Twitter To Start Verified Accounts Experiment_1132
Twitter users who are tired of falling victim to hoaxes may soon receive some help. Perhaps in response to recent problems involving Kanye West, Phil Spector, Christian Louboutin Pumps, and Tony La Russa, cofounder Biz Stone announced a Verified Accounts program that should cut down on incidents of impersonation."Well be experimenting with a beta preview of what were calling Verified Accounts this summer," Stone wrote on the Twitter Blog this weekend. "The experiment will begin with public officials, public agencies, louboutins slingbacks, Why Online Video Will Keep Growing Like a Weed_11222, famous artists, Video Viewing And Social Networking Continue To Grow_5342, athletes, and other well known individuals . . ."The exact process is pretty unclear after that; how Twitter intends to make sure accounts are controlled by the proper people and agencies isnt explained. But authenticated accounts will be decorated with the little seal you can see in the above picture.Stone expressed an interest in expanding the experiment to cover business accounts, too, and reminded readers that, discount christian louboutin outlet, at this point, the absence of a Verified Accounts logo doesnt mean somethings counterfeit.On a side note, Stone also denied reports that Twitters settled a lawsuit brought against the company by Tony La Russa. In fact, he called the suit "an unnecessary waste of judicial resources bordering on frivolous."