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06-20-2011 07:18 AM

  勒布朗,出于与德怀恩之间的友情,christian louboutin pumps,出奔迈阿密与韦德成为队友,而后遭受旧主克利夫兰的媒体和大众的鞭挞和各种冷言冷语!随同着新赛季九胜八 负的蹩脚开局,各种冷嘲热讽越演越烈,其余非克利夫兰人士也纷纭投入其中,或者真正的潜在原因是勒布朗过往 攻破的一些联盟纪录,人能遭嫉吧。
  赛季初,没多少人以为迈阿密在这个赛季可以走得多远,包含我,由于迈阿密的短板确切就很露骨的暴晒在那 里!板凳零深度,内线薄弱,角色球员年事大得离谱,缺乏磨合,教练处子赛季!即使被媒体放大化的“三巨头” ,对照起达拉斯和洛杉矶、奥兰多、波士顿等“全明星队”也显得那么无力!
  然而,迈阿密在东部半决赛出乎民众预料的淘汰掉豪门凯子,其重要基石在于不知疲惫跑动的轮转换位防守。 东部决赛,篮板的单薄和角色球员的高龄两大短板被再次放大,可用人数稀疏导致了轮换阵容的可选性基本损失, 但依附詹韦适度的回收内线维护篮板,和Big3增添上场时间,其中博士韦德场均四非常钟,詹皇场均上场时光 高达恐怖的四十五分钟,两大严峻问题总算迎刃而解,最终迈阿密得以顺利挺进总决赛!
  到这里,迈阿密的行程真的就像一部励志片的剧情,一个弱者面对着各种质疑和见不得好的世俗 目光,monster beats dr dre solo,但就在这一路上通过勤奋、尽力跟付出,用一次次的提升还击了那些负面的歹意声音!
  可是,现实是事实,电影是片子!热火最终仍是在总决赛的舞台倒下了,当然,热火已经做得够好了!这是一 支年薪仅仅刚过六千万的布衣球队,没有奢华阵容,却连赢凯子和公牛两支超级豪门进入总决赛!反观同盟第一高 薪豪门在西区第二轮就早早被横扫回家钓鱼了!
  且不说达拉斯的九千万阵容中有九个球星,而迈阿密的六千万阵容中仅有三个球星,达拉斯让迈阿密活到第六 场已经是对本人莫大的凌辱!总决赛的哨子都是争议极大!第三场基础上是八个打五个的竞赛,要害性的第五场又 有詹姆斯打钱德勒的一个二加一,被裁判“误判”成詹姆斯的进攻犯规,当时钱德勒的右脚在进攻有理区内(实在 都到底线了)跳圆舞曲,这一“误判”把底本有望反超比分的迈阿密搁到了悬崖边,第六场第二节,司机的第三次 犯规不吹,这也直接盘剥了迈阿密此前就义詹韦冲破转攻博士造司机犯规的打法带来的效应,最后一节六犯的钱德 勒被留课没有毕业更是前无古人的案例!纵观全部系列赛,各种空气对司机的犯规;基德走步造韦德三分犯规,还 加了一个肩摔试图效仿当年科铁暗害帕金斯的高招;基德能够把博士的左眼打肿不必领犯规,armani makeup,马里昂和泰森在三秒区内可以对球错误人的对詹韦推、扯、拉、劈;史蒂文森肘击哈斯勒姆之后,裁判为激励达 拉斯制作暴力抵触,嘉奖了小牛队一个罚球...种种重大的“误判”真的只是单纯的误判吗?
  最后,小牛队用特别方法捧杯,我只能说是NBA这一世界顶尖活动赛事的可怜和被玷辱!看此前多少年,达 拉斯每年都在自在市场上拼命烧钱,prada glasses,挑最贵的球星买,但达拉斯多年来的烧钱行动并没有为他们烧出个冠军!这也是为什么NBA可以是寰球顶尖运 动赛事的起因,NBA于时期的当先基于进步的战术素养,但今年小牛夺冠,就相称于在向众人宣布NBA不是以 战术素养思维领先全球,而是以比谁烧钱烧得多就能夺冠的低俗体育赛事,完整扭曲了“体育精神”这一根本主旨 !
  更恶心的是,现实似乎在告知我们:努力和勤快是不能换取胜利的,烧钱才是霸道!你没钱,连裁判都巴结你 的对手!最后,盼望正在为幻想斗争中的同为NBA迷的青年同道们,不要被这事打击到你的人生观 !
  今年的热火,很值得尊敬,这一年的路走过来,就像是一部励志片,你我,都须要更努力的去证实那些热火未 能证明的正面讯息

a2bzyoc3 06-20-2011 07:20 AM

1, Platonic love
Plato (BC 427 ~ BC 347), the famous ancient Greek philosopher. Student of Socrates, Aristotle's teacher. Its philosophy on the development of idealism great impact in the West, representative of the He advocated the absolute spirit, to the neglect of physical feelings.


from Noah's Ark God on the sins committed by human beings are very worried, decided to use the flood mankind. And Noah was a righteous man, God commanded his ship disaster prevention. After 40 days and nights of the flood, except Noah's family and some animals, other organisms are engulfed by the flood. This phrase was often used metaphor of the disaster of the shelter or refuge.

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This is the famous Army Regulation provides that: face a real and imminent danger, for their own safety concerns, but a rational mind activities; If you think you're crazy, you can allow you to stop flying, as long as you request on the line. But you a request to prove you're not crazy, you have to continue flying. This term is often used to describe the trap, shackles and so on. Although it can not be seen or touched, but everywhere, all-encompassing. Self-contradictory logic of a set of sophistry, no one can escape its hands.

5, Pygmalion Pygmalion

ancient Greek mythology, the king of Cyprus, good carving. Once he carved a beautiful girl like that in day and night work, Pygmalion put all the energy, all the passion, all the love is given a statue. Later, the god of love Aphrodite sincere feelings to see him, give the statue to life, so they married. So

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ivory tower from 19th century French poet, literary critic Shengpei Wei • Charlie • Augustine's letter Augustine criticized the contemporary works of French writer Pooh pessimistic negative emotions, ideas from the vulgar bourgeois writers detached from reality, into a subjective illusion of the art world - the ivory tower. So the Now it was also the university as

10, San Francisco, Silicon Valley

south, from Palo Alto to San Jose River, there is a 30 miles long and 10 miles wide zone, which is the world famous Gathered here, 1981, the first since the advent of personal computers, has been from 286,386,486 to the With Thus, in 1971, This is the ninth largest U.S. manufacturing center, is the fastest-growing U.S. economy, the most affluent areas, there are over 6,000 PhD. But see a chimney, hear the sound of that machine, it is not like people are used to understand the industrial area, but rather is a large garden. As well as the

11, Damocles sword of Damocles is

tyrant Dionysius in Greek mythology, the minions, he often said that emperors more fortune, to please the emperor. On one occasion, let him sit in God Dionysius. The throne, his head hanging items with only a horse's mane tied a sword, in order to tell him, though living in the throne, but a sword could fall at any time. Imperial is not more happiness, but there is always worry. The allusion often used to describe the potential risk that may occur at any time.

12, crocodile tears

Western legend, crocodile catch prey, while greedily devoured, while hypocritically tears. Therefore, the Then be extended to one side hurt others, put on a compassionate side of the believers insidious.

13, Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam is the nickname of the United States, 1812 United States and Britain during the war, New York, an honest and capable meat packers been affectionately known as Farm Uncle. He served as New York and New Jersey munitions inspector, responsible for the military in the supply of beef to play drums and barrels on the stamp. The plant was found on both barrels of beef covered with EA-US tag. Originally, EA is the name of a military contractor, US abbreviation for the United States. Happened to Uncle Sam (UndeSam) abbreviation stands with the United States (US) the same people control the U.S. called Americans In 1961,Dre Beats Headphones, the U.S. Congress officially recognized

14, Pandora's box

Greek mythology, Pandora was the first mortal woman. Prometheus stealing fire from heaven to earth, the Lord God Zeus to punish mankind, the command of God clay molded into a beautiful young, hypocritical cunning girl, named And gave her a gift, then she is betrothed to his brother Prometheus Prometheus Egyptian asylum (meaning Regardless of shelter Prometheus Egyptian taboos took the gift, Pandora took the opportunity to open it, so all kinds of vices, disaster, disease and war immediately fly from the inside out. The box the only good thing left: hope. But I hope not had time to fly out of Pandora's box will be forever shut. Thus,

15, domino

is a Western game. The erection of many rectangular dominoes arranged in rows, gently down the first card, the remaining dominoes fall one after another in turn. Used figuratively, the

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