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Office Pro 2010 Prime Meats Now Accepting All Cred
Eater NY 21 new posts Curbed NY 25 new posts Racked NY 17 new posts Eater Nat'l 26 new posts Work HELL'S KITCHEN—Pig-Out Sunday, wine bar Ardesia's dinner series,Office Standard 2010, returns on Sunday, February 27. This time around chef Amorette Casaus will prepare a hen-inspired three-course menu with housemade chicken sausage,Office Pro 2010, seared chicken breast with Hen of the Woods mushrooms,Windows 7 Keygen, and gnocchi and pumpkin cheesecake for $40 per person. [EaterWire] PARK SLOPE— Some changes are afoot at 80 year-old Park Slope bar O'Connor's. Here's Park Slope reports that new owners are refurbishing the space and are expanding the bar to at least three times' its original size with the addition of a huge back room,Office 2010 License, a kitchen, and a second floor with an outdoor beer garden. They're also bringing the place up to code so food can be served. [HPS] CARROLL GARDENS— Prime Meats now accepts Mastercard and Visa in addition to American Express. It's huge news for those who like to dine big without thinking of how much cash is in their wallets. Hopefully, Frankies 457 will come next. [GS] MIDTOWN—Starting today,Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007, chef Julian Medina will serve the Mexican chocolate menu he created on last week's episode of Iron Chef at his restaurant Toloache. Items are offered a la carte or in a $65 tasting menu. [EaterWire]
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本报讯(记者 冯强)“我根本不相信他能把毒戒了,tory burch outlet!”尽管这么说,当儿子因为戒毒而3个月不出门时,赵女士还是忍着癌症病痛,给儿子洗衣做饭, 照顾生活。
癌细胞已扩散的母亲顿顿给儿子做饭 74岁的赵女士和儿子小强(化名),住在西安太乙路一小区内。小强的父亲去年过世,其他亲人也因为小强 吸毒而几乎断了往来。小强说,他从1988年开始吸毒,tory burch flats,因筹集毒资犯罪反复进了好几次监狱。去年出狱后,没有收入只能再次回到母亲身边。 “毒瘾发作时,他便把家里东西拿出去卖,”赵女士说,“自行车、电磁炉,值钱的都卖了,就差电视和冰箱 了。”小强站在一旁静静听着,虽然已46岁,但他仍像个未成年的孩子,弯着腰,两手背着。 赵女士昨天早上只喝了碗中药汤。她患胆囊癌已超过一年,今年3月的检查显示,癌细胞已向肝 部扩散。 疼痛,赵女士每天都要忍受,“一天疼十来次,长了十几分钟,短了也得五分钟。”目前的她,只靠每天三碗 中药汤来治病,母子俩一个月的养老金和低保总计不到1500元。 面条是赵女士最主要的食物,别的吃了就吐。厨房里,锅碗扔在水盆里,厕所的灯坏了数月也没找人修。厨房 外,大葱、萝卜堆在地上,这些菜是给小强准备的。因为戒毒,小强饭量大增,几乎每顿饭都由赵女 士做。 昨日,小强的早饭是米饭和炒白菜,他吃得剩了半碗放在茶几上,“中午饿了,tory burch boots,我再给他热热。”赵女士说。 疼痛正纠缠着母亲儿子却毒瘾发作晕倒了 今年8月,不堪毒品折磨的小强再次戒毒,从那天至昨天起的3个月,他除了倒垃圾,再没出过门,他不用药 物辅助戒毒,“最难受的办法就是忍,吃过这苦才能珍惜将来。”他说,tory burch sales。 第一个月最难熬,多次半夜毒瘾发作时想上厕所,但床距厕所不到10步距离,他都能晕倒在途中,大小便失 禁。而夜里,疼痛正纠缠着赵女士,看着儿子晕倒,她只有忍着疼照顾儿子。第二天一早,自己喝一碗汤药后,就 得给儿子准备饭菜。戒毒三个月,小强脸上已有血色,但关节仍然酸疼,除了倒垃圾干不了其他活。 对于这次戒毒能否成功,赵女士坚决说“不相信”。虽然嘴上这么说,但她对儿子仍抱有希望,她不止一次提 到小强将来要工作养活自己,哪怕收破烂、扫大街,也是正经事。而辖区警方知道小强正在戒毒,鼓励他坚持到底 ,并表示若戒毒成功,未来尽量帮助他联系工作,tory burch sale。 |
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