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07-23-2011 11:56 AM

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  采访过程中,clothes and accessories,记者问到其家中情况时,阿某表示他对四川凉山已无任何挂念,父母早就过世,房子和田地也全没 了。



  阿某称,与妻子之间一直解不开的矛盾,让他很痛苦,甚至经常有自杀的想法。他告诉记者,曾经都买好了绳 索,准备上吊,离开这个世界,44 -year-old male alleged the 15th apt take the e,但一直没有找到合适的机会。
  “我现在最放不下的就是我16个月大的女儿。”一谈起女儿,阿某忍不住哭了起来,“她才一岁多,还不会 讲话,以后再也见不到她了。”
  昨天,快报记者报道了“扬州公交车血案”,在社会上引起极大反响,人们在对一个年轻的生命就这样死于刀 下深感惋惜之际,也心生疑惑,究竟犯罪嫌疑人为何要杀人?真的只是因为琐事吗?为何他会随身携带刀具?…… 带着这一连串问号,昨天,记者与犯罪嫌疑人进行了对话,了解他从案发到被抓后的心路历程。

  当他走到杭集镇龙王村丁汪组时,面前的一条小河拦住了他。阿某找了一位居民打听河的深浅,在确认河水不 深之后,他就�了过去,police polarised sunglasses Building extra than 90 self-buil。“当我走到一些民房附近时,就找了一个比较隐蔽的地方坐一会,等没人的时候再走。” 躲避了一段时间,阿某继续沿着狭窄的道路由西向东走。走到芒稻河西侧的一块水滩时,阿某停下了脚步,因为水 滩上长满了芦苇,隐蔽性较好,他就躲了进去,一直坐在里面,直到最后被发现,"mbt kisumu 2 "
  案发前一天,阿某与妻子又吵上了,cheap new balance。“她让我去死!”阿某告诉记者,“我当时并没有反驳,我就问她,想让我怎么死?我照做。”
  既然本来就是出来寻死的,为何还要逃跑呢?面对记者的疑问,阿某表示,当时他很冲动,怕会伤了更多无辜 的人。

  这躲藏的10个小时,air max lebron,阿某究竟是何心情?“什么也没想,我知道警察早晚会找到我,我不害怕被抓,反正都是一死。”阿某很平静地 告诉记者,当被警察发现时,他跳进河中,就是为了一死了之。
  阿某告诉记者,他是四川凉山人,去年才和妻子孩子来到江都打工。这一年来,他并不好过。“几乎每天都跟 我吵架,哪像好好过日子啊?”阿某表示,他和妻子的矛盾已经持续了很长时间。前不久,阿某的弟弟来江都,作 为哥哥的他准备让弟弟住在他们家,可是妻子却始终不愿意,并且态度非常强硬,两人因此闹得很不 愉快。

  5月11日上午,阿某乘坐江都至扬州的公交车,准备在外寻找轻生机会。“当时售票员跟我要车费,我心里 本来就不舒服,我就告诉他,burberry shopper 山东近百名妇女免费体检结果吓人 遭遇被手术,我心情不好,你别刺激我,可是他还是因为车费吵我,于是我就掏出了身上的刀。”阿某说,因为当时自己情绪 比较低落,寻死心较重,所以对售票员起了杀心。

  “说实话,我现在很后悔!”阿某告诉记者,如今,他犯了这么大的罪行,已经不指望法律和社 会能宽容他。
  对于妻子,阿某称,"polo dress ",虽然他和妻子有矛盾,但毕竟是一家人。

  □快报记者 周青 张敏

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  昨天上午,记者在扬州市邗江区杭集派出所审问室里见到了犯罪嫌疑人阿某。“桃子头”的发型让他显得很另 类。记者询问能否与他交流,他点了点头。

  阿某哽咽着说:“我现在真的好后悔,当时我手上的刀子就这么捅了,连我自己都控制不了,就因为这样,我 以后再也见不到我的女儿了。”


oujoyha8l7 07-23-2011 12:00 PM

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● Longan: longan, also known as longan,nfl jerseys for sale, frail child of nourishing and soothing effect, long-term use can improve the child's forgetfulness phenomenon, cardiac puzzle effect. Chinese medicine, longan is a fruit of blood the heart benefits, as long Yipi wise to medicine. However, Longan and more humid, either fresh or dried longan longan, up to three times a week,nba jerseys, bulimia easy for kids to get angry, there dry stool and other issues.

● Honey: Because honey has a high nutritional value, the clinical application of modern medicine, taking the honey can promote digestion and absorption, increase appetite, calm sleep, improve the body's immune system, to promote growth and development of infants and young children have a positive effect. Growth and development of infants and young children because of various nutrients needed, including a variety of educational components, almost all contain honey. Transferred to warm water to take, can be treated constipation in children. Morning to take the best, you can also apply on bread slices or bread pieces on the food.

● Apple: Some scientists and physicians to Apple as \It contains alcohol can enhance the memory of the Apple factor. Letting children eat fresh apples, not eating high-temperature processed apple chips, and transferred to a large number of stabilizer and regulator of the blending-type flavors of apple juice. Apple juice is squeezed to extract the best together with skin and let the children drink finished in ten minutes, to prevent the prime apple alcohol oxidation.
● Grapes: Grapes are rich in nutrients, known as the \Light blue purple grape better than the grape is recognized as one of the best anti-oxidants, will supplement the liver and kidney, Qi and memorize, educational wise, but the child the best control in the daily consumption of 200 grams in order to avoid affect the intake of too much carbohydrate meal intake.

● black fungus: to purify the blood, are light to memorize. Ming Li in the \Who like to eat meat, hamburgers and other high-fat food, chubby pier, the black fungus released from the alkaline substance can absorb lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain cerebral artery plaque, so that memory and thinking has been significantly improved. Fungus can not not eat, we can not eat, especially pregnant women, children should control when the amount of food.

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