps and elbow muscles. B, the starting position: the face of arm strength training machines standing feet apart, chest and abdomen showed a tight waist and body shape, bent and his hands clasped resistance at both ends of the handle bars, hands less than shoulder width distance. Elbow close to the side of the body, C, action process: breathing, support the resistance arm forced down the pressure bar, the arm straight, pause 2 to 3 seconds. Then exhale, slowly restored. Repeat the exercise. D, Training Points: Note moves to stretch, when the joints close to the side of the body, to prevent pressure to the middle of fierce pressure or for failure to complete successfully. Leveraging the body do not reach their heads off. *** shoulder, back muscles exercises *** 1. neck wide grip chin-up A, key training areas: the latissimus dorsi and shoulder muscles. B, the starting position: arms hanging in the single-pole, two-handed grip from the wide forehand grip rails, making back the following location to relax, latissimus dorsi full stretch, lift both legs bent. C, action process: breathing, concentration of latissimus dorsi muscle contraction force, bent on the chin to the back of the neck opening so close to or touching the horizontal bar, pause 2-3 seconds. Then exhale to control the latissimus dorsi muscle contraction force, to restore the body to decline slowly. Repeat the exercise. D, Training Points: Do not move the body back and forth during the use of inertia to give help; body sagging, the scapular to relax. The latissimus dorsi full elongation. 2. barbell rowing A. overlooking the legislature exercises focus areas: the main is to exercise the largest muscles on the back - latissimus dorsi, followed by the trapezius, infraspinatus muscle, straight spine, after the beam deltoid, biceps and forearm effective. B. Start Position: feet shoulder width to open the upper body parallel to the ground before the song, knees slightly, driven by a sense of back muscles do not tighten. Two palm inward, spaced shoulder width , arms hanging straight and hold the bell. C. Action process: the upper arm toward the two sides filed bars close, until the bars touch down on the abdomen and then slowly restored, repeat. D: Essential Training : Most of the athletes in the training of the action, using a wide grip range, which makes the muscles are stimulated in different parts. In mentioning the bell, it should use the back muscles are contractile force, not just to move up weight only . 3. Prone to stand A. Key training areas: the Main Body to the Ministry of the sacral spinal muscle and other muscles. B. start position: prone on the mat or the pommel horse, upper body flexion, two feet fixed, your head or shoulder the barbell with both hands. C. Action process: inspiration, full of upper body bent forward, and then to low back muscle strength, to come forward to restore, then restore the natural breathing. Repeat the exercise. D. Essential Training: in the action process, the lower back must remain straight and not allowed to loose waist Hanxiong arched; upper body flexion, try to slow down and avoid sudden rapid pike, to prevent lower back muscle strain. 4. standing weight-bearing exercise bent bent A. key areas: the Main Body to the Ministry of the sacral spinal muscle and other muscles. B. Start Position: feet shoulder holding the bell placed in back of the neck, chest, abdomen, tight waist, his hands Hold firmly to the bar, the body upright. C. Action process: inspiration, full of upper body bent forward, parallel to the ground until the lower back, then hips should be moved back, and the body center of gravity in a rear heel, pause 3-4 seconds. Then back muscle strength, to come forward to stand reduction, and then restore the natural breathing. Repeat the exercise. D. Essential Training: in the action process, the lower back must remain straight and not allowed to loose waist Hanxiong arched; upper body flexion, try to slow down and avoid sudden rapid pike, to prevent lower back muscle strain. 5. sitting back of the neck down A. Key training areas: the beam after deltoid, trapezius, upper back muscles and arm muscles B. Start position: sitting in the back pull exercise machine fixed seat , his hands were holding the top ends of the handle bars. C. Action process: inspiration, from the ground above the location of the vertical bars to the back of the neck and shoulders down flat, pause 2-3 seconds. Then exhale, slowly restored along the same route. Repeat. D. Training Points: Note completion of a balanced force action arms, or no control to prevent the tug suddenly restored. Away from the grip with wide grip handle. Anterior pull -down can also be used to practice the method, that is pulled down to the chest when the bars before. 6. sitting down A. anterior part of key exercise: Toe deltoid, trapezius, upper back muscles and arm muscles B. Start position: sitting in the back pull exercise machine fixed seat, his hands were holding the top ends of the handle bars. C. Action process: inspiration, from the beginning position of the vertical drop-down bars to the top of the chest, pause 2-3 seconds. Then exhale, slowly restored along the same route. Repeat. D. Training Points: Note completion of a balanced force action arms, or no control to prevent the tug suddenly restored. Away from the grip with wide grip handle. Can also be used to practice the methods neck down. 7. look down at attention grip pull A, key training areas: the upper part of the latissimus dorsi muscle. B, the starting position: feet apart standing in the C, action process : breath, with the latissimus dorsi muscle contraction force, the Then exhale, holding the bar down slowly restored. D, training points: pulling To the arms hanging down, the two shoulder blades should be relaxed so that the latissimus dorsi full stretch, but the Do not move the body up and down the process of leveraging. 8. anterior wide-grip chin-up A, key training areas: the latissimus dorsi and shoulder muscles. B, the starting position: arms hanging in the single-pole, two-handed grip from the wide forehand grip rails, making back the following location to relax, latissimus dorsi full stretch, lift both legs bent. C, action process: breathing, concentration of latissimus dorsi muscle contraction force, bent arm pull-up to the anterior clavicle place, so close to or touching the horizontal bar, pause 2-3 seconds. Then exhale to control the latissimus dorsi muscle contraction force, to restore the body to decline slowly. Repeat the exercise. D, Training Points: Do not move the body back and forth during the use of inertia to give help; body sagging, the scapular to relax. The latissimus dorsi full elongation. *** biceps group *** 1. stoop sitting curl A. Key training areas: the start of the biceps B.: sitting or prone set, the upper body slightly forward, a hand inside the dumbbell hanging in a leg side, the other arm naturally elbow to elbow resting on the palm or the side of the thigh. C. Action process: holding up the bell slowly bent elbow to the chest, upper arm are not allowed to move, close to the inner thighs . D. Training Points: When the hold when the bell bent, lower back do not relax. When held to the chest when the bell bent so as to tighten the biceps and keep the rest for 3 seconds. Then, slowly down . Can also be standing for. 2. barbell curl A. Key training areas: mainly the biceps, followed by the forearm muscles. B. start position: Natural stand, palms forward, hands shoulder width distance, in the whole action process , the two upper arm is always affixed to the side of the body, sagging in the leg before the bar. C. Action process: the elbow as the fulcrum, the forearm from the front leg bent up into a semi-circular shape with shoulder-length before. Then, slowly down to the legs before Xunyuan Lu. D Training Points: When the barbell bent, the upper arm are not allowed to move, lift the barbell at the same time, so that the trunk looked up and will be back a little, some more effectively. Bent to the full contraction, then Xunyuan Lu put down the barbell. Action to slow down, when the barbell down to restore, the forearm should be hanging straight. Each quote must be fully extended and complete contraction. 3. sitting oblique anti-trust arm curl A. grip exercises focus areas: the major muscle bodybuilding biceps and other elbow B. starting position: the body sitting in a fixed chair ride, the upper body slightly forward, his arms resting on the inclined board straight, so that axillary card in the oblique plate along, fist forward, anti-grip dumbbell with both hands shoulder width. C. Action process: inspiration, his arms to the elbow axis force curl $ & * move to the bell near the collarbone, pause 2-3 seconds, then exhale, relax arms reduction, repeat the exercise. D. Training Points: bent on the move when the upper arm to remain intact , slow and when outriggers fully extended. When doing this, due to ramp constraints,coach handbags, can not borrow the strength of other parts of the body, so the training biceps significant effect. But for people who fit the early training started not to do this, to reach the level of initial training level of initial training or those who have to do this exercise. 4. standing dumbbell hammer curls A. Key training areas: the major bodybuilding biceps brachii muscle and the muscles. B. start position: upright or sitting position, the two arms drooping naturally straight, holding dumbbells , tiger's mouth forward. C. Action process: the two upper arm by the side of the body axis in both elbows bent with a dumbbell, the forearm forced to tighten, pause 2-3 seconds, then exhale, holding the bell restored to the side of the body slow down, repeat the exercise. D. Training Points: The grip curl, the two upper arm stationary, straight grip wrist bells, not swinging with the inertial upper body strength. 5. standing chest-arm anti-grip curl A. Key training areas: the major bodybuilding biceps and brachial muscles B. start position: Natural stand, feet shoulder width distance and, chest and abdomen tight waist. Placed in the right arm straight down the side of the body, palms forward grip handle at one end. C. Action process: breathing, chest pull slowly upward elbow right hand near the right shoulder home department, pause 2 - 3 seconds, then exhale slowly restore, repeat. D. Training Points: pull, the upper body should remain straight, the elbow should not rock back and forth. 6. seated alternate dumbbell curl A. Key training areas: the start of the biceps B.: one end is sitting bench, holding dumbbells each hand, the next pituitary side. C. Action process: the one hand, a shoulder-length curled before the bell. and then slowly down, while another hand-held bell bent. hands alternately to do curls. D: Training Points: Some bodybuilding champion like palm down at the beginning, when bent, the wrist, shoulder and go out before. Restore back down again when they think that training more effective. *** deltoid *** 1. Rissho elected A. Key training areas: the main deltoid and triceps, followed by the pectoralis major, trapezius and back. B. Start position: hands hold the bars, spacing, shoulder width, lift the barbell to the shoulders, palms up. C, action process: the cheek to push up the bar until your arms straight above his head. Then, slowly Xunyuan Lu down to the shoulders. Then repeat. D , Training Points: pushed, the upper body should not backwards. It is best on the beam waist on the waist belt to practice weightlifting. Also do not choose when Biezhu gas. 2. dumbbells elected A. Key training areas: the upper torso of this action is to exercise the large muscle groups. For example: deltoid, trapezius, on the chest, triceps, and upper back muscles. B. start position: hands holding the bell grip on the process side of the head C. Action: push the dumbbell vertically with both hands until the arms straight. And then slowly down to the starting position. D . Essential Training: Dumbbell grip over the bar with a great degree of freedom. 3. overlooking the Legislative Lateral Raise A. Key training areas: the deltoid and upper back muscles after the beam. B. Start position: Stand with feet shoulder width apart, holding dumbbells two relatively palm, upper body bent forward in parallel with the ground to the body, legs slightly bent, lower back does not make sense of tension. C. Action process: two hand-held bell to both sides of the lift until the upper arm and back parallel to (or slightly over), pause, then lower the dumbbell restore. Repeat. D. Training Points: If you hold when held up to both sides of the bell, so that a little elbow and wrist flexion,远逝的风筝,远逝的梦, you will feel the deltoid muscle group can be to a better contraction. Throughout the course of action, thought to be concentrated in the contraction of the muscle groups. 4. Lateral Raise A. Key training areas: the lateral deltoid area in the beam. B. Start position: Natural standing, holding dumbbells each hand before the pituitary, the two little flexion of the elbow , fist eyes forward. C. Action process: two hand-held bells at the same time to both sides of the lift until the lift to the head-high position. Then, slowly Xunyuan Lu fall back into place, and then repeat. D. Training Highlights: support the bell raised and lowered in the process, so that is always a little elbow and wrist flexion, contraction of the deltoid muscle is more effective. When the dumbbell to bring both sides at the same time to turn up until the wrist slightly higher than the thumb, until brought to the highest position. Dumbbell fell, and then back to the wrist. 5. Rissho boating A. Key training areas: the deltoid and trapezius muscles, followed by biceps and forearms. B. Start position: Natural stand, hold the bars to move the middle back of the hand ,002 - Qzone log, spacing 6 London, his arms drooping before the legs. C. Course of action: to hold a bell next to the skin slowly raised, elbows tucked up always shake hands at the top. Pull to close to anterior until the horizontal position, pause. Then, Xunyuan Lu slowly close down to the legs before sagging. Repeat. D. Training Points: Every time down the bar will be slower than when on to mention when they slow down, so training would be more effective. 6. Key training areas: the upper chest and deltoid toe. B. Start position, the natural stand, his hands holding each holding sub-bell or barbell before hanging the legs. C. Action process : the top of the dumbbell or barbell lift forward (elbows slightly bent) until the line of sight parallel to the height. Then,coach outlet, slowly lower reduction, repeat. D. Training Points: If you use dumbbells when the boxing eyes forward , holding the bell in front of body on the move. This method is a single focused beam before deltoid exercise. 7. shrugging A. Key training areas: the shoulder side of the trapezius muscle, neck muscle and upper back muscles. B. start position: Natural stand,coach wallet, two back of the hand forward, holding the barbell or dumbbell, drooping before the legs. C. Action Process: shoulders arched upward at the same time, the shoulder hit the ear as far as possible, and then in the vertex position, slowly turn the shoulders back, then slowly go to his arms hanging down from the post-in situ. Repeat. In shrug process, do not toggle. D: Essential Training: If you make the wrist slightly bent, and make two 肘尖 outward, the shrinkage of the shoulder and side effects of trapezius something more effective. 8. rope overlooking Lateral Raise A. Li Key training areas: the deltoid and upper back muscles after the beam. B. Start position: Stand with feet shoulder width apart, holding the chest relative to the two palm handle, upper body bent forward in parallel with the ground to the body, legs slightly bent, lower back does not make sense of tension. C. Action process: the two sides holding the handle to lift, upper arm and back up to parallel (or slightly over),coach women shoes, pause, then lower the handle restored. Repeat. D. Training points: the resistance due to chest there is always the process in action, so the deltoid muscle stimulation is obvious. 9. rope Lateral Raise A. Key training areas: the lateral deltoid area in the beam. B. Start position: Natural stand, one hand under the handle pituitary ago, two little flexion of the elbow , fist eyes forward. C. Action process: the two sides held the same time to lift the handle until the lift to the head-high position. Then, slowly Xunyuan Lu fall back into place, and then repeat. D. Training points: the resistance due to chest there is always the process in action, so the deltoid muscle stimulation is obvious. *** legs *** 1. neck squat A. Key training areas: this is the best training movements, because it will benefit the whole body large muscle groups. Mainly squat exercise thigh muscles, the gluteus maximus, hamstrings and lower back muscles, but also can exercise the abdomen, upper back, legs and shoulders. B. start position: place the barbell behind the neck shoulder, both hands holding the ends of bars, so that the focus of both sides of the balance bar. Spacing of 15-20 inches or so feet apart, toes slightly outward apart. C. Action process: her eyes always look to the front. Flexion of the knees and then slowly, until the squat to full squat position. From the squat and power in the process, so that the trunk straight, keeping the back straight, head slightly raised (always look at the point.) When the thigh when standing over the horizontal position, that is slowly straighten to return to the original position. Feet always flat on floor. D: Essential Training: If you relax the ankle or heel off the ground, you will feel very difficult to grasp during squat body weight balance. You can stand on two feet 2 × 4 inch skids up training. 2. recumbency leg weight-bearing exercise held A. key areas: the quadriceps and gluteus maximus group, landscaping Tuntui curve. B. start position: the body reclined in the C. Action |
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