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05-06-2011 01:41 PM


献给所有得到过所爱却又失去所爱的人,给从未得到所爱的人,给因为仍旧爱着,于是选择自欺欺人的人。这,是 一面镜子,勇敢面对,勇敢放弃,勇敢重新开始。 ­
当他不爱你的时候,无论过去他是否爱过后来却忘了,又或者是否是从未爱过。当你无法成为他心里的那个人的时 候,他的心便不会记得你,asics olympos。虽然他知道你深爱他,但他宁可选择装作是不知道。 ­
当他不爱你的时候,请不要在你不开心,或者是遇到麻烦而彷徨的时候去打搅他。他那儿绝对不是你此刻应该的去 处。也许他会在接到你的电话的时候,淡淡地安慰你几句,却也仅此而已。也许你会再想要一点什么,于是说:“ 我们见面吧。”而他肯定心有烦躁了。 ­
当他不爱你的时候,你的爱,你的人,就会显得廉价许多。你占了下风,这是人的本性。他会说:“好,不过我现 在有点事情。晚点的时候你再给我电话吧。或者我给你电话也可以。”而你这时千万不要当真,他只是找了个不是 很高明的理由来搪塞你。请,不要真的去等,不要骗自己。 ­
当他不爱你的时候,请不要与他讲你的琐事,也许此刻,你不过是希望让彼此更熟悉一些。只是,他却无暇更是没 有兴趣去了解你,你的生活,你的过去,你的长处短处与他又何干?即使讲了。他也很快会忘记的,就如他忘记你 的生曰,你的地址,你的电话一样。没有爱,于是你注定挤不进他的生命。即使,你要的哪怕只是一个很小很小的 角落。 ­
当他不爱你的时候,请不要在他的面前流眼泪,不要在生病的时候告诉他。他无法给予你照顾和关心。至多是同情 一下,而,请骄傲的你,不要放弃本来属于你的骄傲。虽然太多的人,在爱的面前丢失了太多。连站起来的勇气都 没有。何来骄傲?只是,要记得,只有爱自己的人,才可以真正的去疼惜你。而不是,旁观的同情。 怜悯。 ­
当他不爱你的时候,你的爱便是他的负担。请不要去计算自己的付出,不要希望有什么回报。爱着不 爱自己的人,asics tigers mexico 66 sale,本身便是没有回报的。不要计较对与错。这样会快乐些。要记住,你与他之间的爱,是单方面的,你用心,他无 心。所以,也不要怪他。因为也许他也想做好一些。对你不要那样的冷漠。只是,爱一个人,对一个人好。本来就 是一种本能。对不起,他没有这样的本能。 ­
当他不爱你的时候,请不要失去自己的自信。因为爱一个人,并非他的优秀,而只是一种感觉。他让你有这样的感 觉,于是你爱他。同样,他不爱你,也并非你不优秀。优秀,不是爱的理由。看看还有那么多爱自己的人,淡淡地 微笑一下,也是异样甜美的。 ­
当他不爱你的时候,也一定要祝福他。有了爱,便不该有恨。爱是美好的。恨却丑陋。何必让生命中最美好的东西 化作丑恶呢?也不要觉得不公平。关于离去。他失去的是一个爱他的人,而你失去了一个不爱你的人,却得到了一 个重新生活,重新去爱的机会。 ­
当他不再爱你的时候,不要再给他打电话。你的一句我想你,只能换来他的沉默。比沉默更让你难过 的是,他说---那有什么办法呢? ­
当他不再爱你的时候,不要再给他发e-mail, 不要再试图用文字唤起他的回忆,打动他的心,如果你的人不能打动他,那么即使你用文字感动他一回,换来片刻 温存,温存过后的大片空白只能让你更加难过,white roll-top timberland boots。 ­
当他不再爱你的时候,不要再关注他的生活,不要再关心他的一举一动。不要在夜晚凝望那个亮灯的窗口,幻想他 也在窗帘背后注视着你。他的生活就是他的生活,你的生活也只属于你。如果不需要分享,那么就独 自承担悲欢。 ­
当他不再爱你的时候,不要勉强自己出现在有他的场合,不需要在热闹的人群里被迫伪装你的不在乎,被迫谈笑风 生。即使选择回避,也绝不是软弱,如果可以,选择平静的寂寞,让自己的伤口慢慢愈合。 ­
当他不再爱你的时候,不要再给他第二次伤害你的机会。不要相信他说回头找你是因为记挂你。既然他放弃你的时 候那么决然,Asics gel nimbus 9 sale,那么下一次他还会不顾而去,头也不回。如果还记得那一天你哭着慢慢滑到地板上,就一定不要屈从于自己的软 弱,相信那转瞬即逝的温情。 ­
当他不再爱你的时候,不要幻想你可以在他心里留下一滴泪。即使有一瞬间他被你的眼泪打动,只要他不再爱你, 他被你打动的时间绝不会比你流泪的时间长。 ­
当他不再爱你的时候,别去怨恨。但是开始的时候难免会怨恨。也别去问他,也别问自己,为什么他会这么绝情, 为什么他可以这么快就忘掉。你甚至怀疑他根本就没有喜欢过你,而一切仿佛只是一场骗局-----还是相信自己最初的感觉吧,如果那时你觉得他喜欢过你,那他也许就是喜欢过你。只是他现在不爱了,不爱了就 是不爱了,即使解释,解释那么重要吗? ­
当他不再爱你的时候,工作是转移疼痛最好的办法。不幸的是,你可能没我那么多的工作。但是无论如何,不要纵 容自己喝酒,抽烟,这些都不是一个好女孩应有的行为。即使你再痛,也不要给自己借口放纵,因为不会那么巧, 有一个爱你而正派的男孩陪在你身边,反倒会有色狼流氓会借你的放纵伤害你,onitsuka tiger mexico 66。 ­
当他不再爱你的时候,别去看那些伤感的小资电影,听那些断肠的歌曲。别幻想自己就是悲剧的女主角。如果你一 定要哭,那么就哭一场,痛痛快快的哭一场,可是只哭一场,不要让眼泪淹没了你曾经灿烂的笑容,你还是原来那 个可爱的你。 ­
当他不再爱你的时候,相信我,所有的一切,都有风淡云清的一天,总有一天,你看到他,就像看到一张桌子那么 简单。相信我,因为从失恋中走出来的,有你,也有我。 ­

一个拥抱的距离 模糊我们的剧情 原来你在梦里 带不走




05-06-2011 01:50 PM

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21167280 2008 年 01 月 16 日 19:53 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Cut to the 17 football expedition set out tired tired
Batistuta started his career of the late surprising, until the age of 17, he was engaged from the original basketball diverted to turn soccer. September 27, 1988, 19-year-old Batistuta in Newells Old Boys team started his professional playing career. However, he officially entered the vision of Chinese fans began in 1991, that time, 22-year-old Batistuta young and frivolous, his Total Annihilation shot Rebar, passionate celebration after scoring, suddenly seized in China the hearts of fans, many fans affectionately call him Buddy.
extremely loyal to the club he was a professional football
Vanity Fair, many of the players in pursuit of maximum benefit, changing clothes off faster than the owner ,A Forever Friend 永远的朋友 , by contrast, loyalty Batty people respect.
like many predecessors, Bharti became well-known in the country, also came in 1991, His first foothold in Europe, the Renaissance city of Florence, a lot of people had not thought that he colors his young Love the most dedicated to the town.
9 years in Florence, Florence, Batty led the team in Serie A fad for a strong purple cyclone. 1992-1993 season, AC Milan, Fiorentina because of drainage, in the last 5 minutes relegated. Many fans thought the main location for the World Cup in 1994, Buddy will go. But with the same loyalty as the Chinese character Batty left, and is in Florence, when he most needed. This allows the fans moved Momin, according to the past, In 1996, fans of the appeal, Batty's statue is standing in the edge of the club. Until today, Batty is still the symbol of Florence.
1993-1994 season,南京人 南京话, Batty led the comeback in Serie A team Fiorentina, individuals in the 26 games into 16 balls. Florence at this time began to grow, aimed against the Serie A title. But each time and passing champion. They are defeated, they keep on fighting and the fans know that Buddy's heart in tears, but Batty's goal is still crazy, eyes still resolute. 9 years in Florence, Italy, Batistuta scored only once in the Champions Cup, and in the Serie A Xianyanghouyi are often disappointing. Scudetto 1999-to the end of the 2000 season, he left Florence, the need for greater glory Batty, Florence can not give him that. You know, he is 31 years old, almost professional old age. He pursued

order to champion the Scudetto, Batty came to Rome. It now appears that Batty's decision to leave may be right, because the first season came to Rome with 20 goals to win the Scudetto for the Roman. Rome to Florence to fight when the time away, Batty mood is very complex. The end of the game in 5 minutes, when Batty kick outside the area for the incredible long-range victory opened the door of Rome. Fans shocked the audience, which is typical of Bati-gol, but less typical Batty-style celebration. When approached , and his teammates celebrate, Bharti will be among the first buried in his hands. TV footage showed, Batty cry.
2002, is Batty in Rome last year. League game against Atlanta is the 5th consecutive Batty sitting on the bench, he knew when his back injury from the 15 goals set the target has been far too far. Capello to treat this game the way he is more cold, this is the first time since Batty to Rome filled in 90 minutes off the bench and watch the games in 3 Montella's goals (7) for more than 18 Batty league this season, the number of goals (6), goals that season Batty frequency is one every 216 minutes, Montella is a 109 minutes. Batty know myself counting down the days of Rome. Subsequently, the Bharti initiative to leave Rome, went to Inter Milan. Inter Milan star has been a black hole, Batty did not escape the black hole gravity. Batty eventually choose to join Qatar Arabi, until yesterday announced his retirement decision.
his wife on the court he would never betray
Batty style bold, wild, but the family he was gentle enough, full responsibility for his wife and children. Since the marriage, there is little about his ###### scandal exposed. His wife is known for the world in August 1996. AC Milan,A Forever Friend 永远的朋友 , in Florence on Italian Super Cup, Batistuta launched into the winning goal, the flight went to the television, shouting: irina) recalled: Olympic Stadium in Rome, and some female fans and even the word

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