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fivefinger8x 06-08-2011 03:40 AM

Salvatore Ferragamo Shoes online
Searching for Antik Batik footwear? In that case, here's a manual which will enable you to choose the very best pair for you and uncover the most effective price online.
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Designer Gabrielle Cortese is recognized all through the planet for her Antik Batik fashion line. The style line has turn out to be nicely identified for unusual and creative styles that Gabrielle has found in her globe travels. A lot of her function is according to the beauty and utilization of shade in nations like Indonesia and India. This use of color and fashion is carried throughout her line and it is included in the fantastic Antik Batik footwear which have become well-known throughout the globe.
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Deciding on the best Pair
When selecting Antik Batik footwear you may pick from a extensive array of types and styles that will be worn with self-confidence. This lovely line will reflect the exclusive character and type of an individual who understands the current style trends, or would like to establish their own signature look in a beautiful and comfortable shoe.
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06-08-2011 03:46 AM

  古人讲佩玉为美,黄金有价玉无价。玉埋藏地下多少千年货是上亿年,玉中含有大批矿物元素,所以人们常说 人养玉玉养人,如果人的身体好长期佩玉可以润泽玉,玉的水头也就是折光度会越来越好,越来越亮。如果人的身 材不好长期佩玉,玉中的矿物元素会缓缓让人体吸收到达保健作用,譬如女士戴玉的手镯通常带左手,由于对心脏 有利益。玉为枕而脑聪,nike basketball shoes sale,古代天子就爱好用玉做枕头,向中国古代长命的皇帝都久用玉枕。而且像《本草纲目》也有对玉保健作用的介绍 。
  我国自古以来就有“玉石之国”的美名,bryant shoes on sale,古人视玉如宝,作为珍饰佩用。古医书称“玉乃石之美者,味甘性平无毒”,并称玉是人体蓄养元气最充分的物 资。以为吮含玉石,借助唾液与其协同作用,“生津止渴,除胃中之热,平烦懑之所,滋心肺,润声喉,养毛发。 ”因此玉石不仅作为首饰、摆饰、装潢之用,还用于养生健体。自古各朝各代帝王嫔妃摄生不离玉,而宋徽宗嗜成 全癖,杨贵妃含玉镇暑。
  玉的养活力理已经被古代迷信所证明。据化学剖析,玉石含有多种对人体有利的微量元素,如锌、镁、铁、铜 、硒、铬、锰、钴等,佩带玉石可使微量元素被人体皮肤接收,活化细胞组织,提高人体的免疫功效。故有中医所 说“有的病吃药不能医好,nba shoes on sale,常常佩带玉器却治好病”,情理就在于此。倘佩带玉手镯长期的良性按摩,不仅能被动除视力含混之疾,而且能 够蓄元气,养精神。
  [白玉] 有沉着,安神之功。
  [青玉] 避邪恶,使人精神茂盛。
  [岫岩玉] 对男性阳痿患者很有效,能进步人的生养才能。
  [翡翠] 能缓解呼吸道体系的病痛,能辅助人战胜抑郁。
  [独玉] 润心肺,清胃火,明目养颜。
  [玛瑙] 清热明目。
  [老玉] 解毒,清黄水,解鼠疮,滋阴乌须,治痰迷惊,疳疮。
  玉石岂但能丑化人们的生涯,熏陶性格,而且祛病保安全。其产品直接用于健身保健的有:玉枕、玉垫、健身 球、推拿器、手杖、玉梳,对人体存在养颜、平静、安神之疗效,长期应用,会使你精力焕发,延年 益寿。  
  玉器价钱昂贵,nike basketball shoes clearance,筛选技巧请求很高,绝大多数花费者都难以鉴别其优劣、真假,稍有不慎就轻易购买到劣质品或赝品,承受重大 的经济丧失。市场上销售的玉器店家良多,玉器个别分为软玉和硬玉两大类。硬玉又叫翡翠。从化学业成分来说, 软玉是含钙、镁和铁的硅酸盐;硬玉是含钠跟铝的硅酸盐。
  水辨别法→ 将一滴水滴在玉上,如成露珠状久不散开者真玉;水滴很快消散的是伪劣货。
  手触摸法→ 若是真玉用手摸一摸,nike hyperdunk shoes,有冰冷光滑之感。
  观察法→ 将玉器朝向光亮处,bryant shoes sale,如阳光、灯光处,假如色彩剔透、绿色平均散布就是真玉。
  舌舐法→ 舌尖舐真玉有涩的感觉;而假玉则无涩的感到。
  放大镜观见解→ 将选购的玉器放在放大镜下观看,重要是有无裂痕,无裂缝者为上乘优质玉,有裂痕者为次之。即便是真玉,有裂 痕的其价值亦大减,裂痕越多越显明的,价值也就越低。

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