Office 2007 Professional Key Encryption vs. Encodi
Every now and again we get the question of "what is the difference between encryption and encoding?" This came up again today so we wanted to try to answer it more broadly. In short, the feature that we call "encryption" is a feature that was introduced for ACCDB files in Access 2007. This feature was an improvement over the feature known as "encoding" in Access 2003. "Encoding" uses a proprietary algorithm for scrambling the data in a database and was first introduced in Access 2.0. "Encryption", Microsoft Office 2010 Home And Stude/nt, used in Access 2007, uses improved Windows APIs and is stronger than previous versions. In addition to the algorithm being used, here's a summary of the functional differences: Encryption Encoding File format ACCDB, ACCDE, Windows 7 Product Key, ACCDA MDB, MDE, MDA Requires database password? Yes No Creates a new file? No Yes Ribbon entry point "Encrypt with Password" "Encode/Decode Database" Requires the database to be opened exclusively? Yes (because a database password is required) No You'll notice that a database password is required when using "encryption" in a database in the ACCDB file format and not in the MDB file format. As a result, the behavior of these buttons is different in the Ribbon. When you click "Set Database Password" in the Ribbon in an MDB file, Office 2007 Professional Key, a database password is opened, but the file is not encoded. We've changed the text of the command in an ACCDB file to read "Encrypt with Password" to demonstrate that these are in fact a single operation. The feature called "encoding" in Access 2003 and Access 2007 was previously called "encryption" in Access 2002 and earlier. We realize this is somewhat confusing, however, the term "encoding" more accurately describes the algorithm used for the feature so we changed it in Access 2003. Databases encoded using Access 2003 or earlier should not be considered secure. If you're working with both the MDB and ACCDB file formats in Access 2007, there are a few things to keep in mind: An encoded MDB database cannot be converted to the ACCDB file format An encrypted ACCDB cannot be converted to the MDB file format Because encrypted databases cannot be converted to MDB files, you'll need to remove the database password to save an encrypted ACCDB as an MDB Lastly, Office 2010 Professional, we'd love to hear more from you about this. How many of you are using encryption in ACCDB files vs. encoding in MDB files? Thanks, Windows 7 Keygen! <div