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| Back to logs list 45321 2009 年 03 月 30 日 03:28 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (5) Category: CF data a good CF game players, we must have the following conditions: excellent grab method, a flexible mind, abundant experience, fast response and stable to play, as looting law, has introduced a number of articles, not here say, the main contents of this article is to introduce several other aspects. consciousness is awareness of a flexible mind, a manifestation of sufficient experience. First of all, we have to understand, CF competition task is to get more points than the opponent, all the way to achieve this purpose, is correct. enemy position to judge (basic skills) 1. see (Needless to say, see him there, do you still doubt?) 2. Listen you must have a good headset, so are loud, clear voice. Hear footsteps and the sound is an important grab the basic skills. Hear footsteps, they must pay attention to your feet also have sound,tods shoes uk, and must not be confused with the pace of the enemy, for starters, you can stop or walking to achieve the purpose of more easily distinguishable. About the pace of voice should be very easy to judge, but if someone ahead of you, behind, above, below it? This can be turned around to get an answer. If you find two the same size as the headset's footsteps sound, sight can be turned 90 degrees, if that becomes a side of loud, you can determine the enemy over there; If you are still not, convinced that he is in your head or feet. Up and down is not to judge, because CF, you can not lie down. However, CF map of the inside game, where only a maximum of 2 layers, that is, will not make you judge in the case of your feet or head. Then there number of problems, uniform motion one time, the pace of the frequency is for certain. If you find a mess than the first step, indicating that at least 2 people in your neighborhood, if more cluttered, more people said. Is the need to listen to a certain number of accumulated experience, and listen more, we can distinguish the voice of more than 3 enemies, we can practice more. distance, here, I suggest we use the same headset and sound long-term and fixed volume. Because the distance is the distance by the enemy on the size of the sound, in the long-term use the same headset and the sound card settings, you can easily grasp the enemy away, it's like mouse, and long-term use of the same mouse and sensitivity necessary to play well conditions. 3. radars all the information on the radar include: friendly location, Ray package location (T) the center of the radar is their own, light green for your vision, a small bright spot is the friendly, get T-Ray bag a red dot, if the package lost mine, mine will be red and shiny package point display. RADIO issued or lost teammate Ray, the radar response point will blink. If your teammates in the top of the plane, he would become a point of T, in the bottom of an inverted T. we need to practice is to own a position to see the radar will be able to roughly know the teammates on the map position. radar is useful with hearing footsteps, if you find near the pace, while the radar was showing no teammates around, then he is the enemy. 4. kill information position if you find a teammate was killed (by his teammates to understand the location of the radar), then he certainly near the enemy. In the game, it is very important, if your teammates are about to die, and you stay in your position a person, that people will criticize you. 5. match the location of integrated information and determine the ability of the enemy will get competition a lot of information, the location of each teammate, the enemy will give you some information, plus information gathered by their own (listen to see), and how to handle and make good use of this information is very important. For example, you keep A, Trail, B teammate hair C2 (enemyspoted), A road also made a C2, then they certainly would not trail in a short time RUSH. Also for example, B district killed two teammate got killed, then it is likely that B, RUSH. This is just two examples,tods online shop, in a specific game, the situation will change a lot, but you have to remember, the other to 5 people , speed will not change, where he would not be there. 6. CF with a sense of the competitive multiplayer game, so, not the strongest personal technology, you can assemble the strongest of the clan. Cooperation between team members is very important. in the game, you should always pay attention to the actions of his teammates, you have to do is meet him, you make a move, you have to think about team-mate because you thought of this move generated would not lead to bad situation there, this is not melee, is a game, killing more people is meaningless. Once with the awareness up, and clan fighting will increase a lot, and make an appropriate comparison, if you can make sense of a clan with a strong and did not match his past when playing a game, even if the law does not grab difference, it is likely that 13:0 gap. 7. have with the sense of understanding does not necessarily illustrate the clan with some good, but also understanding. A few long-term understanding between people who will be playing with some things. When you understand the habits of a teammate's game, and with his habit, they will have a tacit understanding with him. Understanding can also reduce the risk of conflicts arising from moves. CF, certainly need someone decided to launch an act (which need not be solely responsible for the captain, the command teams are generally dispersed in detail please refer to Once there are two contradictory behavior by two players simultaneously initiated, will lead to problems. In a high degree of understanding of the clan, this happens when the very small probability. 8.DESERTEAGLE dual cards generally defensive CT use, but sometimes, T can also be an anti-dual-card, stopped to detect and support the CT. the so-called dual-card, that is, more than 2 one of us, while aiming a good way to defend a point. The choice of dual-card position to follow one principle: people who grab all the participating aircraft, we must also see through the frame Qiangdian enemy. After a first one can not see see that there is no frame grab significance. talk about the geometric principles of frame grab. Set point of the enemy appeared A, about this point as a plane perpendicular to the direction of enemy movement. In this plane all the points are the best frame Qiangdian (in order to prevent the fight against each other, any two planes Qiangdian and A points are not collinear.) As long as this principle is to follow to find out the points, can achieve the best frame grab effect. Because, T to A point one, you will also have 2 or more CT to see him. a clan, there should be a fixed signals to inform teammates grab with dual card holder, such as using Z5. Here, when we issued the default Z5 with the people and their own,tods men shoes, such as B, B, notice is teammate, A District A district is notified. Other people can ignore it. If there are 3 or more teammates here, we should pay attention to see the situation to act, such as members of the Avenue A, Code issued Z5, has been a defensive team with him to the path of the door frame grab A, then the other team members should be conscious of a defensive path good path, and not also followed in the past. In addition, the dual card must not let the enemy that, if seen by a few enemies, those who see the people must die, or else fail. the hole / anti-dual-card with hole, corner and other such places, is where the enemy is prone. But as a T, you have in the past,tods shoe online, sometimes when the CT support, they need to go through such places. general, as a personal attack to 2-3 units. In the hole or corner, note the person's station under the conditions allowed, not too crowded, be sure to open the flash (unless you are sure no defense here.) Do not get all mine, at least one intersection to get a good grab aim to prevent the enemy suddenly appeared. Flash flash in the same time, rushed over. Note that the time out, in that he is not the fastest flash out of the premise, because the enemy saw the flash, it will turn around, and if so he turned back, you're not out, then did not mean flash. the success of the offensive ability and a certain relationship between team members, team members must be familiar with the game map, some will have to memorize where possession of CT in mind, the enemy can not appear in unexpected places in their own (unless it is BUG area). Must be met, that there is an enemy, one will be able to go out to kill him. As for dual card, the best way is to find and evacuate the area. Please do not laugh. If once you find dual card (through a variety of ways), then the other side will be empty, remember, only 5 people. However, some positions of the double card is difficult to find, such as trails. Then follow the above approach can only attack such places to give it 1-2 stars best hand grenades, while many people just bombed. After the flash went out to destroy the enemy more than the same time. there is a way to track enemy dual card can introduce to you. Throw a flash out, 2 people to see the enemy will often turn to hide the flash, you flash in the flash before the flash went out to see, and then immediately returned to me. Of course, this is the kind of a thing a thing of the way down, if the enemy is the kind of person to be pulled down flash, you just died. 9.RUSH with RUSH is the CF in the old tactics, TL (mp_timelimit20) game system, because T want to race against time, so almost all of RUSH, RUSH variety of methods have. The most common is 5 RUSH a point, but this is not the best. The first group of people more easily bombed, no one outflank the second posterior. Fashion now 4 / 1, and 3 / 2 splitter rush, where large forces are attacking the small stocks that is copied to intercept CT posterior reinforcements. RUSH key has the following: 1.T the distance between the players to the right, too close easily blown up, also easy to accidentally injure, too far out of line easily, probably between 2 people to stay away from a person almost. 2. Must look at all the possible negative CT of the point, but one look in one direction, the division of labor should be said before the game is good, because once a point to see if all the other points out of the CT is T may be wiped out. DUST2RUSH a more classic tactics of smoke from the first two CT base outside the door thrown in mouth, then T 2 A path in the dual-card stations. 3 other T-flash and from the B-dong HE lost out to attract two CT B frame grab hole, and then the three T quickly from door RUSHB area, A area in the CT because the smoke can not shoot out the door RUSH T, so reinforcements CT , T encountered in the path A double card, even without the CT small channel reinforcements, Trail 2 T will go directly from the Road, jump off the CT base, copy CT posterior. RUSH is a red chaos forced the enemy formation tactics, RUSH and then fought the enemy by surprise is the most effective attack, think about it, if the point has been mined down RUSH, CT will not support? CT support time, that is up to the time gap. 10. game on the opponent's understanding each team, has his style of play and the habits formed, teams will be able to match the first few games to understand and specify the tactics for their style of play and . Such as CT of the war, if you have found CT easily put a person in the door, then they will definitely B, empty, can use more RUSHB tactics. Also, for example, if you find RUSH trail is not easy to defend the enemy, then the next RUSH it. CT is the same. Some stand in the time when the T, not every point there are people, they attack A is entirely on trails and Avenue A, and if so, when the CT was found that when the enemy A, B District, CT will be able to forward exploration, even outflanking posterior. This is just part of the game when the enemy may be more tactical aspects of vulnerability, can be put to good use. rivals and win every battle, and once you learn how to think opponents, then you win. a very typical example, T everywhere harassment, until the last 1 minute not attack, this time, CT once a player hit a B, B, all the CT support. Because only the next minutes, T tactics can only be RUSHB, A mined area had no time. 11. reaction reaction by long-term training to excel, because once they become a conditioned reflex, your reaction is very fast. Is there talent is to see your reflex time is how much, if not the performance of your own body, and that no way, can only say that you are not fit to play CF. To what extent can we call to respond fast? We often hit the door in the T base in CT it, if you aim good with the AWP door on the left,tods online, ran a CT with a knife right door, kill him 50% of you to explain your reaction fast enough. CF in response to fast is a big advantage, encounter the enemy, than he opened the first grab you, if you grab law is strong enough, long-distance AWP need not be afraid. 12. steady play (psychology) This is the common problem of all games. But there are also a unique aspect of CF. Tell you that two teams, today I hit you 13:0, maybe you'll hit me tomorrow, 13:0. This is the play between good and bad. If the unstable state of mind, then lost for several Bureau of the state will own more and more of the poor, then enter a vicious cycle, this is not an exaggeration. So we must exercise their ability to come back, change their attitude, to think I would have not lost, we can win it back. Competition, the strength difference between the teams do not play in the circumstances, state of mind is the key to victory. step and grab method CF in the step and grab on the relationship between law AK.M4 We all know that in order to achieve the highest accuracy is to stop and grab opening. But do not know that some players did not notice. Sometimes you are also using mobile - stop - open grab - and then shooting the movement of ways, but at the first sight of the fire was already a very, very big. And some experts used the same shooting method, the control of sight but always relatively small. Of course, increase the accuracy and firing frequency. This inside there is a step and grab law. Let me talk about footwork. Again AK.M4 order to achieve the highest accuracy is open to stop looting, but there is science in the park. For example, you in the left pan. How should stop it, the general concept of health is not a left-shift stopped. Yes, but CF in the move have inertia. You release the left shift key at the moment, you do not stop but continue in a very small section of the movement of inertia in the distance. So you release the shift key moment in the rush to open it, in fact you are still in the opening movement of the grab, front sight will certainly become a great moment to the. But if you stand there so grab complete stop to open, then you become the target of a master. How to solve this problem. Then use the quick stop method. Specific method is to pan left, in the release the left shift key while right-tap shift key. The result is that you have in the shortest possible time headway ran. Then open the result of looting would not have said. The key is to grasp the say grab law and footwork with the problem. After my practice, I found the perfect embodiment of that can compare advantages emergency stop step method is the second method grab bursts. Method is translation - the trip - two fat bursts - and then translation. So, if you value your FPS more than 80 words, almost not feel the expansion of sight. I mean, of course, in the fast coherent action. My first step is over, grab a single point method using two methods. But then stop there, felt the time is longer than the second serve in bursts. It made use of two bursts is not as coherent. As for the three bursts first,tods shoe, because to stay a long time, then there will be a significant expansion in the third made front sight, front sight is not conducive to rapid recovery. However, the relative impact on small points M4. Of course this is only my personal experience, we had better try to find out the best are his Articles: reproduced in Internet Tencent game so stay tuned for more exciting blog |
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