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his / her change of heart? Separated by too much of understanding? Oh My God! Why did a really good romance turned out to be a painful end it? Your You break up some sort of relief program is it? - Love should not be a constellation of Aries : Capricorn, Cancer, Leo - Aries is always in the love child king, both willful and playful temperament, but everything thinks about himself first, less likely to consider each other's feelings. Capricorn personality rational and mature, will be particularly difficult to accept abstract Aries lover, perhaps two people complement each other's personality at first feel the ride, but it may cool slowly, and finally broke up hastily; Cancer in love is always easy to feel the high level of low need of comfort, so Aries thinks it; another Leo can not be offended, usually can not stand the headstrong Aries, the final battle when the second fire sign up, of course, the flames reaching the sky, out of control. - decision was released: - Aries in love after a period usually only appeared various conditions, as long as the feelings of a stable and acts on their usual bold aesthetic betrays, it is easy for the other half stunned, please remember that although the honeymoon period has elapsed, Do you need to pay attention to image is the point! - Page navigation】 【 Taurus. Gemini. Cancer. Leo. Virgo. Libra. Scorpio. Sagittarius. Capricorn. Aquarius. Pisces - Love should not be the constellation Taurus : Pisces,belstaff leather, Scorpio, Aquarius - not understand most of the Taurus is the way how to use the expression of romantic love, and is likely the wrong situation, when the drink for the romantic Pisces, the beginning may be to attract mature Taurus, the last by boring and choose not to leave; Scorpio Taurus with the beginning of a love full of points, but after spending time with easy argument with the last turn; bottles often inexplicable fall in love with Taurus, but the lightning in love, breaking up is usually not long to Lightning , and the last is never in contact with. - decision was released: - Taurus is really good and thought that the eloquence, but also to remember that the interpretation of the time, it is necessary to make things good make it clear that if nothing is put on the costumes, no one will know what you're thinking, the case of to the above three signs, you might consider writing a love letter, or write to express cards to make up for lack of words. - should not love the constellation Gemini: Virgo, Scorpio, Leo - Gemini love always very exciting, the former lover, fellow students and countless school girl ambiguous objects, Gemini's love life are so colorful, but also to grasp the current endless mad lover, virgin for the feelings got a little older Block, in addition to feeling so out of control, the will bother to make a nervous breakdown; Scorpio lover the face of efforts to reach the action is quite Henla, various means are made out of tooth for a tooth; Leo Valentine Daochuliuqing is intolerable, a cry Second, the brain is a common practice the three hanged, according to three meals a day with supper roaring anger, fear will allow Gemini to avoid the less it! - decision was released: - Gemini probably cut peach a little difficult, but at least you have to remember where measured, this is not just a responsible attitude of love, but also a respect for the lover, best when a law-abiding good lover! - Love should not constellation Cancer: Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius - Cancer very afraid of breaking when in love, especially a word lover, it will make Cancer feel the ups and downs, but like the weather can be said that even showers Partly cloudy. Gemini loves a joke often baffled the easily offended Cancer, and always noisy end; speak directly to the Aries, although more than half are unintended, but also enough to Cancer spirit out of control; striker pot which does not open tender spot in the white head act, every word can make Cancer a blast! - decision was released: - Valentine told anything and do anything, was enough to greatly affect the mood of Cancer, but Cancer should try to tell a joke about what is and what if the gas is only temporary, otherwise met the above three constellations, but will be hard to live. - should not love the constellation Leo: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Leo - discussion when the lion always love to control the habits of his lover, a bit like the king of this control people that way, and often are never acts are not allowed to say the other side, but usually if the case of freedom used to Sagittarius, not only uncontrollable, but also so the argument with special noise; when caught in a very assertive when Capricorn, Leo's wayward feelings will only break; lion is a lion encounter a disaster, like a quarrelsome lovers among the general,belstaff coat, quarreling is pretty OK, but in the end to turn difficult to clean up the end. - decision was released: - love managing people put away the temper it! While the Leo in love is a king or queen, but Valentine is not your servants, too authoritarian attitude will only gas to go lover, especially the case of the fundamental controls are not moving the three constellation Leo, or turn a blind eye , ask for free to get the final to become the tragic situation. - should not love the constellation Virgo: Taurus, Gemini, Sagittarius - Virgo in love is easy among the quiet dedication, into a position of inferiority of the little man or little daughter, this is a hard to love the performance, but if caught in a bit greedy Taurus, and his dedication is easy as it should be, is to Virgo at heart will always feel like I owed a debt is not as complete; met nickname out of the Gemini, Virgo, Gemini dedication did not catch the heart; the surface not want to be tied to the Sagittarius, Virgo will be the dedication and sacrifice that is superfluous. - decision was released: - as long as the mind back on to his body, emotions can become very smooth, ready to remember to put its own good, the other will be more love for you, as long as the Virgo is very happy, good condition, feelings will be very happy, too that the last offer was too cheap will only make the other treasure without knowing it! - Love should not be the constellation Libra : Aries, Cancer, Taurus - Libra people are concerned about the fair in love, but the standards of fairness are often laid down his own, when lovers make the performance of scales that is not a balance between giving and receiving, that the other party may be necessary to more careful! Aries in particular to his position that everything the person for the consideration, Libra will feel by the unequal treatment; and When the mood changes when relatively large Cancer, Libra can get that do not know how we go; addition, when scales met the very accounting than the Taurus when the standard deviation of two people found a lot of the discussion is fair to just finish the quarrel. - decision was released: - In fact, good-tempered Libra not vulnerable to emotional problems too, but sometimes too stringent a standard of fairness, will feel their lover is not good enough, a complaint was that the situation of endless debate, the proposed Libra let loose, or the standard that I could be more cheerful. - should not love the constellation Scorpio: Aquarius, Pisces, Libra - Scorpio in love are very possessive of them a party, together with their intuitive, as long as the lover of a crystal clear sign of trouble they immediately,belstaff outlet, but, and this has a habitual liar Aquarius constellation love, Scorpio is often a week is crazy caught many times, until the break up; the face are always chaotic discharge Pisces, Scorpio is often difficult to accept, but do not control, it is worth angry; good deeds on behalf of Libra , because they do not know how to refuse the temptation to always make Scorpio is easy to grasp mad, how Libra is always next time for endless third party. - decision was released: - relax now! Serial killer does not call every day is a good way to learn to believe that Valentine would drive away the other side than the oppressive rule is well-Moreover, if the other really really wanted to lie to you, Scorpio can do nothing even if caught, but still try to avoid peach love with the good people too. - should not love the constellation Sagittarius: Cancer, Taurus, Libra - Sagittarians love the attitude is a bit loose with the person they think is a future together, if only short-term love to pass the time, they will not put too much thought in love, to concentrate more Debu without special conditions, such as with the Cancer constellation with innocent and sensitive, Cancer is easy to feel the shooter's fickle fuss is difficult to avoid the situation; if this persistent form with the Taurus lover Sagittarius will be kind of bored Shuaibu Diao also a sense of rejection, may eventually become enemies; and Libra fall in love, Libra Sagittarius dependence is difficult to bear character, it is easy to keep the noise separately. - decision was released: - Sagittarius Love is a very sophisticated type, however, the proposed standards, easy to looking any, or just not satisfied with the current object, and let the other half aware of a fickle, in this proposal Sagittarius before entering a period of love, talk to the people who like to make friends, learn with deep enough to consider it later,belstaff online! - Love should not constellation Capricorn: Gemini, Aries, Pisces - Capricorn Love biggest problem is that attitude is too cold, although this is their innate character, however, is not always indifferent can be able to stand for each constellation, in particular, like the lively Gemini, often it is easy because they feel bored and Lingjiexinhuan, which makes face-saving Capricorn have a lifetime of pain; playful like the tip of the face like Aries Capricorn, enthusiasm subsided, the rest can only be dissatisfaction and grievances; although it will create a romantic Pisces, but the Capricorn is too lazy to Dali, the last only to Pisces rage. - decision was released: - cool not a bad thing, but love is the need of temperature, too calm to face love, feelings of Capricorn only way to be more rugged, Capricorn for the long-term understanding of your partner, if is the type of love at first sight, I am afraid this is no way to lasting love. - Love should not be a constellation of Aquarius : Capricorn, Aquarius,belstaff sale, Virgo - Aquarius love is like boiling water, slowly heated to a temperature, to reach the boiling point. If I run across a cool type of Capricorn, I am afraid that talking about love from start to finish, ended in dismal high probability; encounter with the Aquarius lover, if the circle of friends or Mom, it is easy because there are developments in their respective evolved to the point of betraying each other, end of course, difficult to see; and love virgin discussion, usually the beginning of the development is great, but more and more requirements of Virgo, Aquarius will only be forced to turn furious. - decision was released: - Aquarius has a lot of macho behavior, but in fact the face of love, Aquarius is a very serious type of business, but sometimes the attitude is too uncertain, people uncertain, it is more easy for feelings of cooling, it is recommended to Aquarius learn to get along with attention to every holiday, including Valentine's Day, birthday, can make a lot of warm feelings too! - Love should not be the constellation Pisces : Scorpio,belstaff jackets outlet, Virgo, Libra - Pisces love master and his ilk, in the face of love is not the biggest problem is when there is the ability to resist pressure, the face of pressure is easy to evade, and may easily encounter a new object, but also makes Pisces love affair caused a sensation, especially is a strong case of the possession of the heart of Scorpio, a relationship will find a lot of pressure, and finally Pisces can not stand the bleak ending; the face of Virgo's attitude should always be clear, many will feel a day Pisces faced with the nagging pressure fell staged fight every day; and met the master, like Libra is love, this relationship is likely to become the spy on the spy's condition, another master ** infidelity. - decision was released: - Pisces relationship problems, or trying in the face of pressure, to the courage and perseverance to face, although the escape may suspend temporary, but long to escape the pressure of the accumulated, it will be overwhelmed romance the last straw. - |
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