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06-07-2011 12:59 PM

Tods shoeandDetailed windows system files (2 )
P ↓ ,Tods shoe
PACKAGER.EXE - Object Packager
PARALINK.VXD - Remote network way collateral wharf driver
PERF.VXD - System Performance Monitor
PIFMGR.DLL - program information file management program
PING.EXE - TCPPing tools
PMSPL.DLL - LAN management petition program interface
POWER.DRV - Advanced Power Management driver
PPPMAC.VXD - Windows Virtual PPP Driver
PRINT.EXE - DOS print files
PRINTERS.TXT - publish information Readme
PROGMAN.EXE - programs Manager
PRTVPD.INF - Printer upgrade setup information

Q ↓
QUIT.EXE - Chinese DOS exit status

R ↓
README.TXT - Windows95 Readme
REGEDIT.EXE - Registry Editor
REGSERV.EXE - Remote up
REGWIE.EXE - up tools
REGSERV.INF - Remote Registry
RESTORE . EXE - DOS command
RNAAPP.EXE - dial-up networking applications
RNASERV.DLL - Remote Network Access Services
RNASETUP.DLL - Remote network access to set the dynamic link library
RNATHUNK.DLL - support for remote network access to the dynamic link library transition
RNAUI.DLL - Remote network access program consumer interface DLLRNDSRV32.DLL Copy Service
ROBOTZCL.WAV - sound files
ROBOTZWI.WAV - sound files
ROMAN . FON - Font files
RPCLTC1.DLL - Remote Call Library
RPCNS4.DLL - Remote Call Library
RPCPP.DLL - remote call print driver
RPCRT4.DLL - Remote Call Library
RPCSS.EXE - remote call node charting
RPLBOOT.SYS - Remote Program Load
RPLIMAGE.DLL - Remote Program Load disk image device
RSRC16.DLL - Resource Meter
RSRCMTR.EXE - Resource Meter
RSRCMTR.INF - Resource Meter
RUMOR.EXE - DDE test / game
RUNDLL.EXE - the DLL as an application run
RUNDLL32.EXE - 32 station shell components
S ↓
S3.DRV - S3 display driver
S3.VXD - S3 virtual device
SACLIEN.DLL - Microsoft network components
SAMPLEVIDEOS - image file
SAPNSP.DLL - Winsock data connection library
SAVE32.COM - TSR necessitated installation file
SB16.VXD - 16-bit sound card virtual device
SB16SND. DRV - 16-bit sound card driver
SBAWE.VXD - AWE sound card virtual device
SBAWE32.DRV - AWE sound card driver
SBFM.DRV - 16-bit sound card driver
SCANDISK.BAT - MSDOS6.x Scandisk's alternative stub module SCANDISK.BAT disk diagnostic tools
SCANDISK.INI - disk diagnostic tools
SCANDISK.PIF - while the installation disk diagnostic tools PIF file
SCANDSKW.EXE - disk scanning tools
SCANPROG.EXE - ScanDisk tool
SCRNSAVE.SCR - Screensaver
SCSI.INF - SCSI installation file name describes the
SCSIIHLP.VXD - SCSI support files
SCSIPORT.PDR - SCSI port virtual device
SECUR32.DLL - Microsoft Win32 Security Services
SECURCL.DLL - Microsoft network components
SEIKO24E.DRV - printer driver
SEIKOSH9.DRV - printer driver
SERIAL.VXD - Serial VCOMM drive
SERIFE.FON - font file
SERVER.HLP - waiter help file
SETUP.BIN - Setup Support Files
SETUP.BMP - Install Wash bitmap file
SETUP.EXE - Windows95 installation
SETUP.INF - setup information file
SETUP.TXT - installation of the README file
SETUP4.DLL - Setup Support Files
SETUPPP.INF - Installation Information
SETUPX.DLL - installation support
SETVER.EXE - MSDOS version shows namely the program tin be run ashore the network
SF4029.EXE - printer driver
SHARE.EXE - MSDOS sharing utility
SHELL . INF - Mounting Information
SHELL.VXD - virtual shell device
SHELL2.INF - the color alignment
SHELL3.INF - the color combination
SIZE1-1.CUR - cursor
SIZE1-M . CUR - Cursor
SIZE4-M.CUR - cursor
SIZENESW.ANI - athletic cursor
SIZEWE.ANI-active cursor
SKPSFA-1.SPD - printer driver
SLAN.DOS - network adapter driver
SLCD32.MPD - SCSI drives
SLENH.DLL - Advanced energy-saving options
SMALLE.FON - font file
SMALLF.FON - font file
SMARTDRV.EXE - storage procedure
SMARTND.DOS - network adapter drivers
SMC3000.DOS - network adapter drivers
SMC9000.VXD - network adapter drivers
SNAPSHOT.EXE - snapshot
SNAPSHOT.VXD - snapshot virtual device
SNDREC32.EXE - recorder
SNIP.VXD - network adapter drivers
SOCKET.VXD - Windows Virtual Socket SOCKET.VXD PCMCIA network card driver support
SOL.CNT - Card Games
SOL.HLP - card games help files
SORT.EXE - MSDOS category utility
SOUNDREC.CNT - Recorder Help file content
SOUNDREC.HLP - Recorder help file
SPOOL32.EXE - printer support
SPOOLER.VXD - printer sharing virtual device
SSERIFE.FON - font file
SSERIFF.FON - font file
SSFLYWIN.SCR - Screensaver
SSSTARS.SCR - Screensaver
STAR24E.DRV - printer driver
STAR9E.DRV - printer driver
START.EXE - start the program
STATE.PBK - Microsoft network components
STDOLE.TLB - OLE2.0 file
STDOLE32.TLB - OLE2-32 file
STEMO409.DLL - Windows95 Help file DLL
STLSO4SS.SPD - printer driver
STLS577U.SPD - printer driver
STORAGE.DLL - OLE memory treatment library
STRN.DOS - network adapter drivers
SUBST. EXE - MSDOS Subst Utility
SUEXPAND.DLL - LZ DLL installation
SUHELPER.BIN - installation support
SUPERVGA.DRV - Advanced VGA display driver
SURPORT.TXT - PSS support information
SVCPROP . DLL - Microsoft network components
SVRAPI.DLL - 32 位 Public Server API utility
SXCIEXT.DLL - Matrox display driver support file
SYMBOLE.FON - font file
SYS.COM - MSDOS system utilities
SYSCLASS.DLL - system libraries installed
SYSDETMG.DLL - the system detects Library
SYSEDIT.EXE - System Editor
SYSLOGO.RLE - system identification
SYSMON.EXE - System Monitoring Program
SYSMON.HLP - system monitoring to help
SYSTEM.DRV - Minimum Win3.1 criterion mode
SYSTHUNK.DLL - Windows system shaped solid replacement library
SYSTRAY.EXE - High Energy Management

T ↓
T128.MPD - SCSI drives
T160.MPD - SCSI drives
T20N3.VXD - network adapter drivers
T30ND.DOS - network adapter drivers
T338.MPD - SCSI drives
TADA.WAV - sound files
TAPI.DLL - API vocation program
TAPI.INF - API call setup information file
TAPI32.DLL - 32 tangible configuration Replace
TAPIADDR.DLL - API calling program
TAPIEXE.EXE - API call component
TAPIINI.EXE - API phone makeup
TASKMAM.EXE - Task Manager
TCCARC.DOS - network adapter driver
TCTOKCH.VXD - network adapter drivers
TELEPHON.CPL - call help
TESTPS.TXT - PostScript test
TEXTCHAT.EXE - Microsoft network components
THEMIC-1 . WAV - sound files
THINKJET.DRV - printer driver
THREED.VBX - Windows95 explore
T1850.DRV - printer driver
TIMEDATE.CPL - Time / Date control plate
TIMES.TTF - Time font
TIMESBD.TTF - time for pert font
TIMESBI.TTF - time for bold italic font
TIMESI.TTF - Time italic font
TIMEZONE.INF - Installation Information
TIMLP232.SPD - printer driver
TIPS.text - Tips and Tricks Readme
TKPHZR32.SPD - printer driver
TLNK.DOS - network adapter drivers
TLNK3.VXD - network adapter drivers
TMV1.MPD - SCSI drives
TOOLHELP.DLL - 16-bit evolution tools to help control
TOSHIBA.DRV - printer driver
TOUR.EXE - browse the file
TPHAIII.ICM - Printer Introduction
TREE.COM - MS DOS tree utility
TREEEDCL.DLL - Microsoft network components
TREENVCL.DLL - Microsoft network components
TRIUMPHI. SPD - printer driver
TSD32.DLL - Sound Compression Manager
TSENG.DRV - ET4000W32 display driver
TTY.DRV - printer driver
TTY.HLP - TTY printer driver help

U ↓
U9415470.SPD - printer driver
UBNEI.DOS - network adapter driver
ULTRA124.MPD - SCSI drives
UMDM16.DLL - Universal modem driver component
UMDM32.DLL - Universal modem driver component
UNIDRV.DLL - Microsoft Universal printer driver library
UNIDRV.HLP - Universal Printer Driver Help
UNIMODEM.VXD - Universal modem driver
USER32.DLL - 32 users

V ↓
V86MMGR.VXD - V86MMGR virtual device
VCACHE.VXD - VCache virtual device
VCD . VXD - Virtual COM driver
VCOND.VXD - Win32 console
VDMAD.VXD - VDMAD virtual device
VER.DLL - Small Win3.1 Setup 16-bit version of Dynamic Link Library
VER.NEW - version detection and installation of library files
VERSION.DLL - 32-bit edition of Dynamic Link Library
VERX.DLL - the version of the installer to use dynamic library
VFAT . VXD - VFAT file system
VFD.VXD - floppy disk virtual device
VFLATD.VXD - virtual flat border buffer virtual device
VGA.DRV - VGA display driver
VIDCAP.INF - Plug information with VCD
VIDEOT.VXD - video virtual device
VIP.386 - TCP / IP Virtual IP equipment
VJOYD.VXD - Games Stick virtual device
VKD.VXD - virtual keyboard device
VLB32.DLL - Mail / Exchange component
VMD.VXD - Win3.1 virtual mouse driver
VMM.VXD - virtual storeroom management device
VMM32.VXD - virtual storage management device
VMOUSE. VXD - Virtual mouse driver
VNBT.386 - NetBIOS transport driver
VNETBIOS.VXD - VNETBIOS virtual device
VNETSUP.VXD - Network support for virtual devices
VPD.VXD - Virtual LPT Driver
VPICD.VXD - Virtual Programmable interference master device
VPOWERD.VXD - Advanced Power Management virtual device
VREDIR.VXD - Microsoft 32-bit network customer program
VSAMI.DLL - AMI file parsing program
VSASC8.DLL - ASCII file parser
VSBMP.DLL - BMP file parser
VSERVER.VXD - Microsoft network server program 32
VSGIF.DLL - GIF files parsing program
VSHARE.VXD - 32-bit shared virtual device driver
VSMSW.DLL - Win Write file parsing
VSPP.DLL - PowerPoint parser
VSRTF.DLL - RTF file parser
VSTIFF.DLL - TIFF file parser
VSW6.DLL - Word6 file parser
VSWORD.DLL - Word file parser
VSWP5.DLL - WordPerfect5 file parser
VSXL5.DLL - Excel file / design parser
VTCP.386 - TCP / IP Virtual TCP driver
VTDAPI.VXD - VTDAPI virtual device
VTDI.386 - transport driver interface to support programs
VXDLDR.VXD - virtual device driver loader

W ↓
WAVE.INF - plug and melodrama acoustic appliance information
WGPOADMN.DLL - Mail / Exchange component
WHLP16T.DLL - to aid the dynamic link library
WIN87EM.DLL - 80387 mathematical simulation library
WINABC.HLP - Smart ABC help file
WINBX.HLP - Help Shape-code input usage File
WINCHA.HLP - Traditional TYPING help file
WINDOWS.CNT - Windows95 Help file content
WINDOWS.HLP - Windows95 help file
WINFILE.CNT - File Manager Help file content
WINFILE.EXE - Windows File Manager Working Group
WINFILE.HLP - File Manager Help file
WINGB.HLP - zone code input method help file
WINHLP23.HLP - Windows Help file
WINIME.HLP - Operations Guide Help file
WINNM.HLP - GBK internal code input method help file
WININIT.EXE - Windows initialization files
WINIPCFG.EXE - TCP / IP configuration tool
WINNEWS . TXT - Winnews information
WINPHO.HLP - Traditional phonetic input method help file
WINREG.DLL - Distance up apt patronize
WINPY.HLP - spelling help file input
WINSOCK.DLL - Windows of the sockets API
WINSY.HLP - Shuangpin input help file
WINXSP.HLP - GBK Shuangpin input help file
WINXZM.HLP - GBK Zheng Code input Law Help
WINZM.HLP - Zheng Code input method help file
WNASPI32.DLL - Windows DLL32 morsel ASPI
WPSUNI.DRV - fax driver
WPSUNIRE.DLL - WPS host resources to appliance the program

X ↓
XCOPY32.EXE - file duplicate program
XGA.DRV - XGA display driver

In fact, second to write , but not write , every day, insomnia, can be how to do, sleep at night , although during the day barely up, but the bite during the day but a dissolute trapped . A pack of cigarettes a day , the evening is certainly a good calculation , not smoked does not sleep. Oh, the days of the past, do not know Shashi Hou is the head . Want to quickly leave it, want to go home , really want to parent, have not been back a year . MBT

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