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在家请客――轻松、舒服、随意、凉快、免了外出的劳顿之苦,更是联络感情的桥梁,听起来是个不错的主意。 但是,厨艺不佳、拿手菜肴很少、懒得大炒大做都会使你的勇气大打折扣。而且,以往的人们提起在家宴请宾客, 总觉得无论色、香、味,还是面子上都无法与在外请客相提并论。其实,这种想法早已过时,看看一些大型超市的 货架上,进口的烹饪调味品、酱、汁,少见的外地蔬菜,光波炉,产自中外的各种新鲜海产品……光是浏览一下就使人顿生“投奔”厨房的欲望。 而善于利用、发现它们,简单的操作就会使你的餐桌增色许多。打开思路、多多借鉴更是提高厨艺的捷径,采购一 些西餐的原料,结合西式或地方风味的做法,居家的菜肴也会新奇多姿,与专业看齐。
主菜 时值夏令,海产品品种多、质量好,宴客当然是主打菜肴,光波炉的价格!鲜美的海鲜人人爱吃,再配以恰当的烹调,更是所有宾客不能拒绝的美味。而且,此季市场里的海鲜品种丰富, 采买不是难事,提醒您一定要到大型的超市选购,以确保流通快,货品质量高。 盐水虾 材料� 草虾10只、葱2根、姜1块 调味料: 盐1大匙 做法: 1、草虾剪去须根,洗净,再用牙签挑去肠泥。葱和姜洗净,葱切段,光波炉价格,姜切块。 2、锅中加适量水烧开,放入草虾、葱段、姜块以及盐。煮至虾色变红,即可捞起盛盘。 特别提示: 海鲜类的菜肴,是比较能表现主人厨艺水平的,光波炉,制作的宗旨在于做法简单,菜色鲜艳大方。大部分海鲜都是汆烫一下就完成了,腥味不容易去掉,所以上桌最好 配酒同食。制作时可适量加米酒同煮,但不要加过多,以免有损食物的原味。 开胃菜 以凉菜为主,通常开胃菜上菜量较少,让客人浅尝辄止,勾起食欲即达到目的。虽然是抛砖引玉之物,但精彩 的菜肴同样能让客人过嘴不忘。而开胃菜的根本宗旨就是“爽口”二字。 双菇拌鸡肉 材料: 鸡胸肉200克,香菇、洋菇各3朵,小黄瓜1根,豌豆荚、生菜各50克 调味料: A料:盐、糖、醋各1大匙 B料:香油1小匙 做法: 1、鸡胸肉洗净,豌豆荚洗净去蒂,香菇泡软去蒂、切丝,一起放入滚水中煮熟,捞出。 2、鸡胸肉烫好放凉,用手撕成丝状。洋菇、小黄瓜、生菜洗净分别放入滚水中烫一下捞出,待放凉后切片, 装入容器加入鸡丝、香菇和豌豆荚。加入A料搅拌均匀,淋上B料即可。 特别提示: 颜色素淡诱人,如果嫌口味不浓厚,可另备一份大蒜酱油(酱油中加入蒜末、香菜)蘸食。 主食 蔬菜香肠面 材料: 螺旋意大利面100克,小香肠50克,紫生菜、生菜叶、洋葱、胡萝卜各少许 调味料: 意大利油醋汁3大匙 做法: 1、将螺旋意大利面依照外包装说明煮熟后,用冷水冲凉,再拌上少许橄榄油备用。 2、小香肠用少许油煎熟。将紫生菜、生菜叶、洋葱、胡萝卜切成细丝,泡在冰水中5分钟,捞起沥干水分备 用。 3、将所有食材与螺旋意大利面和调味料拌匀,盛入容器即可上桌。 特别提示: 不要认真界定它是菜还是主食吧,盟特光波炉,正宗的西式原料和西餐做法,外观漂亮口味丰富,给一桌中餐为主的菜肴平添一个亮点。 |
This is the killer kuangdonggou
mined abandoned 10 years nobody Zhenxiong great tragedy Year 6 small brother and sister was brutally abandoned mined swallow 2 月 15 days old Year, Wu Feng Xiong County town of Zhaotong Chen Pui Tuncun villagers Fan Jinxiang Town, and Zhao Zukui two people, it is separated from the grief of a day. In the afternoon, two of the seven children together into an abandoned mine in the play, unfortunately, were poisoned to death occurred 6 1 injuries, the tragedy shocked the small mountain village. After the accident, Zhaotong City, town leaders at all levels attach great importance to Xiong County, requiring rescue the wounded, comfort the bereaved family and other really good job in the aftermath of a timely find out the cause of the accident,有一种情感不问为什么, the total elimination of accidents. Zhenxiong public security and safety monitoring, accident investigation and other departments to quickly dispose of the working group was established, to investigate the cause. At the same time organizing relevant departments of the county's waste hole to inventory, clean up, fried seal. After preliminary investigation, 6 dead line of toxic gas poisoning. Local civil affairs departments have been dead 2 million per standards issued to the family of the deceased civil assistance payments, and bear the costs of treating the wounded; 6 bury the dead buried yesterday, the deceased's family emotional stability. Sadness 6 down a small hill slope the sun had just left 16 days Zhenxiong snow flying, cold pressing, Chan Pui Tuncun Villagers are face pain. Villager Zhao Zukui home has been erected for the six dead simple Ling Peng, surrounded with hundreds of distant relatives and neighbors who heard. \of life for a few of them that way? \Ling Peng, 4 children clinging to her body, issued a call for bursts of piercing, witnessed this scene, the presence of all the people can not help but cry! culprit abandoned mine in mouth swallow six cousins It is understood that six dead are: Fan Jian, male, 13 years old; Fan Donglin, Male, 12 years old; Fan Yuan Yuan,Ting Feng wish no.1 - Qzone log, F, 9; Fan healthy, male, age 7; Zhao Wei, M, 12; Chao Chuan, male, 9 years old. Among them, 6 people are in school, is a relationship between cousins, father and 4 in front of both the mother after the siblings relationship. Fan Jinxiang, according to family members recalled, at 17:00 on the 15th, his brother Zhao Zukui a 6 mouth to his family reunion dinner,new balance shoes, after dinner,new balance 574, and his four children and husband at home with 4 children out of play. 6:30 or so, a neighbor called to say baby suddenly something went wrong, they immediately rushed to the scene,new balance sneakers, rushed into the abandoned mine in years, the unconscious in the cave of the seven dolls out of the outside, but the children were lips Wu Qing , ear, nose bleeding, unconscious. 120 came, confirm Fandong Lin, Fan Yuan Yuan, Fan Jian has been killed, the Chao Shan (female), Zhao Wei, Chao Chuan, Fan Jian Xiong County town of 4 people sent to the South Hospital. The rescue only 11-year-old Zhao Shan out of danger, unable to save the other 3 were also killed. According to Shan Zhao recalled, 15 pm, Uncle Fan Jinxiang from their home after dinner at home, 7 individuals holding two flashlights into the hole to play, \to faint. woke up to see they all sleep in it does not move, I quickly Wangwaimian running scared ... ... \pipe It is understood that Chan Pui Kuangdonggou accident Tuen Office (now known as the village committee) coal left, has been closed according to law departments for 10 years. The small coal mines were shut down near the time, have been destroyed or fill seal,new balance outlet, but The mine has been retained ever since. \abandoned mine in a few years ago, was the village's six more than 3,000 village groups as the primary water source, there are 100 large and small pipes to the root security hole inside, had never happened before Kuangdonggou deadly dull things do not fit or blow up walls to contain. However, Chen stressed that the government, after the accident, Wu Feng Village has submitted a written application to the town government, hoping to build a reservoir near the hole then mined fried flat, or take other effective measures to prevent tragedy again occurred. reporter Shen Shixun correspondent Shiratori photo coverage (Spring City Evening News) |
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