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自我检讨 你在“造病”吗?
当你拿起香喷喷的糕点和饼干时,你会顾虑植物油的反式脂肪对心血管造成严重破坏吗? 当你在理发店用到来路不明的洗发水时,你会想起二烷吗? 当你去超市买食用油时,你还会考虑号称健康的茶油吗?—如果国内最大茶油商的产品,致癌物苯并芘都超标 了,其他公司呢? 细数2010年危害公众的健康事件,几乎都可以看到人祸的影子。从某种程度上讲,健尔马足疗机价格,威胁我们的健康其实并不是自然界形形色色的病菌,而是越来越多的“人造病”。 “人造病”,并不是大自然的惩戒,而是人类自己的“杰作”。换句话说,我们正生活在由自己制造的众多致 病因子当中。这些“人造病”,大致可将其分为几类:第一类是技术手段的随意滥用,第二类是不健康的现代生活 方式,第三类是无处不在的环境污染。凡此种种,都极大地增加了我们的健康风险。 技术手段的滥用 中国堪称世界上抗生素滥用最严重的国度,细菌耐药的问题可想而知。实际上,中国大多数医院都存在高度耐 药的“超级细菌”,比如医生们早已耳熟能详的耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)。老问题还没解决,新问 题又冒出来了:携带NDM-1基因这件马甲的“超级细菌”,几乎可以打败人类目前拥有的全部抗生素。在我们惊叹“超级细菌”巨大威力之 时,不禁要问:细菌并非生来就强大如斯,究竟是谁导致了“超级细菌”的诞生? 被滥用的不止是抗生素,健尔马足疗机三代。药物发明的首要目的是治病救人,但有人首先将其视为牟利的工具,而不是那么在乎这种工具是否有必要、是否 有风险。在中国的减肥药市场上,西布曲明有很多个名称:曲美、澳曲轻、诺美婷…&helli p;继欧美药监部门之后,中国的国家药监局终于叫停西布曲明。 曲美倒下之后。减肥市场乱象并未停止。包括减肥茶在内,形形色色的所谓减肥保健品中,非法添加西布曲明 等减肥药物的情况屡见不鲜。但监管部门缺少办法。如今,网络上甚至又在热卖一种“蛔虫卵减肥药”。这种病态 减肥方法,利用蛔虫在肚内不断繁殖,吸食人体的营养物质来减肥,其健康风险不言而喻。 疫苗无疑是个好东西。已经投身于慈善事业的微软公司创始人比尔·盖茨先生就将其视为具有 极高回报的投资,并捐赠出数以亿计的资金用于疫苗研发和配送。但疫苗一旦使用不当,结果可能是有害无益。山 西疫苗事件让不少公众对疫苗产生了畏惧心理。当然,一些患儿的病情究竟与所注射的疫苗有多大关 联,康足浴盆,或许还难以认定。但山西疾控中心在疫苗的储存和运输中确实存在不当行为,导致部分疫苗失效。 不健康的生活方式 2010年3月,中华医学会糖尿病学分会的专家们在国际知名学术期刊《新英格兰医学杂志》撰文称,在2 0岁以上的中国成人中,几乎每10人就有1人患有糖尿病。这个患病率是2002年调查数据的三倍以上。尽管 有同行对其准确性表示质疑,但中国糖尿病患者人数急剧增加,应该是不争的事实。而种种不健康的生活方式,包 括多吃、少动等,是糖尿病发病的重要因素。 吸烟,在不健康生活方式中更是排名榜首。在美国疾控中心主任、前纽约市卫生局局长费和平( Thomas Frieden)看来,吸烟对纽约人的危害甚至猛于“9·11”恐怖袭击。但是,中国人在控 烟战争中败仗多、胜仗少。2010年是世界卫生组织主导起草的《烟草控制框架公约》生效5周年。但根据世界 卫生组织全球成人烟草调查,近三分之一的15岁以上中国成年人吸烟,且有近八成中国人对吸烟危 害不够了解。 环境污染 闹得沸沸扬扬的武汉三位女童“性早熟”事件,最后被卫生部认为与圣元奶粉并无直接关系。但我们所生活的 环境中普遍存在的环境激素,确实导致了相当数量的女童性早熟。这些环境激素中,邻苯二甲酸酯是一类人工合成 有机化合物,在塑料制品生产中作为增塑剂使用;双酚A也是聚碳酸酯等塑料中的原料之一。2010年11月, 欧盟宣布将在婴儿奶瓶中禁用双酚A,中国是否效法此举,恐怕是亿万家长关心的大问题。 当经济发展让GDP数据变得好看时,多数地方官员或许会忽视它带来的副产品—环境污染及其健康损害。2 009年陕西凤翔的血铅超标事件阴影未散去,2010年血铅事件继续在全国蔓延,从湖南嘉禾到江苏新沂,孩 子们被检测出血铅超标甚至铅中毒超出了正常的水准。面对这些事件,当地政府首先做的往往不是叫停污染企业, 而是打压受害者。 还有一些“人造病”的致病因子,或许我们难以简单地分类。例如,中国也在人造奶油和反复煎炸食品等诸多 食品中大量使用人工反式脂肪酸。听上去,反式脂肪酸没有“地沟油”那么可恶,但它被确认会增加心血管疾病如 中风、冠心病等的风险。 至今为止,在世界卫生组织大力倡导之下,全球只消灭了一种传染病—天花。而“人造病”一旦产生,或许更 难消除。“三聚氰胺”毒奶粉早已成为过街老鼠,人人喊打,但仍有厂商在奶制品中肆意添加。 缺位的政府监管 我们每个人或许都是“人造病”的致病因子。我们要么吸烟,健尔马脊柱保,要么有其他不健康的生活方式,要么在参与污染环境。 对商业利益的无度追求,是“人造病”的直接推手。只有在无序竞争、诚信尚未建立的初级商业社会,商家才 敢于在孩子喝的牛奶、用的氧气、疫苗上动手脚,以降低成本,获取利润。无数成本低廉、后患无穷的商品被出售 给公众,各类毒素在人的体内被沉淀下来,慢慢演化成为各式各样稀奇古怪的“人造病”。 而缺位的政府监管,对公众基本健康权利的漠视,更是将“人造病”推向失控的境地。 抗生素滥用的问题在中国可谓老生常谈,但公众缺乏合理用药常识、政府部门缺少作为、部分制药企业和医护 人员利益“共享”的局面始终未有根本性改观。 一种药物上市之后,由于严重副作用逐渐显现而黯然退市,在制药业并不罕见。但一个不得不引人深思的问题 是:我们的政府究竟该怎么对待和监管减肥药?过去10年,处方药西布曲明在中国被当做普通的保健品来卖,单 单是曲美一个品牌,销售额就累计超过50亿元人民币。我们的监督管理部门在长达10年的时间里,对此视而不 见。 有专家批评说,中国履行《烟草控制框架公约》的表现糟糕至极,国家层面的控烟行动计划仍未出台。糟糕表 现的背后,是烟草利益集团的强大,以及卫生部门独力难撑的尴尬。 面对血铅污染事件,泰康足浴盆,当地政府首先做的往往不是叫停污染企业,而是打压受害者。 诺贝尔文学奖得主阿尔贝·加缪在小说《鼠疫》中,艾灸棒,虚构出了上世纪40年代发生在阿尔及利亚奥兰市的一场鼠疫。那场鼠疫,影射出社会的种种缺陷。当SARS 到来时,很多中国人对于加缪笔下的鼠疫有了相似的体验。 如果公共卫生体系缺陷不断,如果整个社会的缺陷不能弥补和修正,“人造病”只会越来越多,危害只会越来 越甚。 “人造病”的背后,其实更是一种“社会病”。 |
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Reprinted from 63777712 at 17:19 on February 26, 2008 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: Personal Diary write all want to love, in love and have lost a loved one Japan and South Korea do not believe the so-called soap opera because happiness can not let each other out. Ever thought you was the other's happiness. Love is not escape, is effort. Not escape the responsibility to each other happiness, but happiness to the realization of the obligations to each other. When you say goodbye in order not to hurt each other, you have to each other causing the greatest damage. Love is to work together. Do not fear each other out and understanding. Understanding is that love, not fear. Love is a duty, can not easily leave. Allows you to leave the fear for the people, not really love, even to pay more, to leave the people, after all,tory burch reva, will leave. not think there will not understand love. In do not know, we just like to not reach the love. When exposed the shortcomings of each other after many this like it will end. Love is tolerance, love each other everything. Love do not, maybe you just love nothing more of his novel. do not believe you said you did not mind that you are too close to the person with the opposite ######. Such people are not cheating you're playing you,tory burch 2011, or you simply do not care. You will not mind your love and ###### close to the point of your existence forget it? Think know. Or, he himself would not mind a few hetero######ual deal. do not deal in a few hetero######ual. Love is the existence of two individuals, can not tolerate a third person. People who think that the right can be left holding nothing more than an online YY Novels many people. Love is a single-minded, make a note of good. do not give each other a lot of pressure. Appropriate and keep a distance from the opposite ######, the love for you is good. Too close a distance, perhaps inadvertently,tory burch on sale, made a move to embarrass each other. not to cheat your lover. Remember, if you do not cheat the grasp of his life, then tell him the truth. When the lie was exposed again and again, when there may be all over. do not think appearance would be a great obstacle. 60 years later, no one can no wrinkles, no gray hair? Who can change the aging, the same small. You may not appearance, but you talented. Maybe you did not before, but you gentle. Maybe you do not tender, but you ....... maybe you have nothing, but maybe, he is in love with your ordinary. do not see the surrounding environment, too. Love is you, and around what is the relationship. But please be kind to each other's family and friends. A lot of things, just give yourself an excuse for Bale. love you do not think he will not leave you. Repeated damage to your, he will leave, because you do not know how to cherish, not worthy of his love. Treasure, to know how to love. not because the impulse to say something radical to say. No one wants to get warm for cold, take caring for injuries. Impulsive words, may have broke his heart. Nail a nail under the easy, but uprooted it, if you can hole in the fence repaired it? ? If you have said,tory burch boots, then apologized to go with your gentle make up as much as possible,tory burch sale, but can not determine whether it is useful. not disappeared. Frequently missing days are allowed for people without reason, it is difficult to give the feeling of stability. Also make people worry about your safety. not to trample on their dignity. You can live without him, but can not do without dignity. Remember, he does not love you, you do not see him. Do not promise. Can not promise is worse than no promise. Perhaps many men and women are like that one by one bad check, but when you find each of them can not be cashed, you will love this cheat it? not only for myself. Man does not live only for themselves. Parents, lovers, children. Maybe we'll do a lot of things we do not like to do,tory burch outlet, but to them, please do not complain. Because, love is a duty, is a play. not love Do not give any hope. Hope that the greater the disappointment will be. Maybe you just like the feeling of being loved, but when the disappointment comes, you may be because of your greed, and was the other offensive. not regret it. No matter what choice do, is not the right choice. Please do not regret it. Time can not turn the clock back, everyone is responsible for everyone's fault. Very often, miss never come back. |
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