The 5 Ton Artist | Green Cupboards Community
For the past ten years a special school has existed for creative students who possess a sharp memory and a sturdy build.Â* In Thailand, conservation enthusiasts armed with paint, paper, and custom made brushes and easels foster the artistic abilities of our greatest land mammals. At the Chiang Dao Elephant Camp caretakers introduce elephants to the activity of painting.Â* Each animal is free to choose whether or not to pursue it.Â* Elephants that enjoy painting go through a one week training course to aid in comfortably creating abstract art. Â*Here they are taught task such as <a href=""><strong>cheapest ghd straighteners</strong></a> the proper way to hold a paintbrush with their trunks. Â*Some elephants advance to a longer training course which involves being taught to create portraits and paintings. Beginning in the year 2000, these paintings have been used by the Asian Elephant Art and Conservation Project to raise revenue for the effort to save the remaining struggling population of elephants in Asia.Â* These herds are threatened by <a href=""><strong>wholesale chi straightener</strong></a> a shrinking habitat and poaching.Â* Despite their religious importance and cultural value in Asia, elephants are still being hunted for profit.Â* The selling price of ivory has increased over 300% in the past year, while many people in Asia are buying elephant meat due to a belief that it has powers in boosting the libido. In the past, elephants have been trained to paint for entertainment value in zoos and circus'.Â* In 1998, two elephants at the Thai Elephant Conservation Center were taught to paint, but there are now 17 giant artists live and paint at the TECC.Â* The Elephant Art ############## sells these abstract paintings for hundreds of dollars and returns funds to the artists and conservation efforts. Issarapom Kaew-ee, the Managing Director of The Elephant Art ############## says, "Real elephant art is an original painting that is created by an elephant of its own volition, unaided in the creative process by humans."Â* Only abstract elephant art falls into this category.Â* According to Kaew-ee, when elephants are trained to paint specific pictures they become confused and cannot <a href=""><strong>ghd hair sales</strong></a> go back to painting creatively. This artistic flare isn't new behavior for elephants.Â* In the wild, elephants can be observed drawing in the dirt with twigs. From the jungle and the safari this current trend is stomping into modern homes all over the world.Â* Natural art is making a comeback- and it's not man made. To learn more about these artist elephants and to see a demonstration view the videos below: Sources: Images: https://theatreofinconveniences.word...n-west-africa/ <a href=""><strong>A Women's Accessories Utopia!</strong></a>