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□记者 于扬 通讯员 郭利军
本报周口讯 12月16日晚10时50分,在省道洛(阳)界(首)公路周口商水县境内,执行抓捕命案逃犯的商水刑警李永 杰,为掩护两名战友,生与死那一瞬间,他把战友猛地推出险境,两名刑警获救,而他自己却倒在疾驶的车轮下, 不幸以身殉职。 当日下午4时,有知情群众向警方举报,一外地命案逃犯在商水县境内“现身”。该县公安局党委委员娄继波 迅速带领两个抓捕组6名刑警,驱车赶赴现场实施抓捕。抓捕工作持续到晚上10时左右。 当晚10时50分左右,刑警李永杰所在的抓捕组驱车行至洛界公路商水县张庄乡李寨村路段时,车辆出现故 障,在推车过程中,身后一辆货车以极快的速度直冲过来。李永杰发现险情后,大喊一声“闪开”,并迅速把战友 李高明、冯军产推向一边,ghd sale,自己却被货车碾轧在地,不幸当场牺牲。 事发后,ghd purple,该货车驾驶员、商水县谭庄镇的王某驾车逃跑,在周口市川汇区西环路附近被围追堵截的周口、商水两地交警、 刑警抓获,经血液检测酒精含量达300mg/100ml,属醉酒驾驶。昨日,肇事司机王某已被警方刑事拘留,ghd flat iron。 据介绍,今年42岁的李永杰系中共党员,三级警督警衔,现任商水县公安局刑警大队中队指导员,1998 年从武警河南总队退伍后参加公安工作。十多年来,他参与侦破各类重特大刑事案件700多起,其中盗割通讯电 缆盗窃等案件共计560余起,打掉犯罪团伙30多个,为国家挽回经济损失1000余万元。 |
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Reprinted from 657819551 at 00:19 on May 7, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary night shift, passing Qintai ten o'clock. This is the first time I reinstall Qintai so late after. bustling with noise during the day than night in early summer Qintai After nearly a month of heavy equipment, heavy too, such as the artistes on the stage. A street businesses are decked out with lights, playing a lantern, bright as day. Qintai This is a romantic place, college, Furong Jin Guan City, let me save some memory and a photograph is only Qintai Road and Huanhuaxi, which has only made me miss Qintai endless charm. Today,When a girl loves a boy performance, Wenjun and phase as a symbol of romantic love Qintai, try dressing up in costumes of China, very seductive, and even the edge of the scatter flowers floor flowers seemed suddenly changed, Han is not building the Han, Tang Tang is not, it touches on the street shoulder to shoulder connected jewelry stores, restaurants in red paint,Quiet., cornices cantilever beam, the paste tiling and carved against the background, displays an incomparable Street,How to ~ ~ ~ How to ~ ~ ~ ~ - Qzone log, this is the street has a simple romantic artistically, this is the place to enjoy the elegance of the Han Dynasty, it became the play the tone, people still remember, the original phase, such as Sima here was the former residence and Zhuo Wenjun! This is the rhyme of the Qintai way streets, the city should be and less, the width of the alley to become a microcosm of the Qintai Road Chengdu Culture, Government of reform of the millions of Qintai way, except that the new red lacquer on, leaving What? Strong exception to the contamination of all the business on the taste, musical instrument is no longer! Road is no longer the memory of the bluestone. stop lights shine on the street door arch, I remember when college Qintai way that arch slightly dim, Qintai old rhyme seems to shine with the light and gone now, endless enchanting, allows the I have a sense of loss, looking less than haunting dream that gave me the breath of ah. . . . |
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