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Reprinted from 947950982 at 22:13 on July 17,belstaff outlet, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary 8 health food vascular diseases increasingly threaten our health, brain hemorrhage, coronary heart disease and so on. Research shows that science diet is the main measures to prevent atherosclerosis, we recommend the following as some to help prevent atherosclerosis, maintain blood 1. Hawthorn: Hawthorn can significantly reduce serum cholesterol and triglycerides, effective prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, but also increase myocardial contractile force, expansion of coronary vessels. In addition, the total flavonoids in hawthorn have dilation of blood vessels and persistent antihypertensive effect. Associated with atherosclerosis and high blood lipids, hypertension, or coronary heart disease, daily preferable Health Hawthorn 15 - 30 grams, water to cook on behalf of the tea. 2. Oats: Oats contain oleic acid, linoleic acid, saponin, lecithin, calcium, magnesium, selenium and other minerals, have lower serum cholesterol, prevent excessive cholesterol in the arteries wall deposition, thus preventing atherosclerosis. U.S. nutrition experts point out that oatmeal can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. 3. black fungus: black fungus have anti-platelet aggregation and anti-clotting effect, can reduce blood clotting, prevent thrombosis, the incidence and delaying the development of atherosclerosis. Auricularia auricula polysaccharide but also lipid-lowering. 15 g per day desirable black fungus soup or fried. 4. kumquat: kumquat is rich in vitamin C,belstaff online, can accelerate the conversion of cholesterol, lipid-lowering and slow to play the role of atherosclerosis. kumquat kumquat glycosides also contain other substances, can reduce capillary fragility and permeability, slow down hardening of the arteries, but also regulate blood pressure. Therefore, patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease should be chewed daily 5 - 6 枚 kumquat. 5. Eggplant: In the natural food containing vitamin P to be the most abundant eggplant, which, purple eggplant vitamin P content in the highest. Vitamin P can enhance the adhesion between human cells and enhance the flexibility of capillaries, reducing capillary fragility and permeability, to prevent capillary bleeding, to maintain normal cardiovascular function, prevent hardening and cracking, I often eat eggplant, help control high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and hemorrhagic purpura. Cardiovascular protection. In addition, the eggplant well and the promotion of injury prevention and control products scurvy healing effect. Overseas studies show that it is the other anti-cancer properties of vegetables have the same role several times, is the anti-cancer strong opponents; prevention of gastric cancer: eggplant contains solanine, can inhibit the proliferation of digestive system cancer, for prevention of gastric cancer have a set effect. 6. Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium,belstaff uk, β-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin B6, these ingredients will help prevent arteriosclerosis. where, β-carotene and vitamin C with anti-lipid oxidation, prevention of atherosclerosis the role of folic acid and vitamin B6 help lower blood homocysteine levels and avoid the damage arteries, in addition, sweet potato also contains a lot of mucus proteins,belstaff leather, mucus polysaccharide etc., can maintain the flexibility of human cardiovascular wall. 7. Garlic: Studies have shown that raw garlic and garlic in preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular deposition of fat in fat metabolism within the organization induced a significant increase in fibrinolytic activity, reduce cholesterol, inhibit platelet aggregation, reduce plasma concentration,belstaff sale, increased micro-artery dilation, promote vasodilation, regulation of blood pressure, increase vascular permeability, thereby inhibiting thrombus formation and prevention of atherosclerosis. Eat 2 to 3 cloves of garlic, is the best and most simple step-down approach, garlic can help maintain the appropriate amount of an enzyme the body and prevent hypertension. 8. Onion: onion are the only known with prostaglandin A's. Prostaglandin A can expand blood vessels, reducing blood viscosity, which will have lower blood pressure, can reduce the peripheral vascular and increased coronary blood flow, prevent thrombosis. Boost the body against substances such as the role of catecholamines, can promote the excretion of sodium, so that the blood pressure, regular consumption of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and cardio-cerebral vascular diseases have health care. Hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis are recommended daily consumption of 50-100 grams of onions. In addition to the 8 food, the appropriate increase in mushrooms, fish, honey, milk, soybeans and soy intake in the prevention of the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis are of great benefit . order to better maintain the vitality of arteries, but also to develop good habits, increasing physical activity appropriate to reduce the animal offal and other foods rich in cholesterol intake, the use of vegetable oil, use less animals, cooking oil and butter, cooking meat and fried fish or fried is best not to use, eat more fresh vegetables and fruit. Friends, right diet,belstaff jacket, please protect your heart it! Blessed life, friends, health, fortune, happy, happy! |
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| Back to logs list 2127752 2010 年 11 月 24 日 19:24 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary Posted cancel | Back to logs list |
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Reprinted from 947950982 at 22:13 on July 17,belstaff outlet, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary 8 health food vascular diseases increasingly threaten our health, brain hemorrhage, coronary heart disease and so on. Research shows that science diet is the main measures to prevent atherosclerosis, we recommend the following as some to help prevent atherosclerosis, maintain blood 1. Hawthorn: Hawthorn can significantly reduce serum cholesterol and triglycerides, effective prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, but also increase myocardial contractile force, expansion of coronary vessels. In addition, the total flavonoids in hawthorn have dilation of blood vessels and persistent antihypertensive effect. Associated with atherosclerosis and high blood lipids, hypertension, or coronary heart disease, daily preferable Health Hawthorn 15 - 30 grams, water to cook on behalf of the tea. 2. Oats: Oats contain oleic acid, linoleic acid, saponin, lecithin, calcium, magnesium, selenium and other minerals, have lower serum cholesterol, prevent excessive cholesterol in the arteries wall deposition, thus preventing atherosclerosis. U.S. nutrition experts point out that oatmeal can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. 3. black fungus: black fungus have anti-platelet aggregation and anti-clotting effect, can reduce blood clotting, prevent thrombosis, the incidence and delaying the development of atherosclerosis. Auricularia auricula polysaccharide but also lipid-lowering. 15 g per day desirable black fungus soup or fried. 4. kumquat: kumquat is rich in vitamin C,belstaff online, can accelerate the conversion of cholesterol, lipid-lowering and slow to play the role of atherosclerosis. kumquat kumquat glycosides also contain other substances, can reduce capillary fragility and permeability, slow down hardening of the arteries, but also regulate blood pressure. Therefore, patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease should be chewed daily 5 - 6 枚 kumquat. 5. Eggplant: In the natural food containing vitamin P to be the most abundant eggplant, which, purple eggplant vitamin P content in the highest. Vitamin P can enhance the adhesion between human cells and enhance the flexibility of capillaries, reducing capillary fragility and permeability, to prevent capillary bleeding, to maintain normal cardiovascular function, prevent hardening and cracking, I often eat eggplant, help control high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and hemorrhagic purpura. Cardiovascular protection. In addition, the eggplant well and the promotion of injury prevention and control products scurvy healing effect. Overseas studies show that it is the other anti-cancer properties of vegetables have the same role several times, is the anti-cancer strong opponents; prevention of gastric cancer: eggplant contains solanine, can inhibit the proliferation of digestive system cancer, for prevention of gastric cancer have a set effect. 6. Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium,belstaff uk, β-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin B6, these ingredients will help prevent arteriosclerosis. where, β-carotene and vitamin C with anti-lipid oxidation, prevention of atherosclerosis the role of folic acid and vitamin B6 help lower blood homocysteine levels and avoid the damage arteries, in addition, sweet potato also contains a lot of mucus proteins,belstaff leather, mucus polysaccharide etc., can maintain the flexibility of human cardiovascular wall. 7. Garlic: Studies have shown that raw garlic and garlic in preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular deposition of fat in fat metabolism within the organization induced a significant increase in fibrinolytic activity, reduce cholesterol, inhibit platelet aggregation, reduce plasma concentration,belstaff sale, increased micro-artery dilation, promote vasodilation, regulation of blood pressure, increase vascular permeability, thereby inhibiting thrombus formation and prevention of atherosclerosis. Eat 2 to 3 cloves of garlic, is the best and most simple step-down approach, garlic can help maintain the appropriate amount of an enzyme the body and prevent hypertension. 8. Onion: onion are the only known with prostaglandin A's. Prostaglandin A can expand blood vessels, reducing blood viscosity, which will have lower blood pressure, can reduce the peripheral vascular and increased coronary blood flow, prevent thrombosis. Boost the body against substances such as the role of catecholamines, can promote the excretion of sodium, so that the blood pressure, regular consumption of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and cardio-cerebral vascular diseases have health care. Hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis are recommended daily consumption of 50-100 grams of onions. In addition to the 8 food, the appropriate increase in mushrooms, fish, honey, milk, soybeans and soy intake in the prevention of the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis are of great benefit . order to better maintain the vitality of arteries, but also to develop good habits, increasing physical activity appropriate to reduce the animal offal and other foods rich in cholesterol intake, the use of vegetable oil, use less animals, cooking oil and butter, cooking meat and fried fish or fried is best not to use, eat more fresh vegetables and fruit. Friends, right diet,belstaff jacket, please protect your heart it! Blessed life, friends, health, fortune, happy, happy! |
What martial arts are no match for this nirvana - Qzone log,belstaff jacket
| Back to logs list 2127752 2010 年 11 月 24 日 19:24 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary Posted cancel | Back to logs list |
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Reprinted from 947950982 at 22:13 on July 17,belstaff outlet, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary 8 health food vascular diseases increasingly threaten our health, brain hemorrhage, coronary heart disease and so on. Research shows that science diet is the main measures to prevent atherosclerosis, we recommend the following as some to help prevent atherosclerosis, maintain blood 1. Hawthorn: Hawthorn can significantly reduce serum cholesterol and triglycerides, effective prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, but also increase myocardial contractile force, expansion of coronary vessels. In addition, the total flavonoids in hawthorn have dilation of blood vessels and persistent antihypertensive effect. Associated with atherosclerosis and high blood lipids, hypertension, or coronary heart disease, daily preferable Health Hawthorn 15 - 30 grams, water to cook on behalf of the tea. 2. Oats: Oats contain oleic acid, linoleic acid, saponin, lecithin, calcium, magnesium, selenium and other minerals, have lower serum cholesterol, prevent excessive cholesterol in the arteries wall deposition, thus preventing atherosclerosis. U.S. nutrition experts point out that oatmeal can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. 3. black fungus: black fungus have anti-platelet aggregation and anti-clotting effect, can reduce blood clotting, prevent thrombosis, the incidence and delaying the development of atherosclerosis. Auricularia auricula polysaccharide but also lipid-lowering. 15 g per day desirable black fungus soup or fried. 4. kumquat: kumquat is rich in vitamin C,belstaff online, can accelerate the conversion of cholesterol, lipid-lowering and slow to play the role of atherosclerosis. kumquat kumquat glycosides also contain other substances, can reduce capillary fragility and permeability, slow down hardening of the arteries, but also regulate blood pressure. Therefore, patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease should be chewed daily 5 - 6 枚 kumquat. 5. Eggplant: In the natural food containing vitamin P to be the most abundant eggplant, which, purple eggplant vitamin P content in the highest. Vitamin P can enhance the adhesion between human cells and enhance the flexibility of capillaries, reducing capillary fragility and permeability, to prevent capillary bleeding, to maintain normal cardiovascular function, prevent hardening and cracking, I often eat eggplant, help control high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and hemorrhagic purpura. Cardiovascular protection. In addition, the eggplant well and the promotion of injury prevention and control products scurvy healing effect. Overseas studies show that it is the other anti-cancer properties of vegetables have the same role several times, is the anti-cancer strong opponents; prevention of gastric cancer: eggplant contains solanine, can inhibit the proliferation of digestive system cancer, for prevention of gastric cancer have a set effect. 6. Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium,belstaff uk, β-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin B6, these ingredients will help prevent arteriosclerosis. where, β-carotene and vitamin C with anti-lipid oxidation, prevention of atherosclerosis the role of folic acid and vitamin B6 help lower blood homocysteine levels and avoid the damage arteries, in addition, sweet potato also contains a lot of mucus proteins,belstaff leather, mucus polysaccharide etc., can maintain the flexibility of human cardiovascular wall. 7. Garlic: Studies have shown that raw garlic and garlic in preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular deposition of fat in fat metabolism within the organization induced a significant increase in fibrinolytic activity, reduce cholesterol, inhibit platelet aggregation, reduce plasma concentration,belstaff sale, increased micro-artery dilation, promote vasodilation, regulation of blood pressure, increase vascular permeability, thereby inhibiting thrombus formation and prevention of atherosclerosis. Eat 2 to 3 cloves of garlic, is the best and most simple step-down approach, garlic can help maintain the appropriate amount of an enzyme the body and prevent hypertension. 8. Onion: onion are the only known with prostaglandin A's. Prostaglandin A can expand blood vessels, reducing blood viscosity, which will have lower blood pressure, can reduce the peripheral vascular and increased coronary blood flow, prevent thrombosis. Boost the body against substances such as the role of catecholamines, can promote the excretion of sodium, so that the blood pressure, regular consumption of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and cardio-cerebral vascular diseases have health care. Hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis are recommended daily consumption of 50-100 grams of onions. In addition to the 8 food, the appropriate increase in mushrooms, fish, honey, milk, soybeans and soy intake in the prevention of the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis are of great benefit . order to better maintain the vitality of arteries, but also to develop good habits, increasing physical activity appropriate to reduce the animal offal and other foods rich in cholesterol intake, the use of vegetable oil, use less animals, cooking oil and butter, cooking meat and fried fish or fried is best not to use, eat more fresh vegetables and fruit. Friends, right diet,belstaff jacket, please protect your heart it! Blessed life, friends, health, fortune, happy, happy! |
| Back to logs list
Reprinted from 947950982 at 22:13 on July 17,belstaff outlet, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary 8 health food vascular diseases increasingly threaten our health, brain hemorrhage, coronary heart disease and so on. Research shows that science diet is the main measures to prevent atherosclerosis, we recommend the following as some to help prevent atherosclerosis, maintain blood 1. Hawthorn: Hawthorn can significantly reduce serum cholesterol and triglycerides, effective prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, but also increase myocardial contractile force, expansion of coronary vessels. In addition, the total flavonoids in hawthorn have dilation of blood vessels and persistent antihypertensive effect. Associated with atherosclerosis and high blood lipids, hypertension, or coronary heart disease, daily preferable Health Hawthorn 15 - 30 grams, water to cook on behalf of the tea. 2. Oats: Oats contain oleic acid, linoleic acid, saponin, lecithin, calcium, magnesium, selenium and other minerals, have lower serum cholesterol, prevent excessive cholesterol in the arteries wall deposition, thus preventing atherosclerosis. U.S. nutrition experts point out that oatmeal can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. 3. black fungus: black fungus have anti-platelet aggregation and anti-clotting effect, can reduce blood clotting, prevent thrombosis, the incidence and delaying the development of atherosclerosis. Auricularia auricula polysaccharide but also lipid-lowering. 15 g per day desirable black fungus soup or fried. 4. kumquat: kumquat is rich in vitamin C,belstaff online, can accelerate the conversion of cholesterol, lipid-lowering and slow to play the role of atherosclerosis. kumquat kumquat glycosides also contain other substances, can reduce capillary fragility and permeability, slow down hardening of the arteries, but also regulate blood pressure. Therefore, patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease should be chewed daily 5 - 6 枚 kumquat. 5. Eggplant: In the natural food containing vitamin P to be the most abundant eggplant, which, purple eggplant vitamin P content in the highest. Vitamin P can enhance the adhesion between human cells and enhance the flexibility of capillaries, reducing capillary fragility and permeability, to prevent capillary bleeding, to maintain normal cardiovascular function, prevent hardening and cracking, I often eat eggplant, help control high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and hemorrhagic purpura. Cardiovascular protection. In addition, the eggplant well and the promotion of injury prevention and control products scurvy healing effect. Overseas studies show that it is the other anti-cancer properties of vegetables have the same role several times, is the anti-cancer strong opponents; prevention of gastric cancer: eggplant contains solanine, can inhibit the proliferation of digestive system cancer, for prevention of gastric cancer have a set effect. 6. Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium,belstaff uk, β-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin B6, these ingredients will help prevent arteriosclerosis. where, β-carotene and vitamin C with anti-lipid oxidation, prevention of atherosclerosis the role of folic acid and vitamin B6 help lower blood homocysteine levels and avoid the damage arteries, in addition, sweet potato also contains a lot of mucus proteins,belstaff leather, mucus polysaccharide etc., can maintain the flexibility of human cardiovascular wall. 7. Garlic: Studies have shown that raw garlic and garlic in preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular deposition of fat in fat metabolism within the organization induced a significant increase in fibrinolytic activity, reduce cholesterol, inhibit platelet aggregation, reduce plasma concentration,belstaff sale, increased micro-artery dilation, promote vasodilation, regulation of blood pressure, increase vascular permeability, thereby inhibiting thrombus formation and prevention of atherosclerosis. Eat 2 to 3 cloves of garlic, is the best and most simple step-down approach, garlic can help maintain the appropriate amount of an enzyme the body and prevent hypertension. 8. Onion: onion are the only known with prostaglandin A's. Prostaglandin A can expand blood vessels, reducing blood viscosity, which will have lower blood pressure, can reduce the peripheral vascular and increased coronary blood flow, prevent thrombosis. Boost the body against substances such as the role of catecholamines, can promote the excretion of sodium, so that the blood pressure, regular consumption of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and cardio-cerebral vascular diseases have health care. Hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis are recommended daily consumption of 50-100 grams of onions. In addition to the 8 food, the appropriate increase in mushrooms, fish, honey, milk, soybeans and soy intake in the prevention of the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis are of great benefit . order to better maintain the vitality of arteries, but also to develop good habits, increasing physical activity appropriate to reduce the animal offal and other foods rich in cholesterol intake, the use of vegetable oil, use less animals, cooking oil and butter, cooking meat and fried fish or fried is best not to use, eat more fresh vegetables and fruit. Friends, right diet,belstaff jacket, please protect your heart it! Blessed life, friends, health, fortune, happy, happy! |
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