Office Pro Blogging about blogging
There;s a new guide due out subsequent week that ought to be of curiosity to anyone who is curious about what would make bloggers and blogging tick.It;s called Blogging Heroes: Interviews with 30 with the World;s Leading Bloggers. And I am honored to get 1 of those 30 people profiled by writer Michael Financial institutions. I feel particularly honored provided another interviewees he chose for that book — absolutely everyone from Wired;s Chris Anderson, Genuine Windows 7, to LifeHacker;s Gina Trapani, Office 2007 Ultimate Key, to TechDirt;s Mike Masnick.Banks asked all of us for details on how we got into blogging, Office Pro, how we choose our subjects and more. He then compiled the advice into handy how-to format so that the take-aways would be useful to other bloggers in any field.I like that Banks mixed up the kinds of people he interviewed for that book. It;s not all bloggers who write about technology; there are also bloggers specializing in everything from auctions, Office Pro Plus 2010, to music.Banks and his publisher John Wiley & Sons (also the publisher for my upcoming book Microsoft 2.0: How Microsoft Plans to Stay Relevant in the Post-Gates Era) gave the interviewees their respective chapters for posting to our sites. This is my chapter in Blogging Heroes.